CoC Ending

Abadok VI

Jun 14, 2016
Ok guys so I've played the game for a while. I've beaten Lethice multiple times and went with all the options just to read the smut ;P. What bothers me tho is that i can not continue playing the game after i beat her. I mean i guess i can just go around without finishing the stronghold but then why is the option to recruit the goblin in the game at all if you can not continue. You cant escape from the fight too so... Maybe i am doing it wrong but please share if you have any insight on how i can continue playing after beating Lethice. Also im plying on Android not sure if that makes a difference.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
In the original CoC, you can't continue. But the endings will have some connection to CoC2.

However, in the mod, you can continue playing after beating Lethice but not if you consort. After beating Lethice, you could fight Marae and even ascend.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Maybe i am doing it wrong but please share if you have any insight on how i can continue playing after beating Lethice.

If you care to read the text that plays afterwards, you'll note that your Champion's story ends after beating Lethice -- there's no option to continue playing afterwards. The Champion dies of old age in half the endings as-is.

I have no idea why Fen put Mitizi in the game. There's no content written for recruiting her; it's a dead end and likely always will be. 

As mentioned above, you can save export after beating the game and, eventually, import that data into the upcoming sequel.


May 28, 2016
As mentioned above, you can save export after beating the game and, eventually, import that data into the upcoming sequel.

Hitting export does nothing at the moment, unless this was fixed in the last 3 days.

Is there any chance we could get a newgame+ button on the game over screen? (Or at least have the game over button return to the main menu?)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hitting export does nothing at the moment, unless this was fixed in the last 3 days.

Export creating file but...there is nothing that use that file for now aside someday to come CoC2. SO all you can is just stare at your pretty exported file in saves directory.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm afraid that there won't be any more CoC update unless I manage to discuss with Gedan and work together to fix stuff. Pretty sure export is for CoC2 like Savin said.

If you really want to be able to keep playing, you'd have to load your save file in my mod. Then you'd see the option to Continue after defeating Lethice. It takes you back to the camp and you get to keep Lethice's whip. It takes you back to just after the defeat of Lethice.

As for Mitzi, I don't know why she's there. Maybe she'll have some uses in CoC2. But the fact that you can't continue after beating Lethice in vanilla CoC is disappointing. In a game where you're allowed to go and do wherever and whatever you want, having the game suddenly end without letting you continue is not cool. Surely you do see the champion die of old age but there's such thing as warp back.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hahah such brazen advertizing. But well it's true as Kitteh said. If you want contine playing after beating Lethice only one of mods are your way for it. And since Kitteh forget meantion second of mods I will drop that link here.


Oct 20, 2015
Wish I had time to read all the responses on all the threads on the mods (thank you, guys!).

Having figured out how to beat Lethice in that final battle, I've played through a couple of endings.

There's one that seems to be missing: You decide to stay in Mareth. After choosing to "Go Home" and not take over the Stronghold/Citadel, you spend time exploring the citadel - and its library. You find out that one of the demons figured out how to make a stable portal, and with the help of your followers, you create one that leads back to Ingnam.


You could easily go home. But you've made many friends – and lovers – here. You even have children. Back home in Ingnam, you'd be a hero. And that place needs to be cleaned up and set to rights. But you owe them nothing, and here you've got people here who have come to rely on you. Do you go back to Ingnam and deal with those who sent you here, or stay at your new home?


Once Mitzi escaped the demon's influence, her head cleared. It turned out she had a knack for organization. Your collection of huts and tents was soon turned into a little village. Sturdy if simple dwellings, and a crude fence around it all. A well for fresh water, and even a watch tower that doubled as an aerie for Sophie's daughters. Isabella had planted a vegetable garden, and Rathazul and Arian teamed up to ensure bountiful crops free from vermin.

Mopping up the remaining demons kept you busy for a while, but after a few months, you could hang up your weapons and let the rest of the world take care of itself. You had a manor to look after, and running that was taking up more and more of your time. It called for a different set of skills, but with the help of your friends, you managed.

Keeping all your lovers happy and satisfied, however......


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Whose to say you don't live in both worlds?  The portal is only a stones throw away from the village, and your camp is something of a town in itself by this point.  Your waifus, Arian and your many, many children probably also return to the village with you...  


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2016
Playing after the end would make no sense without massive alterations to all encounters and dialog and even then there'd be a ton of holes and a big feeling of 'why am I still doing this again?'

Personally the only thing I really feel like the ending is really missing is a DA:O style where are they now epilogue giving a sentence or two each on how you affected the fate of the various NPCs you interact with during your journey. And that's just cause I think a lot of people get more attached to them then to the player character who is intentionally a blank slate.

I know that's very unlikely though and totally get they most consider this to be a done project and are ready to move on to other work.