Bug or broken save?


Jul 30, 2022
So i found a bug for T.I.T.S. I'm on day 265 on Tavros station and every time I speak to someone or do something to bring me past the 6 pm mark the next button disappears as I'm about to return to the board to move and I'm stuck in place as if the game is still cycling through text. This persists even if I try to leave the station. I hope my save isn't somehow broken. so What Happens is every time I leave Myrellion, after a certain number of days when I enter a dialogue or text and am about to return to the movement screen the next button and movement buttons stay blacked out and I cant continue. I had recently found an issue where after receiving a game over if the inventory button is useable and click it you can continue as if you hadn't gotten a game over.
Attached is my save to file ...er file.


  • Kasyra (H) - 16Hrs 58Mins, 265 Days - MS-XI, Kalas.json
    856.3 KB · Views: 1