Champions of the Four Clans: a Land Impure


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Many years ago, there were four warring clans; the Longears, the Stormstripes, the Nightblades, and the Firetails. This war lasted until a young chieftain from the Stormstripes forged a union between them, creating the kingdom of Valinkov.

However, now a slow corruption has come to the land, as the king is altered into a demonic being.

In this time, each clan has sent a champion down to fight the king, hoping to end his dark reign. You are one of these champions, who must set down the long road leading down to the royal city.
In this RP, you choose play as a champion from one of the four clans, each of which have their own race, sent out to slay the demon king and establish themselves as the new ruler.

The clans are as below:
The Rabbit Clan
+2 Beauty
-Lucky: May re-roll the dice once per turn.
-High Libido: Have double the max Libido, but gain +1 lust each turn.
The Badger Clan
+2 Brawn
-Stormblade: Gains an extra damage die against Clan-type enemies.
-Passionate Rage: May convert all points of lust into damage die.
-Corrupted Bloodline: Start with +3 Corruption.
The Rat Clan
+2 Brains
-Sneaky: They may use their Brains instead of Brawn when Hunting and Gathering.
-Fiendish Alchemy: May gain extra damage die or HP in exchange for +1 Corruption.
The Fox Clan
+1 Beauty, +1 Brains
-Dangerous Beauty: They may substitute their lust die for their damage die once per turn.
-Lustful Flames: May gain an extra damage die in exchange for +1 Lust.

You also start out with 3 free points to distribute between your attributes.

-Beauty: How attractive your character is. Every point above 1 increases amount of lust die you roll.
-Brains: How smart you are. Every point above 1 increases your max Lust.
-Brawn: How strong your character is. Every point above 1 increases HP and amount of damage die you roll.
-Corruption: How much you have been altered by the demonic presence. If it reaches maximum, your character becomes a demon. You must make a Brains Challenge, rolling 2d6+Brains. On a 10+, they regain themselves and reset their corruption to 0. On a 7-9, their corruption is set back to 0, but they gain 1 each turn until they roll a 10+ once they reach Maximum Corruption again. On a 6 or less they become a hostile creature that will attack the other champions.
-Damage Die: Whenever you make an attack, you roll these. Each roll higher than your opponent’s Brawn counts as a hit.
-Experience: These points gained during your adventures can be exchanged for benefits to your player: Increasing your Maximum HP and Lust costs 3, Reducing your corruption costs 5, and Increasing one of your attributes costs 8.
-HP: How many hits it takes to make you fall over. If it reaches 0, your character is unconscious and cannot take any more actions for the turn.
-Items: Things you find throughout your adventure that can assist you in your journey.
-Lust: How long it takes before you decide you would rather fuck than fight your opponent. If it reaches maximum, your character will submit to their next opponent and let them fuck them, increasing their corruption.
-Lust Die: Whenever you attempt to tease someone, you roll these. Each roll higher than your opponent’s Brains increases their Lust by 1.

-HP: 5/5
-Lust: 0/5
-Corruption: 0/10
-Experience: 0
-Brawn: 1
-Beauty: 1
-Brains: 1
-Damage: 2
-Lust: 2

Rather than using a map, the game will instead have each champion going down the same road.

Each turn, they will enter a new area where they will face some sort of challenge. They also are allowed to take an action each turn. These include, but are not limited to, the below:
-Explore: Roll 2d6+Brain. On a 10+, you discover a new item. On a 7-9, you find a new item, but must first face a monster. On a 6 or below, you just encounter a monster.
-Explore: Roll 2d6+Brain. On a 10+, you discover a new item. On a 7-9, you find a new item, but must first face a monster. On a 6 or below, you just encounter a monster.
-Hunt and Gather: Roll 2d6+Brawn. On a 10+, you find a wealth of food, healing the party by 2 HP. On a 7-9, you find only food for yourself, healing you by 2 HP. On a 6 or below, you find nothing.
-Sex: Roll 2d6+Beauty. On a 10+, your champion resets their lust to 0, having had a satisfying experience. On a 7-9, your champion lowers their lust by 1, having had some fun but not too much. On a 6 or less, you increase your lust by 1 since it wasn’t too great.

Will you find success down the road? Or will you fail and become a demonic servant of the king? Only fate may be the judge of that...
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Type: Demon
HP: 3/3
Lust: 0/3
Brawn: 1
Beauty: 1
Brains: 1
-Damage: 1
-Lust: 2
Trait: Fire Spit (May convert 1 lust into a damage die.)
Experience Value: 1

Type: Abberant
HP: 5/5
Lust: 0/3
Brawn: 1
Beauty: 2
Brains: 1
-Damage: 1
-Lust: 3
Trait: Gelatinous (ignores a single hit.)
Experience Value: 2

Type: Abberant
HP: 5/5
Lust: 0/3
Brawn: 3
Beauty: 0
Brains: 1
-Damage: 4
-Lust: 1
Trait: Tentacles (May use Damage die to increase Lust instead of lower hitpoints.)
Experience Value: 2

Type: Draconic
HP: 3/3
Lust: 0/4
Brawn: 1
Beauty: 1
Brains: 2
-Damage: 2
-Lust: 2
Trait: Explosives (Makes Damage die rolls against all party members instead of individual creatures.)
Experience Value: 2

Type: Clan
HP: 4/4
Lust: 0/3
Brawn: 2
Beauty: 3
Brains: 1
-Damage: 2
-Lust: 4
Trait: Lust Vulnerability (Gains extra lust when a lust attack is made against them.)
Experience Value: 3

Type: Clan
HP: 4/4
Lust: 0/7
Brawn: 2
Beauty: 1
Brains: 3
-Damage: 2
-Lust: 2
Trait: Poisonous Blade (character takes an additional amount of damage next round.)
Experience Value: 4

Type: Clan
HP: 4/4
Lust: 0/4
Brawn: 2
Beauty: 2
Brains: 2
-Damage: 2
-Lust: 3
Trait: Lustful Flame (deal extra damage die in exchange for +1 lust)
Experience Value: 6

Type: Clan
HP: 7/7
Lust: 0/5
Brawn: 4
Beauty: 1
Brains: 1
-Damage: 5
-Lust: 2
Trait: Corrupting Blade (all hits from this monster increases corruption by 1.)
Experience Value: 8
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