It is commonly believed that Wood Elves are so named because they are believed to live in forests and jungles but truth be told this cannot be further from the truth. The elves that people associate to be "Wood Elves" are just common high elf peasants whose ancestors have abandoned the wasteful and indulgent lifestyles of their people.
True Wood Elves are actually all futanari with some very interesting anatomy. In particular, they have very long and slender penises that reach all the way up to their mouths when erect. If they blow air into their penises, it causes their internals to vibrate and a very pleasant sound comes out of their vaginas. They can change the pitch by pressing on the underside of their penises and contracting their penile and vaginal muscles. Each elf makes a different sound ranging from a flute, oboe to bassoon, hence their name "Wood Elves", their genitals are "woodwind" instruments. Very rarely a wood elf will be born with testicles; these elves have inflatable scrotums that change their sound to that of a bagpipe.
From their early teens, Wood Elves are trained in their sexual endurance. Young elves often slip-up and ejaculate multiple times while blowing their own penis because the vibrations are deeply arousing. It is undesirable to orgasm while blowing their own penis because the residual cum would clog up the urethra and produce a wet sloppy sound. An adult wood elf can hold themselves for around 2 hours while a professional wood elf musician can last up to 4 hours. In an attempt to improve their sound, some wood elves would choose to use special penis piercings and use urethral sounds to dilate their urethra for better airflow.
Some of their unique words have been translated and have been integrated into the common language.
Wood - Erection.
Blowing, Blowjob - Fellatio, sucking a penis.
Tooting your own horn - Autofellatio, Blowing your own penis.
Queef - Making a fart like noise from your vagina
I hope this helps clear up the common misunderstanding of who is and isn't a Wood Elf.