Calm Before the Storm (for Lanania)


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2017
She moved toward the door and opened it waving at Tito, but still taking all the space in the door way as to not let him enter.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Tito's non-swollen eye brightened as he saw her. "Oh thank the gods it's you! I-I don't have a lot of time to talk. First, I'm so sorry we treated you the way we did. That wasn't okay, and we deserved what we got. Listen, you don't know me and I don't know you, but please take this." From underneath his raincoat, Tito pulled out a roll of paper and held it towards her, using one arm to shelter it from the rain as he did.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
It was a collection of ornate symbols that Ezelkia didn't recognize. Each rune was written with a shimmery blue substance, and the only thing on the solid black parchment that made any semblance of sense was the ensign of a snake coiling around the yoke of a bell. "Careful! That's the edge we were talking about." Tito hardly explained, checking once more over his shoulder. "It-it's an invite... or something. Caspian's cousin sent it to us for a small fortune. He's in with a bunch of cultists who know things about the city and I... I don't want them to find it. Bronson and the gang. I've been reading about it... and it's a sacred place." He took a deep, shaky breath, still frantic and out of breath from running to her in the first place. "I should... I should go. Oh gods, what am I doing?! They're gonna know I took it and- and..." He put his head in his hands and turned away, his red fur soaked in the rain as he himself was on the verge of tears.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2017
Ezelkia raised an eyebrow really unsure about what to say. "They must have really hit hard for him to say that nonsense" She rolled the paper and placed it inside her pouch. "Hope he don't get killed" Before closing the door and locking it. She made sure the place was clean before moving to her room upstair.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
The bar looked pretty spiffy after Ezelkia was done with it, and it was only one short trek up the creaky stairs to find her vacant room. It wasn't exactly well furnished, with one bed, a minuscule bedside table, and a daffodil in a clay vase. Simple, but clean, and comfortable enough to promise a good night's sleep. She doesn't hear anymore from Tito. No knocks on the locked door or cries for help. However, it was impossible to miss the booming, half-drunken shout from just outside.

"Tito! Wherever you are, your ass is fucking dead!" The unmistakable howl of Bronson was bone chilling within the dark of the night. A half opened window of her room allowed cold wind and rain as well as the shouts of Bronson to travel into her bedroom.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2017
Ezelkua tried to close her window without be noticed, not wanting to get noticed by the group of assholes outside.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
She can see the dark shapes of Jorgen and Skjar dashing around through alleyways outside, but they're too distracted to notice her in the window. However, there is a sight she catches that's definitely... off.

In the distance, sailing atop the roiling seas, she can see three huge ships and their blood red sails. Even as far away as they are, she can tell that they're truly massive. The main galleon could hold a few hundred people alone, while the two slightly smaller ships sailing broadside could surely hold an impressive number as well. They're gaining on the shore at a startling rate, far faster than they should be able to given the storm, and they're only growing more and more gargantuan in their rapid advance.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2017
"What the..?" She said before leaving her room and moving toward Mack room. She quickly knocked on it.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Mack's heavy snores faded with a snort. Ezelkia could hear the shuffling of cloth as, after a solid minute, Mack stood in a bathrobe before her, staring blankly in his groggy and confused state. "Who's- oh, hello Ezelkia. Was the room not to your satisfaction?" He yawned.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2017
"Something strange is happening on the beach, and I thought you could tell me if I should be worried?" She said while pointing at the window.