Can you de-dick Jael'yn?


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
As title. I'm hoping there's a way to remove her dick after you enslave her, or if she's going to stay futa forever


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2020
As Exrav says, basically.
I just don't particularly like girls with dicks, just a personal taste thing. Plus it's a human dick, and I don't like those even on dudes lol
if it was a horsecock is it a keeper then ;). i for one love futa over female or male. that us just me. brienne being the exception.
the human cock think is fine only if fits the character. don't know if i'm right but kas gave her the dick (need to play the place again) and if i am right why a human one. if not then give us a chance to change it. make her into something like a custom fucktoy. if she is demon at least.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
if it was a horsecock is it a keeper then ;). i for one love futa over female or male. that us just me. brienne being the exception.
the human cock think is fine only if fits the character. don't know if i'm right but kas gave her the dick (need to play the place again) and if i am right why a human one. if not then give us a chance to change it. make her into something like a custom fucktoy. if she is demon at least.

No lol, but she might have a small chance.
I agree the dick fits the character, but I still don't like it lol


Do you have to laugh while saying no? Isn't that a bit rude?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
What's with y'alls obsession with wanting to de-dick everything?


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
DIfferent strokes for different folks.


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2017
Fair point, but they're not cute elf amazons in a French maid outfit.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
Well, they can both take charge of my Privates!

They can both be on my command staff!

They've got me standing at attention!
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
<insert image here>

Not quite helpful, as you're basically telling people "But you have ladies with vaginas here. Look, here's two of them."

And lets be honest, one of them is going to raise your corruption, which doesn't appeal to everyone.

Many people enjoy a certain type of character, only to be put off by the character being, in their eyes, yet another dickgirl. And yeah, that's going to be something you will see a lot of in these games, as the people most inclined to writing will be the ones most inclined to writing that kind of content. Its a rock and a hard place situation - writers creating what they want to see, readers asking to see something else. One side either gives in, or more likely, a degree of resentment develops because once again, one side gets ignored.

Can it be too much to ask if character X can get de-dicked? Maybe, but also consider the number of previously established characters who have been given dicks. Consider the number of characters who can be de-dicked. Its still a reasonable question to ask, if only so that people can get an answer and know that someone is at least listening to them.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2020
should what is between one's legs really change your opinion of them.
i'm not into dudes but i love futas that don't change the fact that brint is one of my Favorited nps (off topic i know.)
i know that futas or d-girls are not for everyone but having the option to take that away from them seems kinda off to me. adding one on to a female works if it fits her character (if you have read arona shit you will know.) and that only npc that removing there penis works from right now is etheryn.
i can see why the question was asked as jae is kinda the pc personal elf slave in a way. but to make a large change to a npc like removing the genataler outside of if it was planned seams like a lot of work for something that i can't speak for everyone that plays this game but that fact the opening scene from the games does says "furry futa fandom" makes it sound like there will be a fuck ton of futas. don't get me wrong i'm not trying to say that the option is dumb but it just seems off and kinda unnecessary.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
So apparantly I started a thing, and did not notice lol

You got an answer.

From the creator. And the person who is the last stop for whether or not content gets added into the game

This is the person :

Basically Evil has explained my perspective on this (much better than I could have, honestly)

I do love the various fully female characters in the game, I just also wondered if it was ever possible that Jaelyn also joined that

I don't actually mind that she isn't planned to be de-dickable, what I do mind is the creator being rude in answering. A simple "No, that isn't planned" would have plenty sufficed

Though I suppose "no lol" isn't the worst thing around so I'm making a bit of a mountain out of a molehill

To me personally, the difference between current and de-dicked Jaelyn is "I will ignore this character forever" to "I will love this character", but if that's not gonna happen, then... oh well, not my problem.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
I don't think you're making a mountain out of a molehill (other people are doing that). But I see where you're coming from, Raindrops. A lot of the characters in these games are fantastic and enjoyable, after all they'd have to be in order remain as popular for as long as they have.

