Butt bugs


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Sorry for the walls of text, I need to get all of this somewhere before I go mad from not telling anybody and as you can imagine your friends/family visiting for Christmas isn't exactly the audience you'd prefer. Just an idea by the way, not sure if I want to write.

I've been thinking that Tarkus needs some sort of parasite, I know the Lapinara are technically one but I've been getting fucked by her for several TiTS months now in an experimentation to see if anything comes from it but either I've been really unlucky or no parasitic pregnancy for them have been written yet. So I've been thinking up a parasite that could fit Tarkus and upon a chat with the goo armor she said something about being careful around a certain creature or else they'll go up your but and stay there forever, I got struck with an idea of sand colored burrowing insects that overpower you by spitting at you with slimy heavily aphrodisiac laced globules of spit.

They have a whack a mole/duck hunt fighting tactic, next to no chance of hitting them with melee but one shots them if you do and normal accuracy rates for ranged while they pop out of the ground every second turn to spit at you which you can then choose to either attack them in that turn or wait for an increased evasion of their spit chance. While underground you can still damage them but their armor(just like the sydian female) stops you from doing any meaningful damage, on the turn they are out of the ground their armor value goes away as they reveal their undersides in order to spit at you. If you do get defeated they shed all their armor in order to parasitize you. I'm thinking only one enemy is needed and upon yours or its defeat there is a 50/50 chance of it being male or female, they increase your minimum lust by 15 if you have them.

With armor on they basically look like armored worms, males and females indistinguishable from another until they shed it. Once shed the difference is quite obvious with the males looking like pale dildos walking with legs attached to a bulb at the base of their phallic body and unless already parasitized they are relatively harmless, the females on the other hand are the ones that actually infect the host which look like relatively large butt plugs with what looks like anal rings on both ends that wiggle towards the defeated host while they are incapacitated by their lusts and with their slimy spit lube up the host before lodging themselves into the anus of their intended host where they will stay until they are removed by medical staff or another female. If a female defeats an already infected foe she will crawl in alongside the first one an they will essentially try to push each other out until one succeeds, sometimes driving the host mad with anal pleasure.

They bloat the host's gut with their eggs every time a male fucks a lodged female and waits a week of gestation before the female expands herself like a speculum and the host's anus in the process in order to allow the eggs passage outside of the body without the female needing to come out, the eggs hatch about half a day after the laying process where they will burrow into the nearest patch of dirt or sand they can find and grow until they themselves are ready to hunt for hosts.

And here comes the reason for bothering to fight them in the first place, they drop 2-3 pieces of their abnormally hard armor which you could either sell for a 200 creds(base price) a piece, or make some tanky armor after you've got 30 that slows you down and decreases evasion rate but has an abnormally high defense rating for what you'd find on tarkus. Like I said above, this is just an idea at the moment and what has been said covers literally everything that can be covered If I ever decide to give some life to it. They don't have any real bonuses to infected hosts apart from those that have an egg laying/carrying fetish and those that wan't to raise their minimum lust, maybe capture a male and use him as a dildo/insemination tool.

Edit - Spelling mistakes fixed
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
ya sum1 shud right dis


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
ya sum1 shud right dis
You really think so? Probably just dicking with me but anyway, don't even know if I could produce anything good with this. I might produce some kind of sample in a few days or maybe a week just to obtain some clarity into the situation.


Oct 15, 2016
You really think so? Probably just dicking with me but anyway, don't even know if I could produce anything good with this. I might produce some kind of sample in a few days or maybe a week just to obtain some clarity into the situation.
If you don't write this, chances are no one will. Which means you should absolutely write this. I love this idea so much.

That said, I would suggest not forcing the player go to Tarkus every week if they wanna get bloated with eggs. Personally, I would prefer the eggs occurring regularly, so you could either have it that the player could somehow choose to start the female's breeding process manually (capture a male as you said, just take their sperm somehow, some other workaround), or (and this is my personal fetish) the female could lay eggs slowly in the bowels, and if/when they are fertilized the female could expand over the course of a day to a week before they are laid (possibly with extra/rapid growth of the eggs), and if they're not fertilized, eventually they are expelled and a new batch begins (so every week or two you slowly bloat with butt eggs until they are all expelled).

