Captain Khorgan


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2016
There are another major point there. When no real children are invilved (let's pass that topic aside), it becomes victimless crime. That's should be enough to close topic, since crime without a victim is not a crime.

I'm pretty sure crime without a victim is still crime. I mean just because you didn't hit anyone or anything while driving drunk around town doesn't mean driving drunk around town in itself wasn't criminal.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'm pretty sure crime without a victim is still crime. I mean just because you didn't hit anyone or anything while driving drunk around town doesn't mean driving drunk around town in itself wasn't criminal.

think it's situational is all. Is it a crime to have a fantasy where you have a sex slave? or where you turn your most hated enemy into a slut? Fantasies are just that, fantasy and in your mind. As I said in my other post if there were not outlets for this the world would be a more fucked up place than it already is.

Blackwater Syn

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'm pretty sure crime without a victim is still crime.

Should we be going after victimless crimes? If there is no victim, should it be considered a crime? The example you used is considered a crime because of the danger inherent in driving drunk. They put other people at risk of harm. But what if someone gambles in an area where it is illegal? Who is being harmed? Who is the victim of their actions? Why should they be penalized for it?

Or a better example, given where we are: In South Korea, porn is illegal, Who is being harmed by porn? Why should that be illegal? It is a victimless crime to be sure, but why are we bothering to consider it a crime when it doesn't cause harm?


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Okay, let's not start down this rabbit hole, please. Kindly return to the topic at hand.