
New Member
Jul 25, 2022
hey friends, I have had this issue for several months now! I successfully finished the quest 'Wayfort Renovations' with no problems, I have collected all the materials for 'Wayfort Upgrades' however each time I go to hand in the quest to Daliza I can never find her! I scour the Wayfort at every hour, I try the Winter Palace but I can't find her! She has appeared in multiple 'cutscenes' like with Farrah etc. But I cannot find her to finish this one quest :"(

My game is through Steam (updated to the latest patch), my save is almost 300 ingame days (had it since 2019 I think, from public release through the website).

Anyone know what to do?


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2021
She should be at the Wayfort, one square south of Rumie (provided you accepted the barony). If you can't find her, maybe post your save for someone to check?