Cloacas, who would have them?

Would you be interested in a character with a Cloaca?

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Sep 2, 2020
TL;DR is there any planned content involving cloaca and if not could it be a potential submission?

Hello~ First let me say that while this is my first post, I've been a fan of fenoxo&co since the early days of the OG CoC, and have spent enough time playing around with erotic text based games and reading erotic fantasy fiction to easily qualify for at the very least a Bachelors Degree in LGBT+ Pervert Literature. I'm getting a bit more confident in my capabilities, to where I feel ready to start submitting potential content (content unrelated to the question at hand).

Anywho, as far as I've been able to garner, all of the Avian varieties so far encounter-able have humanoid genitalia rather than, well, a bird box. the gyst of what I'm hoping to get answered is:

1) Are there currently plans for a species/encounter that has a cloaca/buttgina?
2) If not, would there be any worthwhile demand for an encounter involving cloaca sex?

I know it's not that common of a fetish but it's also not really too weird to turn people away, CoC has furry fans aplenty and after Interspecies Review did that egg-laying episode the number of searches for cloaca smut increased pretty drastically

I feel like Shar would be an obvious choice to give a Cloaca, since all she really has going for her right now is "timid girl with angel wings" and at the moment the only time you even interact with her sexy bits iirc is when you get a feel of her puss in the Fingering cloyster scene, which imo would be a lot more worthwhile if it involves you discovering just why it is that Shar is so timid and prudish when it comes to sex. Obviously that's something for her OC to decide, but I still feel it's worth thinking about.

Thanks for the time, sorry if I'm using the Q&A forum wrong


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
TL;DR is there any planned content involving cloaca

No. And the PC will never be able to get one.

NPCs could have them but... there's really not much point and after - checks watch - like 8 years of making these games I can count the people who've asked about them on one hand. The overwhelming majority of people are going to end up preferring actual normal genitalia on their waifus.