Bro Just asking a Question???

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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Leorah and Salwah say hi (among other characters), 'Dark' has been a skin tone option for humans and catfolk since the beginning and Lusamine's gossip mentions the existence of 'Dust Elves'.. You can also find Green People, Blue People, Pink People, Purple People...

You might find this topic interesting for some writer thoughts on the inspirations for various cultures in the setting.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2021
Leorah and Salwah say hi (among other characters), 'Dark' has been a skin tone option for humans and catfolk since the beginning and Lusamine's gossip mentions the existence of 'Dust Elves'.. You can also find Green People, Blue People, Pink People, Purple People...

You might find this topic interesting for some writer thoughts on the inspirations for various cultures in the setting.
you mean Dark elves?


race is weird in CoC2. like afaik human asian people don't exist since they're all kitsune, fusata, or tanuki. as for black people, only nona and nottia look black to me and they're both minotaurs (cowgirls).
but the reason we have cowgirls with human features is because of the interbreeding minotaurs had with humans, so they probably got their features from black human ancestors. so I'd say its safe to say that black human people exist in coc2.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2021
race is weird in CoC2. like afaik human asian people don't exist since they're all kitsune, fusata, or tanuki. as for black people, only nona and nottia look black to me and they're both minotaurs (cowgirls).
View attachment 20544View attachment 20545
but the reason we have cowgirls with human features is because of the interbreeding minotaurs had with humans, so they probably got their features from black human ancestors. so I'd say its safe to say that black human people exist in coc2.
oh nice cause i don't play as any other skin color if im a Human because im Black of course and it feels weird to play as another skin color if im black in real life


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Surely there are dark-skinned humans.

Whether they correspond with real-world Africans (which is what I assume you mean by "Black"), though, is unlikely. The setting does have parallels with the real world, but it seems to be mostly thematic/cultural (Belharans have Roman-like gear and culture, Kitsune borrow from Japanese culture and stories) rather than racial.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2015
All due respect, this is not entirely accurate. The word “Black “is a bit of a mess colloquially speaking. Some dark skinned peoples of African descent do not identify as black because they believe it refers specifically to African Americans. These same people can often meet some confusion when coming to the US and finding a term applied to them that they do not identify with. As a rule, people don’t think too much about this kind of thing until they have to, which is why this type of topic comes up in the first place. It also results in words that are widely applied, but not concise or specific enough to be truly useful. Widely, it is not used in a consistent enough way across cultures to give speakers precision, leading to shared confusion. Like now.
As a rule, “Black” can be understood to refer specifically to Americans of African descent, since the conceptual distinction has most been applied here as a matter of law and social policy. Americans of African descent are more likely to identify specifically as “Black”. That’s not to say no one outside of America uses it, it’s just to say that it’s use is most applied and self-claimed in the US and spread conceptually through US based media.
When evaluating ‘racial’ characteristics and not culture, it is broadly useful in describing physical characteristics/ancestry, and even there it has some serious limitations.
In terms of this game, it’s not accurate to say there are no parallels at all between race and culture. In fact, attempting to do so can lead into some nasty cans of worms. Some ‘Humans’ quite clearly have European parallels and aesthetics from European cultures.
It’s strange to the point of being meaningless to say that the Kitsune aren’t ‘racially’ Japanese, since the culture and gear being alluded to come from specifically Japanese history. They can’t quite be divorced from each other without some hilariously bad implications. If someone wants to say that hair color means the kitsune can’t have Japanese parallels, we’re left with an unfortunate ’wtf’.
Like the unsettling conclusion that removing all ‘racial’ distinction and keeping only aesthetic and culture leaves light skinned humanoids as a hypothetical non-racially specific default. I don’t think it is the intended conclusion by a long shot. I don’t think that’s what you mean to say. But it is the implied conclusion.