But, at the end of the day, personal preferences win out when we decide how much we love a character. Its not "I hate this character because they have a dick", its more like "I love this type of character (personality/background/whatever), but I just can't click". De-dicking isn't saying by removing this character's dick, you've made them better. Its an opportunity for some storytelling. Take Sera for example - if my Steele ends up buying her contract and making her his slave - he's going to remove her dick. Not because she has a dick, but because it plays into the dom/sub struggle inherent in that relationship. Its almost like Steele saying "If you're a good girl, you'll get it back one day."

But a writer is going to write content they want to see and it is their prerogative as to whether or not they want to tell more of a story. And if they don't thats fine, they'll find enough of a readership for that limited scope of theirs. But it does seem like a waste to lose the potential to fill out a character more - that's my big disappointment.

This thread isn't a demand to de-dick a character, just a question if thats going to be an option some day. Not a reason to insult someone whose only crime was simply asking a reasonable question.

Shadow Dancer

Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2020
It seems like Wsan is the only writer in the COC2 team who's willing to appease this audience.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
It seems like Wsan is the only writer in the COC2 team who's willing to appease this audience.
Seriously? Ask Bethesda, or BioWare, or Rockstar or any author to have a fraction of the interactivity of FenGames developers and writers.

"Well, David Drake didn't listen to the ten readers that asked for Colonel Alois Hammer to retire from the mercenary life and set up a hardware store specializing in left-handed hammers, so I guess he's not willing to appease his audience."

The level of entitlement players are exhibiting lately honestly boggles the mind. Asking for content to be included is one thing. Dismissing the writers as arrogant or egotistical when they don't is something else entirely. If you guys don't like the fact that your particular wish isn't granted by the writers, go play a different free game.

That, or commission (a.k.a. "pay") one of the writers to include it. You know, that thing we do on a regular basis when we want something like a specific form of entertainment.

Shadow Dancer

Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2020
Seriously? Ask Bethesda, or BioWare, or Rockstar or any author to have a fraction of the interactivity of FenGames developers and writers.

"Well, David Drake didn't listen to the ten readers that asked for Colonel Alois Hammer to retire from the mercenary life and set up a hardware store specializing in left-handed hammers, so I guess he's not willing to appease his audience."

The level of entitlement players are exhibiting lately honestly boggles the mind. Asking for content to be included is one thing. Dismissing the writers as arrogant or egotistical when they don't is something else entirely. If you guys don't like the fact that your particular wish isn't granted by the writers, go play a different free game.

That, or commission (a.k.a. "pay") one of the writers to include it. You know, that thing we do on a regular basis when we want something like a specific form of entertainment.
What the fuck are you talking about i didn't ask anyone to do anything thing the only thing i did is point out a fact, and ffs stop defending people that don't need you to defend them if any of them have a problem with my post thay are more then capable of saying something.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2018
Poor fucker is projecting something from another thread, at this point wondering where all this vitriol is coming from. Never see it on threads asking to slap another dick on something.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2018
Do these exist?

The maybe 2 times I have suggested some FtM for balance I haven't been shot down I've been ghosted
Yes and no, but I can only talk about my anecdotal experience.

They dont exist as seperate threads but they are very vocal on just about any thread about a purely female character, usually receiving alot of likes and supports for the idea regardless of where the writer falls on it.

Which frankly strikes me as what should be the norm, you like a character so you go to their thread and politely ask what the options are for them moving forwards. You can't dictate what the writer wants to write, especially since you can tell from a mile away when a writer isnt into it and that is tripled with these kinds of games, a phoned in sex scene is about as fun as shoving a cactus down your throat.

But it is exceedingly the case I find that folks react extremely poorly to the reverse, with rude responses being the norm and outright insults sometimes following. Which strikes me as being the exact opposite of what the community usually is (very pleasant in my experience), which is being really big on not shaming people for their kinks. Its about the only kink I can think of that draws this kind of flak.

All that being said, on Savin's response, they do usually like to play their dialogue towards the blunt and informal so I wouldn't take 'lol no' as deliberately rude. Savin is however big on author's discretion (to the benefit of the game) so I would not push them or any author on a position they have been made known.

I would on the other hand take the vitriol the topic seems to automatically generate as something regrettable though, I personally rather like that most times folks tend to be refreshingly accepting that not everyone is into what they are into here. Its a shame this behavioral blight is the only one that seems to be getting worse rather than better.

