Booty TF?


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
I seem to have hit a snag with customizing my player characters to my liking. (Especially my merc who's based on a pre-existing RP character of mine.) Namely that when I inflate Steele's physique and reflexes for a melee or hybrid build, this happens.

You have narrow hips, and your perky, muscular butt molds closely against your form.

Now, I can appreciate a toned body and healthy sixpack as much as the next guy, maybe even more... but I generally prefer my women with a little more meat on them, especially the lower body. So I was hoping someone could point me to a TF or two that might help me correct that problem since I couldn't find any skimming the wiki.

I'd really appreciate it.~


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I seem to have hit a snag with customizing my player characters to my liking. (Especially my merc who's based on a pre-existing RP character of mine.) Namely that when I inflate Steele's physique and reflexes for a melee or hybrid build, this happens.

Now, I can appreciate a toned body and healthy sixpack as much as the next guy, maybe even more... but I generally prefer my women with a little more meat on them, especially the lower body. So I was hoping someone could point me to a TF or two that might help me correct that problem since I couldn't find any skimming the wiki.

I'd really appreciate it.~

There aren't much vanilla items which can give more than 10. Bovinium, MinoCharge.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
Hahaha, thats true. No such thing as excess huh? If all else fails I suppose becoming a Galotian would let me fine-tune Steele's proportions however I want, but that's not really an option for mercenary Natya Steele.



Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Hahaha, thats true. No such thing as excess huh? If all else fails I suppose becoming a Galotian would let me fine-tune Steele's proportions however I want, but that's not really an option for mercenary Natya Steele

Well, TelAdre is your best shot ;)

Pastel Skulls

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2016
I really miss how easy it was to farm hips with purple eggs in CoC, I also really miss the androgynous perk allowing me to get more femininty than the penis maximum limit. Though I guess it wouldn't be hard to make an item that did this stuff. An androgyny item called dove tears in memory of Prince. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I really miss how easy it was to farm hips with purple eggs in CoC, I also really miss the androgynous perk allowing me to get more femininty than the penis maximum limit. Though I guess it wouldn't be hard to make an item that did this stuff. An androgyny item called dove tears in memory of Prince. 

CoC has tons of nice content. Some of them are my reason to do content port  9_9 BTW, it was always strange when Androgyny gave you ability to be trans ranther than androgyne.

Pastel Skulls

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2016
Yeah that was honestly pretty weird. I was working on an item that would add that perk in TiTS though mostly because I like the option to be a herm or transgirl with loads of femininty. It's gonna be an item from a cuttlefish based race due to their crossdressing habits, I'll probably also add ass and hip tfs with it too now. No idea what to call the perk though, the place holder name I'm using is "the Perfect Androgyne" to reference the Incal.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yeah that was honestly pretty weird. I was working on an item that would add that perk in TiTS though mostly because I like the option to be a herm or transgirl with loads of femininty. It's gonna be an item from a cuttlefish based race due to their crossdressing habits, I'll probably also add ass and hip tfs with it too now. No idea what to call the perk though, the place holder name I'm using is "the Perfect Androgyne" to reference the Incal.

Well, this one of the few things which I've changed, so it would allow to use femininity score to change gender aligment without overly feminine/masculine face for people who want slender figure and androgynous face without being considered masculine.


Aug 26, 2015
Mino Charge will now make you thick but muscular, including wide hips and a big ass.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
For those that care I did manage to reach the look that I was aiming for, (close enough at least.) with a lot of credits and a lot of save scumming.

You started your journey as a human, but you’ve become a half-ovir over the course of your adventures. You’re a good 5 feet and 1 inches tall by ancient imperial measurements and 1.55 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a heavily modified set of hardened, energy absorbent armor plates, using a pair of boyshorts for underwear, and girding your upper body with a furry bra.

