Brainstorming: Ascencion mechanic


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I've been playing thro CoC's mod a lot lately.   What strikes me as the single greatest improvement is Ascension, which basically allows you to redo the entire game without trivializing your current advancement. 

So...   why can't we have something like that in TiTS?

Main answer that comes to mind is that we're really only a third of the way through the game.  But it would probably not be unreasonable if it was accessible anyways at level cap & all probes obtained. 

My personal idea for justifying it is Steele gets an anonymous email containing the coordinates of a stable black hole.  Accidentally flies into it, and it shoves hir back into time to day 1.  (And after going into the black hole for the third time, sends a anonymous email to hirself using a backdoor paradox)  Big problem with that is the issue of advancement for those who dwell, something i lack any solutions for. 


Anyone have any ideas to contribute?  It dosn't need to be too CoC ascension like, but i think it would gain a lot from a mechanic that allowed the reset of some progression while maintaining credits, equips and transforms. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So, NG+ with a current character, but without the world state?


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
So, NG+ with a current character, but without the world state?

Possibly, but that might go to well in TiTS.   There could be alternatives.  Like if something allowed you to reset your level but allowed you to pick an additional perk leveling back up. 

Summed up in three words: optional additional progression

After you milk the galexy for every credit, add every waifu to your haerm and bash every dom's head in, you're eventually gona need something new to do. 


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
Possibly, but that might go to well in TiTS.   There could be alternatives.  Like if something allowed you to reset your level but allowed you to pick an additional perk leveling back up. 

Summed up in three words: optional additional progression

After you milk the galexy for every credit, add every waifu to your haerm and bash every dom's head in, you're eventually gona need something new to do. 

Well according to your scenario there is more to do: Be submissive to everyone..

Also, I found the Ascension mechanic of the CoCMod to be ..annoying.

NG+ usually means that you keep everything so that you can see what you missed easier and it also unlocks additional dungeons. It should never make the basegame harder.

Additional Dungeons & whacky sidestories for NG+ will be neat, but they are things that should be adressed *after* you can actually beat the game - which you can't atm.

Also, if the story ending does not end your game, then there is little actual need for a NG+ since you can just do the optional stuff after you completed the story.

Tl;DR  May never be neccessary and most definetly too soon to be adressed.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I think doing something similar to modded CoC ascension should wait a lil bit. Well for now TiTS is so early in progress and that option you meantioned was added for game that was technically "almost" finshed.

Currently I feel it's not so much stuff we would want to redone again with better equip/stats. So far I would only see NG+ value to redone Tarkus fate, KQ2 outcome (mainly between picking chocies that lead to selfdesctruction of base or not making it goes boom), other choice at Queen of Deep encounter or Tavire Palace finish. Well look slike currently imho mostly things are myrellion related that may one want to redone it. LEt hpe in future planets will be more such events that will make people think: what will I choose in this situation in NG+?

Heh seems Savin is 'a huge fan of ascension' from revamp ^^

I never suspected you 'liked it so much' Savin ^^

(and I think I should pray if Savin will notice it was purely ironical words not intended to piss him off more than OP...)


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
The Ascension mechanic isn't needed, just the NG+ from CoC, I remember asking for it months ago and was told it's too soon for it. But really, I'd like it sooner than later, hopefully after a storage upgrade or else all those unique weapons/armors we got will be lost to the ether due to lack of space to put them all.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
The Ascension mechanic isn't needed, just the NG+ from CoC, I remember asking for it months ago and was told it's too soon for it. But really, I'd like it sooner than later, hopefully after a storage upgrade or else all those unique weapons/armors we got will be lost to the ether due to lack of space to put them all.

If there are so many I think I lost most of them oO

The ones I found easily fit in the ships storage..


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The Ascension mechanic isn't needed, just the NG+ from CoC, I remember asking for it months ago and was told it's too soon for it. But really, I'd like it sooner than later, hopefully after a storage upgrade or else all those unique weapons/armors we got will be lost to the ether due to lack of space to put them all.


Depends on implementation. Technically, ship storage is a part of the character.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Depends on implementation. Technically, ship storage is a part of the character.

Even if ship storage was ported over, there just simply isn't enough space to store all the many unique things you can find. At least until the Tavros storage warehouse gets added.