Make sure you max out Intelligence, after that you probbably want to focus on Aim over Physique. Shock Blade and Nova Pistol for your weapons. Armor depends on where your interests lie, but the gray goo armor should be obtailable.
*Salamander Pistol and Vamp Blade. Grey Goo armor is pretty great, especially if you wear the Lightning Duster.
For build, I usually go with:
Though YMMV across the board.
- Attack Drone
- Overcharge
- Power Surge
- Gravidic Disruptor
- Gun Tweaks
- Weapon Hack
- Second Shot
I kind of disagree with this. While it is possible for enemies to resist thermal damage, the other disruptor is by far, a Tech Specialist's most damaging attack, dealing about 80-100 damage with max intelligence.
Not 100% sure how much Gravidic Disruptor does though.
The only way my build deviates is that I usually go for Shield Booster over Attack Drone. Attack Drone is the more interesting of the two, but Shield Booster feels more practical and I tend to use tease attacks whenever possible so having my drone shooting at people I'm trying to defeat through lust feels counterproductive.
There's supposed to have been a lust-dealing drone in the cards for ages. Been waiting on Gedan's Linera for one, but I might sneak one in somewhere on Uveto or something.
Also yeah. My original draft of the Tech class had like, 1/3 or more of their perks based around drones. I like them a lot!
and raise the shield bonus of both drone types to 2 per level. 1/ level just feels tiny compared to 4/level
There's supposed to have been a lust-dealing drone in the cards for ages. Been waiting on Gedan's Linera for one, but I might sneak one in somewhere on Uveto or have follower Anno sell one or something.
Also yeah. My original draft of the Tech class had like, 1/3 or more of their perks based around drones. I like them a lot!
There's supposed to have been a lust-dealing drone in the cards for ages. Been waiting on Gedan's Linera for one, but I might sneak one in somewhere on Uveto or have follower Anno sell one or something.
It was brough before about giving acc slot for drone but it then been countered with almost mantra reply that: adding additional slot whatever for drone or just 2nd acc will require rebalance all encounters to account for that. So well even if like say Savin would say he's all heart after adding such slot he still aware it will throw current baace out of window. So I not such sure if it's possible to find solution out of that (since adding such slot will take all the time fen and co could spend on adding other stuff so still some people would be unhappy by that)Or maybe implement a "Drone slot" for Tech Specs only should they specialize in Drones, letting you equip whatever model you prefer. Basically, anything that doesn't remove the few character options that we have left.
From my understanding, if you equip Tam-Wolf, you lose your other drone.
That does sound reasonable, but I'm more bummed about the fact that you're giving up the other drone in order to have Tam Wolf equipped. You don't take off all your clothes and armor when you equip the Lightning Duster; your feet don't vanish if you equip the hoverboard. I don't think the other drone should go offline permanently while the other drone is equipped. Can't the Drone Specialist control 2 drones at once. No other accessory precludes the use of something else already equipped.When drone using Tech put Tam in acc slot he loose that 1 sp per lvl bonus from typical drone (since he replacing his own drone with Tam) and reciving possibility to have drone attack till he run out of sp and hp (yes Tam wolf don't need shields up to work like default drone from lvl 2 perk).