CoC load from file failed to load

Nov 13, 2015
I've been playing CoC for a while and have gotten a decent amount done, I saved my progress any time something didn't go wrong, and I've tried backing up my saves to a file, the file saved propperly and I can see, read and edit the file but I can't load the files in game. 

I was wondering if any one could help me figure out how to get the files working, the files are currently located in sdcard/data/com.fenoxo.coc, sdcard is my internal SD, not external although I do have my files backed up on my external sd on a similar path. I was also hoping that perhaps some one could help me find the exact path, or at least general location, of the normal game saves, if there's no way to make the files work I'd like to be able to back up the saves another way.

Save file failed to load.png
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Normal save paths differ depending on your os and browser. Stating yours would be helpful. (ah, but if your platform is a mobile device I have no clue)

As an extra note, why aren't you just using Save to/Load from File?
Nov 13, 2015
...(ah, but if your platform is a mobile device I have no clue)

As an extra note, why aren't you just using Save to/Load from File?

Yes I'm on Android, and I am using the Save to/ Load from, that's what I'm having issues with. normal saves are working just fine, but I just factory reset my tablet so I copied the files and put them back on to my tablet, that's the picture I attached, I can see the files in save to/ load from, but they won't actually load.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Not that I know if it's any different on a tablet compared to a desktop running on a Windows based OS, but if you are using the save to/load from buttons, shouldn't you be getting a popup asking where the file is located on your device's HDD rather than loading from a save slot? The pic looks like you are trying to load a normal game save, not a "Save to" file (these files must be in a certain location to function and must be named a certain way, e.i. CoC_1.sol would appear in slot one and CoC_2.sol would be slot two and MyOPCharSave.sol wouldn't even show up). Either that or it's possible that the saves are corrupted unless you've tried more than one or two separate files.

Something else, as a workaround you could try throwing an older version of CoC on your tablet, load the save files using that version, save normally, then boot up the newer version and load as you would normally. This would also rule out a save file corruption as if you can load the file in a different version, it means the issue is likely with the game and not the save.

Btw, just so you know, no where is safe in the world of Mareth.