Build Suggestions


Active Member
Jul 8, 2020
I haven't played it a while as I swapped computers and basically lost my save files.

Looking to restart but unsure what build to do. I'm mainly interested in builds that have unique quirks. For example, someone posted a regen tank which sounds interesting (but I don't want to be an orc), and my old tank archer build was interesting to me as well.

I am primarily looking for a unique tank build (so not just sword and board) but I am open to any other unique and thematic builds that are viable.

Any help would be really appreciated since I've been stuck on the...what build should I play... roadblock for weeks now.


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2021
I'll try ta help fren. I might type a lot but I'll try to focus on your suggested input first.

Firstly you never have to be any race, and what I mean by that is that everything's malleable besides starting stats and character background. Say you did start orc, right, you do have to be them up to like the first few steps to farm enemies, but then you go to Ivris or use dropped items and go to your chosen race. Spam eating root of man makes you human etc. Your character background, like soldier barbarian etc, stays in place but generally characters don't really react any way other than that's how you've always been when you make drastic changes. Going from orc to human has people treat you like you've always been a human, I mean, so just look at races, backgrounds and classes as starting stats nothing else. (changing classes takes a bit more money and time though but if you want a quirky unique build that's a definite option).

If you're stuck on what-to-play I'd recommend checking other people's builds until one calls to you (which you've done and are doing just listing) and also thinking of archetypes you like. As in, so you like tanks. if you've played league of legends, sion's one. or an armored conan. you think of that and can translate in game as guarded stance or shielded stance, rest kill abilities, best 2h weapon you have, best armor you can find. you have generic s&b you say you don't want which'd be half defensive abilities with like a cleave or something, s&s. best armor. third option'd be like atugia, or a support tank, which i currently use and like a lot. example is


warrior, guarded stance to start, s%s equipment and heavy armor soon as possible, go after mirror stance (convocation of mirrors quest) soon as reasonable, keep that majority of game to tank and learn common and unique skills, shielded stance for bosses with no learnable skills or when have all. learn blessing as soon as possible, you use it first in combat and then with presence and some leadership armor, (which also happens to boost hp and naturally be tank armor respectively) your allies and summon are a bit fragile lawnmowers. then your choice of vanguard, war cry, or dominance. (generate high threat) stuff. if you play on auto don't take vanguard or anything like it, ai targets it as random so you will just chuck aggro at random party members. war cry vs dominance is mostly just preference but i like war cry for aoe and for cleanse/debuff. then your choice of summon, can get flame spirit or wolf early, and from there just get the more advanced stuff like by taking flame spirit to the hellhound temple or playing an aggressive beat in the temple of challenge and getting cassidy. ultimate is preference. you can take unbreakable or inspiration, insp is full party heal and defensive boost, unbreakable is determination (don't die for a few turns).

i liked this build because with blessing yourself, you don't need a locked in party member with it for it, and with some leadership you buff tf out of everyone in one package. a tank stance and threat ability to keep attention, and the summon because 1. they're quite useful. later ones have pretty ridiculous ability sets like frost moth


2. if i remember correctly number of members reduces aoe damage, 3 with the summon circle there's a lot of rp potential and it's like having several new party members with (occasionally limited) personalities 4 because, imo, there's not many good encounter tank abilities. not so much as there's no choices or they're bad or balance issues, but because you get a lot out of summons, and tanks are a really good dedicated summoner. you can pop up an ability, summon, and your passives will let you continue your job while you "waste" a turn, compared to healers not using spirit veil or damage, or dps not damaging. much worse.

