Character advice

dra suzumebachi

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2015
Hey it's been awhile I just came up with an awesome idea for a character and I need some help figuring out if I can make her and if so how I want to make a herm bee/demon/ghost/corrupted nine tails with 100 corruption if possible I want her to have bee antenna wings and legs demon tongue horns cocks and high heel spike and the ears and tails of a corrupted nine tails then turn her into a ghost since ghost tf does not interfere with any other transformations is this possible to do with 100 corruption in the end and if so which order should I transform 

P.s sorry for the wall of text


Sep 10, 2015
Edit your save.

Other than that, collect incubus drafts, succubus milks, ectoplasms, mystic jewels, and bee honey, and just go to town. Save before each usage, and do it in debug mode for less headache.

Or just edit your save.

dra suzumebachi

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2015
Is there a way to get 100 corruption WITHOUT transforming or do I need to save edit to pull that stunt off


Sep 10, 2015
Is there a way to get 100 corruption WITHOUT transforming or do I need to save edit to pull that stunt off

Rape Ceraph, but not anally. Or have her as a slave, and demand she apply and remove fetishes over and over for extremely rapid corruption gain.
If you don't mind it taking a bit longer, you can just use a succubi whip as your main weapon for a while.
If you have Holli, just do anything with her. Easy enough.
Drinking a lot of succubi's delight will raise your corruption pretty well. Then, if you're male, just use some reducto to reduce your Jupiter-sized balls. Unless that's your thing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
There is also way to get to 90 without actualy nothing else than attacking enemies :p Succubus Whip when used will rise PC corruption up to 90. So then you will only need use other meantioned above ways to pass that last 10 corruption.
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Digital Terror

Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2016
If you've found the salon while exploring, you can raise corruption fairly quick as well.  The fastest method being the incubus payment.

dra suzumebachi

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2015
By the way what is the absolute smallest dick size possible and after growing a dick what can I do to get it that small


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
4' is smallest. And using extensively reducto can decrease it to max smallest size for sure (just remember in case of multicock it will be shrinking all of them at once). I think some TF with feminizing effects like succubus milk can shrink it too but here I not sure if it can be shrink all way to 4 inches before removing it.
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Digital Terror

Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2016
Easiest way is from Rathazul once you get him as a follower.  Rare drops from higher level enemies as well.  Very rare chance to have it show up in Benoit's shop iirc.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
As Digital said but for Rathazul you need use his other services like purification/buy dye etc. few times to unlock reducto buy option. I think 3 times is enough after you recruited him to camp (so that would be some around 6 times in total counting 3 ones you need to pass to be able to recruit him to camp).

dra suzumebachi

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2015
As Digital said but for Rathazul you need use his other services like purification/buy dye etc. few times to unlock reducto buy option. I think 3 times is enough after you recruited him to camp (so that would be some around 6 times in total counting 3 ones you need to pass to be able to recruit him to camp).
I see thanks oh and I apologize for this bizarre post things were being stupid and I couldn't figure out how to fix it


Aug 30, 2015
Yet another option for gaining corruption is Phouka Whiskey. It's the most common drop from the Phouka in the bog. It gets you drunk, but the one or two point corruption gain from drinking it is permanent.