Also, you should consider what happens when another creature wants to use the PC's butt, both for playtime and for stuffing with eggs (like the Nyrea).
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
The weekly pregnancy thing would clash with those that only want the occasional egg bloat so if I decide to go ahead and write this I'll rather do the male capture, maybe the unfertilized batch cause only one level of bloat until they are fertilized at which point they'll bloat to their full size but that would require a constant ass pregnancy which only progresses past its first stage when you get ass fucked by a male and I'd rather not make it too complicated to code.

On the subject of a non butt bug bum buggering you I kinda imagined the female's back side slightly poking out instead of your own anus which wouldn't cause much scene change on account of her body kinda acting like a biological speculum which means it and by extension your ass gets stretched out by the cock ramming you just as much as a normal pegging would, maybe while you have the butt bug female any act this contains you being anally invaded could trick the female that she was just penetrated by a male butt bug and would lay dud eggs that will go through the same incubation process but won't actually hatch.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm gonna be honest: I TL;DR'd through your OP cuz I'm on vacation, but I want this to be a thing purely because of the name "Butt Bugs" so good luck.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
I'm gonna be honest: I TL;DR'd through your OP cuz I'm on vacation, but I want this to be a thing purely because of the name "Butt Bugs" so good luck.
Thanks, already have a rough draft of the enemy you're going to fight and I hope I've done at least that right, basically a modified version of the vanae part found in the "HowNotToMakeGedanHateYou" doc. Pretty soon i'm going to start on the loss scene then after that i'll put in the male and female interactions after loss/victory. Thinking of having cocked PC's fuck the female like an onahole and for non cocked the PC can "rim" the female as they get high on its juices while masturbating, any interaction with the male will result in penetration of some form or another and the capture of one should you want to


Nov 12, 2015
This sounds like a fun, entertaining concept. It's especially impressive in just how simple it is, too. Compensating for it to be virtually invisible in other scenes is a great boon to your writing, but picturing just that extra bit of foreign "girth" to your backdoor is a fun one. And the idea of having a couple of females compete to occupy your ass while you're helplessly forced to endure their struggle is awesome. Really looking forward to seeing what you come up with. I'm incredibly rusty when it comes to the game-centric elements of writing for TiTS, but I'd still offer to pitch in for grammatical editing and general feedback.

I'm a huge sucker for lingering "flavor" with a parasitic critter like this. Reminders that your anal cavity is effectively alive and controlled independently are too irresistible to a weirdo like me. You've already established the gradual gaping size increase, but just general movement downstairs is a fun little treat if you ask me. The PC's hole could occasionally pucker mindlessly like a fish or maybe suck at the seat of their pants. Meaningless little gestures similar to things like that are just fun little signs of life.

This is probably a wild shot out into left field and completely dependent on your own preferences, but you've got yourself a pretty easy conduit for some erotic gas play, too. On top of it just being outside of the player's willpower, it could make for just another weapon in the parasite's arsenal to help coax hosts for whatever the creature needs done. Possibly something that could be customizable by the player, or just an element that some females are equipped with. Speaking of which, I'm already probably complicating things with all this, but a down-the-line concept of different females conferring different pros and cons to their hosts and scenes would make for some interesting gameplay propositions. One could be much more fervent with egg-laying, another focuses on just gaping the player larger and longer. That sort of thing.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Thanks, general feedback is always appreciated. I can only work about 30 or so minutes on this thing each session at about 1-2 sessions everyday because life and all, not to mention I work fastest when randy but unfortunately that state of erotic zen doesn't last long... oh well.

Occasional reminders of your passenger could be fun, maybe set off every few hours or so. I'll see what pops out of my head once I've got the basic parasite down.