equipment is honestly really preference. that sounds kind of annoying if you want specific sets but there's a lot of good options. example is senninbari from kitsune den, its a second chance where you get killing damage negated once every rest and a shield. you can do stuff like see that trigger, know you're at a point any attack could kill you, then proc unbreakable, and before it runs out use a healing item or big heals, and possibly still have kaelirra tears if for some reason your healer is unavailable. but bountiful bag from evergreen is also good, just more boring boost to all heals received. it can do more than senninbari in some fights bit if you play on high difficulties it can take experience with fights and stats to know what you need. i like dawnsword because it's the only currently of it's kind to have defensive stats beside evade, and is also one handed, but guldring does have leadership so a trade off. mare's ring is good enough to mostly be a lock in, and leaves a slot open for defenses or stuff like money gain boosts. conq breastplate's pretty good lock in because it has threat gain and leadership, cloak of deeps for defense buffs, but could also take sunder protection if you know enemies have it and you can't face tank it. shield of absorptions main shield option right now, you really want a shield imo, but if you refuse i highly recommend the pain slut choker from vivianes shop to help counter crits. if you're in a area you know has extreme constant fire damage for example focus on defenses against it along with armor ward etc.

party wise i get off on playing full auto and listening to podcasts or stuff so i like outrider etheryn and honey azyrran. etheryn because she has a group heal (good with such a big party), lots of aoe, status effect damage boost+status effects, lots of story relevancy and possible story boosts. harrick is unfortunately going to step on your toes some but he can be useful if you need to do something else a turn or two. honey az because she has a base heal (really needed to sustain) and more aoe damage and less party target abilities than base cait. basically anyone works though as long as 1. nothing like vanguard, minimal target party member stuff (if you play auto or player only) 2 you really want someone with a heal-at-will, you don't want another tank, and you don't really want a dedicated healer because something like etheryns queen raiment steps on your toes, and you really don't want multiple party members not doing good damage. it also maximizes blessing if your party members all have some form of decent damage besides who uses it. ideally summon you want to have all damage abilities with or without bonus effects. lots of room to play around.

stat wise i recommend str, tough, presence. str because armor and sometimes for thwacking people. also for stuff like ailehs arm wrasslin handshake. toughness because hp good. presence because hp and partywide damage increase good. your evasion will be low or straight up negative so agility doesn't do much for you. this build, willpower doesn't really do anything for you. cunning don't. you can get bentos on demand from kiyoko to give you well fed and max willpower for a while though to get the willpower defenses, or get drinks if you want agility or cunning for a while. i recommend starting with +3 toughness (orc warrior barbarian) but anything works. presence would give you bit more leadership, str bit more armor. main thing is just leveling those 3. tough skin is bae make sure you take it.

other than that though you can do most anything you feel like, and unless you hate your starting stats, background, or choices there's nothing stopping you from changing your entire build late in the game, which also means you can experiment a lot. if you have enough free time a good options to just play through the game up to around the glacial rift after winter city, and just spam fights there and see what you enjoy and what works while grinding levels to see other stuff.

if you ever don't know what to do, a very easy way to have visuals of styles is to try different parties and watch them. like change to a dps or something and then make a party with different tanks and play with them a while, maybe you like atugia, maybe you like arona etc. look at their abilities and make your own version, either a straight copy or maybe you think they need more defenses or a better offensive ability. you can also make themed teams like winter knight brint, outrider etheryn and a main character with blessing and a at-will-heal, or kiyoko and pyro brienne and mc with blessing and/or grease n heal.

overall lots of replayability and options, if you're a hands on learner like me though i highly recommend just looking at party members and enemies, seeing what you like and think is cool and/or what works, and then copying and making your own alterations. builds on paper don't always translate in game, especially depending on whether you like farming a lot on full auto, or you want to just speedrun the game etc

hope it helps fren
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Active Member
Jul 8, 2020
Thank you so much for the in depth break down on buildcrafting. I guess Ill just start with an general archtype in mind (i.e pure, corrupt, sub, dom etc) then level a build and try out different builds people post. Then I can use transformation potions to change my character to whatever else I want them to be.

I knew you could transform but I was always worried that the racial tags would persist i,e be addressed as an orc even if I transformed to human, so I felt limited in my builds. But its good to hear that is not the case.

Is it true that mead or food just maximizes a stat for a certain amount of time? So you can dump one thing and just eat to make up for it? Or is it like a static boost so doubling down on a stat is good?


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2021
Thank you so much for the in depth break down on buildcrafting. I guess Ill just start with an general archtype in mind (i.e pure, corrupt, sub, dom etc) then level a build and try out different builds people post. Then I can use transformation potions to change my character to whatever else I want them to be.

