COC Birth rates?


New Member
Jan 11, 2018
I was wondering Birth Rates and ageing rates for races... I'm currently working on a fanfic over at Questionable Questing and Character is one that escapes Mareth of COC to Fallout universe. He is a male goblin Alchemist/Engineer, with access to Team builder CYOA.

I was wondering what the average birth rate is for races based off Mareth COC's rates, not COC 2's. I know it's accelerated by corruption I I remember correctly so its a lot faster. I was trying to calculate it.

Example Goblin Pregnancy lasts say 7 Days and age up within a month. (Ill average it at 5 as I know Pregnancies can be 1-12 I believe in game)
5 goblin females will give birth to 25 a week... 100 a month... then its now 30 adult coblins that give birth to 150....
week 8 100 adults
Week 12 1,455 adults
week 16 17,305... ouch over populated really fast.

I know COC 2 says 3-month pregnancies, but I don't know age rate either if I wanted a slower-growth population.