Class based sex scenes

Sep 8, 2015
This is my first forum post so here we go! I got this idea a little while ago and idk if anyone has already discussed it but I didn't see any topics on it. I was think what if once you pick your class and progress into the game their are special sex scenes for each class. I was thinking maybe for a merc they could meet up with a former escort client who is now older and wishes to pounce on her feelings for their merc Savior from before. Then for a smugler they get an email from a former contact and when Steele follows up they find an old smugler ally and they reminisce about the old day leading to a scene. Finally the tech specialist after obtaining Tam wolf can order a "special part" for him along the same lines as the part mentioned in the bad ending from losing to Tam on tarkus. Currently I only have the idea but if it gets good reception I would try my hand at writing!!! Hope others hop on board:)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Generally, content locked behind walls of any sort are inoptimum usage of time, as only a fraction of the player base can see it. While scenes locked behind various parts, dick length and other such variables are easily solved by saving and popping a couple items, or by saving and taking another choice route, class-locked scenes have no solution besides starting an entirely new game. The moment a player first starts up the game they have already locked themselves out of 2/3 of that kind of content.

However this is with current writers in mind. If you want to write it, then all power to you, good luck, and I look forward to seeing it. A consensual Tam-wolf scene would be pretty hot.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Locks based on class should be there for a reason. Like how Tech Specialists can do various Tech related things. Ideally, other PCs should also be able to do said things if they pass an INT check.

In other words, shortcuts and variations are could, but straight up locks without reason are bad.


it'd be much better to just have a single sex scene that takes different avenues based on player class, similar to what we do with player personality in TiTs and corruption level in CoC


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I'd rather have more class specific options for non-sexual things, however all three of your ideas for scenes look like fun. Best of luck with writing those, OP.