I knew you could transform but I was always worried that the racial tags would persist i,e be addressed as an orc even if I transformed to human, so I felt limited in my builds. But its good to hear that is not the case.

Is it true that mead or food just maximizes a stat for a certain amount of time? So you can dump one thing and just eat to make up for it? Or is it like a static boost so doubling down on a stat is good?
np, drinks and food maxes a stat temporarily, if it's already maxed it doesn't do anything, and if max is say, 23, then even if you take a drink for a stat that's 20 it should still only go to 23 instead of more. main thing though with those buffs is that they're a bit finnicky, again mentioning that if you help then marry kiyoko every time you spend the night with her you should get bentos which are willpower maxes on demand. i'm not 100% sure but i believe at this time they're the only item like that of their kind, and they're the most reliable option for it because there's a lot of longer dungeons. if you drink or eat further away then use waystones or whatever sometimes time can kind of slip away and they wind up not doing very much. i take a lot of time to do stuff so your mileage may vary though.

i have bad restartitis myself, especially while the major content updates are happening though you just kind of have to endure, because you never know when a update could bring a new ability or weapon or even early game alternate choices etc you really want to use in another build. its another thing that depends on player though, if you enjoy the rpg stuff a lot it's pretty easy to have new playthroughs and just speed through most stuff, if you encounter something rough just lower difficulty temporarily until you get going. main pias are doing convocation of mirrors and having to pull up stone puzzle solutions again. on the other hand, if you like the plot and choices but not the rpg stuff you can get away with quite a bit on lower difficulties and you can't really hit too many brick walls.

hope you find a build you enjoy


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2023
I'm new I started about a week or two ago and I played with cheated stats, abilities, money etc and started at lvl 70 lol, I enjoyed it but seeing how people around here describe their characters and builds I want to replay and rebuild my character and would love some help. So what do you guys think is the best class and background to kinda avoid grinding and stuff like that, I see the summon SPOILER!!! probably the summon Phyra if that was her name option, so what do I do to achieve that? Sorry for the long ass rambling


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
So what do you guys think is the best class and background to kinda avoid grinding and stuff like that

Well, I guess it must be some kind of DPS build.
Probably also it should be a build that is effective from the very first levels...

So it should be something like this:
Catfolk as a race, thief by class, hunter by background. Distribution of attributes Strength+Agility+Presence, use Honey Mead to maximize Cunning.
Weapons either a hunting bow (initiative and accuracy) or a mainhand dagger plus an offhand short sword (more damage but less accuracy, especially against flying targets), other equipment of your choice (but avoid heavy ones, it penalizes your initiative).

Ranger's Stance increases your Accuracy and AP, but decreases your Initiative. Crowd Control as an AoE attack, Triple Threat as a single target attack (has a penalty to accuracy, but your stance gives you more bonus than this penalty reduces), Suppressive Fire or Thunder Strike as an Encounter.

Another option: Melee weapon (eg Sanctified Gladius), Clearave+Shadow Strike as a power set. At-Will? Equilibrium so you can't be disarmed (at level 3 go south from Hawkethorne all the way to the river, then east, win the fight, then gradually learn abilities until Equilibrium becomes available).

By the way, Equilibrium is suitable for a ranger too, it is generally almost a must-have ability for any weapon user.

Upon reaching level 4, Dastardly Trick is taken as the encounter, and the ranger also replaces Triple Threat with Sure Shot.

Somewhere around level 5, you may notice that this build isn't as good as it used to be, so you have to further tweak the build for the opponents that live in that zone/dungeon. Try to use your own judgment for this, but in case of problems with certain opponents, you can ask my advice (not sure that my advice will be really useful, but I will try).
Brint in his Arena Armor, since his weapon attacks cause bleeding (Crowd Control, respectively AoE bleeding), this is very useful in connection with your class perk.
Cait can be used in the default set, but you can ask her about her other talents and change her set to Sun Dancer. After the Winter City, it is better to replace her with Etheryn in Royal Outfit.

