Bull Tower Help


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Animal Pens>Release them>Tower (grab torch from there unless you got Mage job active)>Caravains where you search them and then burn them down>Warehouse where you grab all stuff inside>Cell (beat Con...smth - that guy with whip)>Office where you open safe and not get wound by trap (or have really godly stats or...switch to job that is about dealing with traps - Rogue or Ranger I atm not remember which one) then taking all stuf from the safe>go to courtyard and deal with Statue of Mr. Shiny>Leave>In next few days reap profits of perfect run score ^^


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
How do you trigger the quest?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
First you need to get Outlaws relation matter filled high enough. Earleir it was easy by just rising Cveta affection to unlock it. Now you need to do few jobs for outlaws first like doing deaddrops with Marie, heling that doctor with one of his task few times or do jobs for fox-morph from camp. So preapre for up to few days ingame running errads for outlaws till they trust you enough to give this quest (and not been too much low lvl - not sure if it block quest or just make it really hard to finish with success).


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
The hardest part is the trap, you need to have either high int, or high dex to get past it (like 80+ or so) without getting lucky. (if you have high int choose the option to disarm it, if high dex then the option to dodge it). So if your character is strength or charisma focused your kind of screwed. I don't think that having a particular job helps any with it though. Also you shouldn't burn the caravan until your ready to leave (aka right along with breaking the statue) as burning it will make you get noticed faster.


FoE Mod
Aug 26, 2015
The hardest part is the trap, you need to have either high int, or high dex to get past it (like 80+ or so) without getting lucky. (if you have high int choose the option to disarm it, if high dex then the option to dodge it). So if your character is strength or charisma focused your kind of screwed. I don't think that having a particular job helps any with it though. Also you shouldn't burn the caravan until your ready to leave (aka right along with breaking the statue) as burning it will make you get noticed faster.

Having Terry helps here.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
You can learn it from Cale.

Wasn't Terry supposed to be able to teach rogue job too? I seem to recall reading that from the wiki or something, but he doesn't teach it in game, or at least I haven't figured out how to unlock it if he does.


FoE Mod
Aug 26, 2015
Wasn't Terry supposed to be able to teach rogue job too? I seem to recall reading that from the wiki or something, but he doesn't teach it in game, or at least I haven't figured out how to unlock it if he does.

Planned but not implemented.