Character Creation: Mother Profiles?


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2020
Potential idea. What if during character creation when you, as Victor Steele, are picking the race of your heir, instead of just picking Ausar or Kui-tan you where given a collection of profiles on potential mothers to choose from?

So if you picked Ausar you might, for example, be presented with two profiles. Tella Set, Akkadi R&D Engineer and Princess Sina Varro, Ausar Noblewoman.

If you picked Kui-Tan you would get something like Suzuki Han, Professional Supermodel and Tora Kuni, 3-Time Jitafore MMA World Champion.

If you picked Human could have Diana Anderson, Steele Tech V.P. and Serena "Snake Tongue" DeRouge, Retired Pirate Captain. Etcetera, etcetera.

Each profile would list their appearance, personality, current occupation, hobbies, genetic advantages and disadvantages (Which may or may not affect player starting stats in some way.), and a short blurb about how and when Victor met them.

Now the obvious down side to this is that some people might prefer your mother's identity be vague so you can just imagine she's whoever you want, but I think it would be interesting if your mother could show up in the story at some point. Like her showing up to your nursery to see her grandkids, or if maybe at the end of the game just before you claim the final pod, your cousin, in a desperate last ditch bid to take the company from you, kidnaps her and tries to ransom her back to you in exchange for the rights to Steel Tech, so you and your crew have to go rescue her.

Another idea is a Mother's Day holiday event where you go visit her and take one (or more) of your boyfriends/girlfriends to introduce to her. Cue Kiro freaking out over getting to meet your infamous ex-pirate mother, or Shekka swapping shop talk with your engineer mom. Alternatively take Kiro to meet your supermodel mom and she'll spend the whole time trying desperately not to pop a boner over how hot she is, and if you take shekka to meet your noblewoman mother she might desperately try to clean herself up and maybe even lie about her past because she's afraid your prim and proper mother wont approve of you loving a scrap merchant from a junkyard planet.

Another possible way to use this idea would be just to do the Mother's day idea and have you pick your mother's back story then by way of the PC describing what she's like to whoever you bring with you. Then just match her race to whatever your starting race was, and if you complete the event then she periodically appears at your nursery if you have kids there.

This is still a pretty vague concept in my head so I would appreciate any feedback, ideas, or criticism you have about it. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
Another possible way to use this idea would be just to do the Mother's day idea and have you pick your mother's back story then by way of the PC describing what she's like to whoever you bring with you. Then just match her race to whatever your starting race was, and if you complete the event then she periodically appears at your nursery if you have kids there.
I like this idea best.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
No. Just no.

Steele's mother is just so varied, based on the species you choose, that trying to incorporate her into the story is just going to be a clusterfuck. Especially if you try to give a backstory to a character who is just a shadow anyway.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2020
Rather than Steele Jr's bio mom, I'd rather develop Bridget's character tbh - I mean, she's the one who actually raised them, after all

That's definitely a good alternative. Especially considering she's supposed to get a sexable expansion at some point. She could even still work with the Mother's Day plot. Maybe make it about her, you, and the mothers and/or fathers of your kids all getting together at the nursery for a party. It's definitely something to keep in mind, thank you.


Active Member
Feb 20, 2020
Rather than Steele Jr's bio mom, I'd rather develop Bridget's character tbh - I mean, she's the one who actually raised them, after all

That is super spot on, especially if you choose to hug option when you first meet her. Your character just has all these feel-good childhood memories of her. That moment truly shows how you felt about her in regards to her raising you until your tween years, as your biological mother was noticeably absent.


Dec 23, 2018
That's definitely a good alternative. Especially considering she's supposed to get a sexable expansion at some point. She could even still work with the Mother's Day plot. Maybe make it about her, you, and the mothers and/or fathers of your kids all getting together at the nursery for a party. It's definitely something to keep in mind, thank you.
Im not sure that having a Milodan Bruiser in the nursery is going to be a good idea.