Pardon the tone, but it is something that has been bothering me for a while and it seemed like a good spot to have an honest chat on the subject.:D


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
on Savin's response, they do usually like to play their dialogue towards the blunt and informal

Right, that. You should join our Discord where I meme on people all day.

Anyway if apparently this warrants a more detailed answer, consider for a moment the difference between ADDING a dick and REMOVING a dick that is a central focus of a character (like say, Arona or Jae). The latter requires basically rewriting every single sex scene (and very likely encounter altogether) with the character, since they were all written assuming there's a dong. Adding a dick, on the other hand, you can just stick in a few lines to existing scenes about how their dick is flopping around or squirts goo, just like we do for PCs in non-dickcentric scenes. Which is, altogether, to say that when you ask for dedicking you're asking for a LOT of work. It'd probably be easier and faster to just write a new character from scratch. And, as said, if you want a corrupted submissive purefem elf, Elthara's right there.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2018
Personally i never minded it much. So long as I could choose whether or not to engage with the content. Azra, Kiro/Kally, Urta, Arona; all personal favorites and i can largely ignore what i dont like.

Although i posted elsewhere about Sera. Controlling that required save scumming so...
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
Right, that. You should join our Discord where I meme on people all day.

Anyway if apparently this warrants a more detailed answer, consider for a moment the difference between ADDING a dick and REMOVING a dick that is a central focus of a character (like say, Arona or Jae). The latter requires basically rewriting every single sex scene (and very likely encounter altogether) with the character, since they were all written assuming there's a dong. Adding a dick, on the other hand, you can just stick in a few lines to existing scenes about how their dick is flopping around or squirts goo, just like we do for PCs in non-dickcentric scenes. Which is, altogether, to say that when you ask for dedicking you're asking for a LOT of work. It'd probably be easier and faster to just write a new character from scratch. And, as said, if you want a corrupted submissive purefem elf, Elthara's right there.

Yeh, this is very reasonable

Elthara is awesome by the way, 10/10 love her

She's not our slave though, so a little different, but eh, we got the harem kitties, I don't mind at all


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2018
Personally i never minded it much. So long as I could choose whether or not to engage with the content. Azra, Kiro/Kally, Urta, Arona; all personal favorites and i can largely ignore what i dont like.

Although i posted elsewhere about Sera. Controlling that required save scumming so...
Much the same, dedicking is a fetish of mine but I will usually engage with futa characters I can penetrate, the dick is just not what I am 'there' for (no idea how I ended up so penetration-happy, dont have any Roman in my genes lol).

I'm honestly more bothered by characters that are too hyper and wish there was more support for shrinking breasts every now and then.

Right, that. You should join our Discord where I meme on people all day.

Anyway if apparently this warrants a more detailed answer, consider for a moment the difference between ADDING a dick and REMOVING a dick that is a central focus of a character (like say, Arona or Jae). The latter requires basically rewriting every single sex scene (and very likely encounter altogether) with the character, since they were all written assuming there's a dong. Adding a dick, on the other hand, you can just stick in a few lines to existing scenes about how their dick is flopping around or squirts goo, just like we do for PCs in non-dickcentric scenes. Which is, altogether, to say that when you ask for dedicking you're asking for a LOT of work. It'd probably be easier and faster to just write a new character from scratch. And, as said, if you want a corrupted submissive purefem elf, Elthara's right there.
A good response and I definitely acknowledge the point.

I am obviously an outsider to the process but I see it as sort of a Preg+ in the sense of the scale of what you are asking for, sort of a very big undertaking that you have to go into expecting the author to turn down. Coding aside, it does require alot of writing from the author and work that most of you would rather throw at a fresh concept. And even then its obviously case by case as you point out, Arona without a dick would functionally be a different character and would require alot of plot thinking given how much it matters to her.

My wish is honestly more that some folks wouldn't almost treat it as a moral failing to put the suggestion out there, as opposed to it just being a very unlikely thing to happen (which I suppose does grant an element of thrill on the occasions it does!). On some threads I've seen the suggestion almost treated as monstrous, which is a bit of a downer.