This is a box of chocolate type project with many hands and many different inspirations. It’s far more likely that it just reflects what it’s creators were thinking about and drawing inspiration from at any given time. Sometimes this is soul stealing Kitsune Waifus and sometimes it’s Dark skinned Minotaur women. It can give some interesting insight into the cultural zeitgeist and the types of associations writers most commonly make, but beyond that, don’t think about it too hard.

The world itself tells you that there are dark skinned humans in the game since it’s a character creation option. No need to think more about it than that.

TLDR; the word might not apply since it’s tied to a specific real history, but people with ‘black’ characteristics do exist in the world, as confirmed from the character creation screen if nowhere else.

final edit: look no further than Alypia’s post below. Savin is the lead on the project and what he says is the law of the world.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
race is weird in CoC2. like afaik human asian people don't exist since they're all kitsune, fusata, or tanuki.
We wouldn't restrict people like that.
Discord discussion said:
Alypia — 11/19/2021
the full range of human skin colors and phenotypes exists in Savarra, right?

Savin — 11/19/2021


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2016
Race is weird in CoC2. Especially because so many different species represent entire cultures. That being said yes people with dark skin exist within most of not all races in CoC. I think the most explicitly stated variety of skin tones is explained in the Catfolk journal entry, This is from the game “Catfolk tend to have skin similar to humans, in the same range of tones. Catfolk from northern Jassira tend towards darker skin tones, while Belharan and South Jassiran cats usually have lighter skin”


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
so do black kitsune exist or something like asian minotaur as well?

From the official answers and the available content, we can infer that, while there are no such characters in the game, they "exist" in the setting, if only because players might want them to.

It's a little weird, but I guess it is a fantasy game, and it would be very difficult to make a fantasy setting without any humans or human-like creatures in it. Our perspective is always going to be anthropocentric.
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Active Member
Dec 2, 2021
I had a similar thought, but about black male npcs. There's a few black females, as others have pointed out above.
It would just take someone writing them into the game; I'm sure alot more exists in-universe in coc2, it just hasn't been written into the corner of Savarra we can explore yet.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
It makes sense logically they are rarer in the marches, would be more common in places like Jassaria and whatnot, id assume the logic of how skin colors and where they are common work the same in Savarha.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2021
It makes sense logically they are rarer in the marches, would be more common in places like Jassaria and whatnot, id assume the logic of how skin colors and where they are common work the same in Savarha.
Well since we Black people can Stand the Sun better than pale people or white people it stands to reason why there is less Black people in CoC2 because it's a cold enviorment and Dark skin dosent really help with the Colld eeesh


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2019
I mean...Yes. There are darker skinned humans. But it seems like CoC/Coc2/TiTS are based more on "species" vs "race". Like are you human, catfolk, marefolk, etc. A couple of other folks mentioned the geolocation that CoC2 specifically takes place in, which could very well be a factor as well. Just adding my two cents.

Tobey Maguire

Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2020
Pretty sure Brint is a black guy considering Brienne and the family are black or dark skinned. Kurako and the kitsune geomancer also have dark skin
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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2015
This is one of those things that can go the wrong way despite well-meaning posts. He was really asking (poorly) whether there are humans in the world that look like him, or if by trying to roleplay as that kind of human, he was somehow breaking canon in the world. The answer of a minotaur being "Black" when there are very clearly humans in the world is not likely to answer the question about whether "Black people" exist in the world. If anything it would just raise the question about why minotaurs or other unreal creatures are the standins for certain groups of people. The wrong suggestions can lead into enormous cosmic cans of dead worms, even if they're not meant in bad faith. If you've ever smelled a can of dead worms, not something you want to be around.

Best to let Alypia's Post/Savin's answer on the topic be the end of it. For some reason I can't multiquote the whole thing, but it's post #10 in this thread. All human (not minotaur/orc/elf/etc) phenotypes are represented in the world. Phenotypes are physical expressions of genes. So all human peoples exist whether they've been written in an explicit storyline or not. Probably best to leave it at that.
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