With this ", or just an element that some females are equipped with." and "down-the-line concept of different females conferring different pros and cons to their hosts and scenes would make for some interesting gameplay propositions." this did you mean like the different genitals of the cuntsnake and cockvine? I'm pretty sure that if I decided I wanted to go down this line I could add in at least three different females, them being a normal one, one that lays more eggs than vanilla for more bloat and one that lays larger eggs than normal hence more gaping. Any other varieties might add in complexity that I might not want to dive into like one that constantly keeps its entire form lubed or one that is the opposite of that and is extra rough on the player for those that like it so, there could also be one that could spray its own juice at an enemy like the vanae breast milk but like I said any more varieties than three will have to be added by someone else as it might get too complex for my relatively novice skills.


Nov 12, 2015
Oh no, nothing as complicated as different genitals or that. Just stuff like you mentioned: different egg-laying routines or a variety of abilities or some that are much less active than most. That's definitely after you've laid the groundwork, as it would make for a fun incentive to still run into and lose to females to potentially roll the dice on them again.

Are you also considering any masturbation-type scenes with them? Nothing super complex, but there's some fun to be had with what basically amounts to an independent, potentially forced gaping butthole and some toys or something.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Oh no, nothing as complicated as different genitals or that. Just stuff like you mentioned: different egg-laying routines or a variety of abilities or some that are much less active than most. That's definitely after you've laid the groundwork, as it would make for a fun incentive to still run into and lose to females to potentially roll the dice on them again.

Are you also considering any masturbation-type scenes with them? Nothing super complex, but there's some fun to be had with what basically amounts to an independent, potentially forced gaping butthole and some toys or something.
As for clarification I only snip comments if they are deemed to large of my own measuring methods, on to my reply.

At the moment the only masturbation content involving them happen right after combat or while using the captured male as a living dildo/inseminator later on, I might add a butt over stuffing scene for especially greedy parasites but I'd like to have a submitable doc before I try to expand. Currently working on the victory scenes, more specifically I'm working on willingly allowing a defeated female to enter you as is the option with most parasites currently implemented.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Progress update:
- Got distracted and chugged out a post-victory scene that's available if the resulting bug is female and you have at least one dick, basically turning her into a living fleshlight to get yourself. Has minor variation depending on your character alignment and even has your cock poke out on the other side if your dick is too long, could be a bit short for scene standards so I might add an extra paragraph later on or even variations on the scene itself that depend on what type of female you're using.
- Still working on the scene that has a female willingly enter you, doesn't help that work and other distractions get in the way but hopefully I can get more done once the weekend comes along.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
This weekend did me some good, didn't get as much done as I wanted but still got a chunk of the work out of the way. Here's a list...

Already done:
1. Summary description of combat and parasite(not gonna show up in game, just in doc. some of it might show up in codex entry.).
2. Hostile combat, this includes first and subsequent encounter desc, above and below ground desc, custom player hits and misses, custom attacks from sand worm(what it's called when not in tiny parasite mode) for each phase and identifying what sex the insect is after combat which determines what post combat menus will pop up.
3. Using female as fleshlight post victory.
4. Post victory capturing of male after fucking it.
5. Expelling of unfertilized eggs after an hour of being anally filled by anything other than a male butt bug.
6. Pregnancy status messages at quarter, halfway and nearly there point.
7. Flavor text reminders of your butt buddy every 16 hours in game, inspired by Kirbu.

Currently working on/still to do (forgive my weird order of doing things):
1. Willing post victory parasitization. (about half way done)
2. Dominating the male post victory, he catches on pretty quick who's in charge. (just started)
3. Using a male you captured in during masturbation. (still to start from here on out)
4. Loss scenes. Both sexes are going to have variations depending on whether or not you already have a female inside you.
5. Parasitic pregnancy start. The female lays unfertilized or fertilized eggs in you.
6. Fertile egg laying. You deposit your cargo after an estimated time determined by the variant in you, highly likely I'll add something for the nursery.
7. Codex entry.


Oct 15, 2016
It's great to hear things are going well with writing this! I'm very much looking forward to it. When you're close to finished I'll be happy to do whatever editing i can.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
It's great to hear things are going well with writing this! I'm very much looking forward to it. When you're close to finished I'll be happy to do whatever editing i can.