A couple of last tips:
1. One Trail Ration per day and you are completely healthy upon exiting the battle.
2. The "Sense" button allows you to find out not only the enemy's resistances. Click on the three dots below the list of enemy effects and you are their statlist, viewing which may give you ideas on how to best deal with this enemy.

I see the summon SPOILER!!! probably the summon Phyra if that was her name option, so what do I do to achieve that?

I'm sorry, but I'm not sure which summon you mean.

0.6.3 Phyria (summoner and leadership 75)_2.jpg
If you mean this lady, then you need to exit Hawkethorne through the northern gate, then in the eastern part of the forest, find and defeat the giantess, rest in the camp that she guarded, then ask the right questions and win the Duel of Wits. Oh, don't forget to put on the medallion you got after that.
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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
that's the lady I'm talking about

Keep in mind, I personally find any summons not very useful for quick fights (you seem to be aiming for quick wins, right?), they often do not have time to provide a noticeable amount of assistance, therefore it is usually better to take an additional attack instead of them (for example, the already mentioned Dastardly Trick).

As for Phyria, I would call her somewhat outdated.
Yes, she has high accuracy, on par with her, if I remember everything correctly, only Flame Dancer and Frost Moth, only Effigy is better than these three (but this often forgotten sumon is not very strong and with SIX vulnerabilities), but her attacks are not very strong (the damage on the screenshot shows almost the limit of her capabilities, since this is Leadership 75 plus a perk for a bonus to summon stats).
Yes, she is immune to physical damage, but after the Threat Level rework in version 0.5.0, that doesn't really matter anymore...

No, if you really want to use summons, then nothing prevents you from doing so.
However, I would advise a completely different class and build for this.
Wyld Elf, Black Mage, Arcanist as starting conditions. Agility plus Willpower plus Presence as attributes (Cunning as boon).
Metal Rod plus Mage Wand as a weapon (seems like the first available item with a bonus to Leadership is an Parasol that you can buy in the Kurokawa Kitsune Den).
As a Recharges, the classic Grease + Fireball combo might make sense.
Summon? I would call Wolf Spirit the very first of the decent ones, Viviane will teach you that.
I don’t remember exactly how to meet her, but it seems you first need to find an outfit made by her in the Old Forest (it seems you need to see a dream in which she is present after that), then meet her in your wanderings through the forest in the evening and a few repeated meetings later ask her question about the services that she provides.

P.S. Keep in mind, the disadvantage of casters is the lack of single-target damage, especially when the opponent's magic defense is high. Nothing irreparable, but you may need to tweak your build more often for your opponents. Well, it's either that or having a good single-target damage dealer in your party.
P.P.S. Personally, I prefer the latter (I think you've already seen me mention my preferred build), but there were times when the former didn't hurt me either.


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2023
Damn you're a pro at this thanks again for the advice now I don't know which build to use lmao love mages but the thief looks like it would be the most useful of the two builds


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
I don't know which build to use lmao love mages but the thief looks like it would be the most useful of the two builds

The main advantage of the black mage build lies in the crowd control, the enemies have less opportunity to surprise you. Also, many enemies are better protected from physical damage than from magic (for example, against the Earth Elemental, the Celestial Smite spell is probably the best remedy, any other magic attack with the Storm element works too), I would say that the Grease + Fireball or Crackle Powder + Arc Cannon combo allows you to steamroll over most of your enemies.

Well, if you love mages, then you can be a spellblade, start as a thief, then change the class to a warrior with about the following set of powers: Charge Weapon, Cleave, Celestial Smite, Smite Evil (I need to tell you which boon for a day will give you the maximum uwillpower Or do you figure it out yourself?).


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2023
Yeah I think I'm going with a spellblade build, so I should start with the background and stuff you were talking about at the start right? And would it mess up my build if I change race later on in the game?


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
And would it mess up my build if I change race later on in the game?

No, Starting Bonuses are not accidentally called STARTING bonuses, neither changing your race, nor changing class will change your bonus. It seems that changing your background (via editing a save) doesn't affect the Starting Bonuses either.