Your face is fairly human in shape, but is covered in purple scales over red skin. Overall, your visage has a gorgeous profile with full lips, a button nose, and noticeable eyelashes. Your eyes bear a vertical slit instead of rounded pupils, surrounded by a gem-like shimmering ruby iris and nestled within the blacken depths of your sclera. Your moderately long, black hair looks good on you, accentuating your features well. A lengthy, tapered tongue fills your mouth, able to stretch out almost nine inches in order to taste the very air. A small pair of pointed horns has broken through the skin on your forehead, proclaiming some demonic taint to any who see them.

You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers, covered in a layer of purple scales. Shining black exoskeleton covers your arms from the biceps down, resembling a pair of long black gloves from a distance. You have curvy hips that make you move with a sexy, swinging gait, and your large, brawny keister fills out your clothing nicely. A narrow tail ending in a spaded tip curls down from your powerful, squeezable rear end, wrapping around your insect-like leg sensually at every opportunity. Shimmering, armor-like chitin girds your legs from your toes to your mid-thigh. The sable material is rock hard right up until the ring of soft fluff that grows over the uppermost edge.

Your belly protrudes obscenely from your form, hanging heavily. Getting around is a struggle with so much extra mass on you. At first glance, people might be mistaken for thinking you’re properly pregnant, but closer inspection reveals your belly to be lumpy and slightly misshapen, full of several individual, moving creatures as you are.

You have two soccerball-sized, milky mounds, capped with one 0.5-inch prominent, dribbling nipple each. The coin-sized areolae are pink. Your hand-overflowing, lactating tits are so full that they feel about to burst! Spending time like this is going to slow your milk production. Unfortunately, a bit of milk leaks out onto your a furry bra... Maybe you should invest in a maternity bra? You could easily fill a F-cup bra.

Your masculine endowment is concealed within a well-hidden slit when not in use, though when the need arises, you can part your concealed entrance and reveal your true self. Your horse-member is 15.8 inches long and 3.4 inches across. It’s black in color and laced with thick veins. The shaft of your manhood naturally retracts into an animalistic sheath when completely flaccid. The ‘head’ of your shaft flares proudly, just like a horse’s. A scaly scrotum filled with two large gonads swings low under your equine prick. You estimate each testicle to be about four inches around and 1.3 inches across.

You have one soaked asshole, placed between your cheeks where it belongs with slight signs of moisture bordering its edges.

Damn lake queen pregnancy... xD


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
There was literally a doc just written for a TF focused on increasing the butt size here (and implemented in the pull request) so I think we good now.


New Member
Apr 5, 2016
If all else fails, there's always save editing. If you were going to savescum anyway, I don't see much of a difference.


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2016
Kerokoras Venom can give you a substantial amount of ass, but you would have to chow down a ton of them and by that time your character will without a doubt be a frog.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
The thing about Throbb, though... It's Throbb :p

A way to increase penis size without inflating libido to ridiculous levels might be nice for people that want to be well-endowed but still maintain some level of sexual sanity. 

You can always use the horsecock on yourself and then use the dong designer. If that ain't enough for you, you might as well use Throbb imo.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
The thing about Throbb, though... It's Throbb :p

A way to increase penis size without inflating libido to ridiculous levels might be nice for people that want to be well-endowed but still maintain some level of sexual sanity. 

Leitha charm necklace until desired size. Save scumming...


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
Don't you need to already have a penis to be able to use the Synth Sheath, though? I thought the only reliable way of growing a penis as a penis-less character was still Throbb.

Naw, for some inexplicable reason the synth sheath works even if you don't have a donger already, and since I'm not too keen on throbb myself. Then again I usually start as a herm or trap anyway.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Dicks already have throb and for nuts there is sumacream. But yeah a hip item is needed.

I mean an item that doesn't lead to a bad end if you use it too much.

You can always use the horsecock on yourself and then use the dong designer. If that ain't enough for you, you might as well use Throbb imo.

You can only get to 20 inches if you do that though and if you go beyond it then you're basically out of luck.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
16 inches is already fucking huge, why would you ever wanna go over 20? o_O


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It would be good idea to have leithan body to carry that thing around anyways...