I'll make the doc public once i'm about 90% done with it, basically the 90% mark is me being happy with the content and the other 10% will be editing and making the content satisfactory for all by adding a few minor requests here and there which will not be full scenes but rather things like extra reminder content or maybe an extra little blurb in the scenes. For example something for especially big bottomed individuals that forces the parasite to wiggle its way between your enormous ass cheeks before finally getting at your anus, that sort of thing. And before you ask me to add it yes that little tidbit has made its way in the scene.


Nov 12, 2015
Have you considered how the parasite will work if the PC's hole is already gaping?


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Will the butbugs increase ass size? Ass increasing effects get the ass fetishly huge vary quickly, and could make/break the appeal of the parasite for some of us. Personally, i'll loose all interest if it can increase ass size to 6 or more.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Will the butbugs increase ass size? Ass increasing effects get the ass fetishly huge vary quickly, and could make/break the appeal of the parasite for some of us. Personally, i'll loose all interest if it can increase ass size to 6 or more.

A follower of the maximum 6 I see, welcome brother/sister/apache helicopter. It doesn't increase the size of your ass, it does however increase your anal looseness level after each fertile egg laying and for the second variant it increases your internal ass capacity. The natural coding of how pregnancies work might work against me here though, I do not know if the hip. tit, and ass increase during pregnancies happen during anal pregnancies

As for Kirbu's question, I've been considering some blurbs here and there to account for an already gaping pc during the parasitic invasion but after the parasite is settled it essentially resets your gape level because it is now acting as your butthole. Any suggestions are welcome.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
This weekend marks the completion of everything post victory, this includes along with that which has already been completed the voluntary parasitization, using the male to get off and using a male as masturbation option later on after you've captured one. Almost halfway done to be honest, 2/5 sections completed with snippets of the other sections already underway.

All that's left is:
1. Post-loss content
2. Codex entry
3. And about 70% of the parasite stage. Even more if I decide to do nursery support, how do you guys feel about a room filled with sand and rocks where you'll find a sydian or lapinara (depending on popularity, gender unsure for now) npc who was hired to help out with your surrogate progeny and is just a little bit too interested in how they work?

I'll probably make the codex public before I make the entire doc public just to tide you guys over a little.


Nov 12, 2015
Good to hear! Great work on the continued progress.

Have you accounted for players with Mimbrane butts and/or cunt snakes by chance?


Oct 30, 2016
I don't really know if nursery support is super necessary. I've been stalking this idea for a while, and it seems like you already have a lot of stuff going on with it.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Good to hear! Great work on the continued progress.

Have you accounted for players with Mimbrane butts and/or cunt snakes by chance?

Mimbrane Butts? Didn't know that could happen, how do mimbrane butts work?

On the subject of cunt snakes I don't think I need to account for them apart from adding them into the orgasm paragraph, or were you thinking of feeding your snake with the captured male in which case I haven't really thought of that.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
I think it's high time that you guys are awarded at least a glimpse into what I've been working on, keep in mind a few scenes have been temporarily removed(don't worry I have backups) until I'm completely satisfied with them and then after that you guys can rip them apart with your criticisms if you wish. After all, criticism builds a writer's skills no? Tell me if I've done something in incorrect format or done something wrong entirely, its better to make tiny changes now and until this is done than to load upon myself a truckload of editing.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
there should be a related perk for hosting long enough like with the mimbranes.
otherwise it seems pretty cool
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Any chance we can tame a male and keep it as a pet/masturbatory aid?


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Any chance we can tame a male and keep it as a pet/masturbatory aid?

I'm not sure if you've read through the entire doc but you can capture a male, after you fuck him of course. Unless you meant female, of which case I might do that.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
What do you suggest?
Maybe more eggs, bigger eggs or faster egg making? maybe a perk where it makes your ass/hips bigger every time an egg is laid but eggs take longer to prevent hugeness? idek lol.