Best builds?


New Member
Jan 2, 2025
I’m looking to start a new game and I’m wondering what are some of the really good builds right now.


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2022
What class are you thinking?


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
I’m really up in the air, don’t have any experience with any of the classes.
So, when you say 'new game', you mean a game you haven't played before?
How viable is a tease build in this? I remember it being super strong in CoC and CoC2
Pretty viable. Some things can't be Teased, so you still want a backup plan. For Teasing, you'll want to increase Libido (unless you took the Ice Cold chargen perk) and Sexiness. Nudity counts as max Sexiness in that slot. There are several types of Lust damage, and an enemy can be weak or resistant to any.
1. It is generally better to pick either Melee or Ranged stick to it, rather than trying to do both.

2. If you pick Melee, you'll want a solution for Flying enemies. Either Flight-Capable Wings, the Light Jetpack Accessory or the Arctic Nurse Rescue Outfit. Mercenaries can get Lunge at Level 10 and Kineticists automatically learn Levitation at 9.

3. You get 13 points when levelling up. but the stat cap increases by 5. It is advised you keep two stats maxed out (Attack/Weapon stat + Class stat) and a third stat fairly high, rather than spreading your points evenly.

4. You can Train your stats. It is recommended you don't place your Affinity in a stat you plan to raise with Level Up points. Training has diminishing returns, so you should probably Train first, then assign your points. Augment-Weave Armor makes this a lot faster.

5. All stats except Aim are sometimes used defensively, so they might be worth Training, even if you don't usually use them. Given the way its calculated, middling stats aren't actually much better than dumping them entirely. Max or nothing!

6. Fuck Sense substitutes all Class-based Intelligence checks with Libido, except for the Kineticist. The Treatment is not the only way to get it, and if you have it, it's better to dump Intelligence as low as possible (unless you can raise Int above the cap). Kineticists can get a Perk to run Will off of Libido, but there are a handful of abilities that aren't substituted.

7. Perks can be swapped in the Level Up menu if the Cheat Menu is enabled.

8. If you want to get pregnant a lot, you'll probably want the Thraggen Harness.

This mostly covers Class Perk choices. Races don't have much in the way of combat applicability, by design. However, there are non-class Perks you can get.
If you want more advice, specific questions will get better answers.
Kineticist is my least played class and I'm undecided at a few levels. Willpower, Intelligence, Reflexes.
2. Thermal Sunder: Better damage type than Kinetic Burst and Disarms usefulness is spotty at best.
3. Psituned Vitality: Your percent heals are better.
4. Psychogenic Vim: Much better for Energy restoration. Supposedly, Vitality Siphon can generate a huge amount of healing if used right, but Psychogenic Vim ensures you have enough Energy to use your big burst powers to ensure you don't 'need' the sustain.
5a. Entropy Waves: Good damage vs Groups. The Sunder is useful for a couple of enemies, but generally Defense isn't particularly high.
5b. Gravity Flux: The Trip targets Willpower, which is fairly low for a lot of enemies. You could also use a Trip Chance weapon with Third Eye Aim to set up Geothermal Spike.
6. Third Eye Aim: Lets you ignore Physique & Aim. Makes the X Chance flags much more reliable. There are a couple of ways to boost Int past the normal maximum. Makes the Aim penalty of Sensory Dampener irrelevant.
7. Debris Field: The Blind can prevent a lot of damage.
8a. Concussive Augmentation: Decent damage if you want to use weapons. Waits until you actually use a basic attack instead of having a duration.
8b. Geothermal Spike: Good damage, especially with a Trip setup.
9. Acid Cloud: Corrosive is a good damage type. You already have access to Freezing and it's fairly reliable with the Sensory Dampener implant. Has a smaller multiplier vs Deep Freeze, but doesn't remove it, so you can keep using it. Stun can be set up with Mind Crush, Deep Impact, Stun Chance weapons and EMP Grenades.
10a. Mind Crush: Stun on demand, but has a cooldown.
10b. Deep Impact: Has some good synergy with your Level 1 Force Darts ability, especially if you increase your Crit Chance with Witch's Robe & Reaper Cloak. Once Stunned, all further Force Darts will hit. Each Crit extends the Stun duration. Once you have a good amount, Acid Cloud!
11a. Haste: Again, good if you want to use weapons. Lets you get 2 attacks with both Melee & Ranged.
11b. Reality Schism: Best for longer fights and for powers with a cooldown (Mind Crush/Gravity Crush)
12. Gravity Crush: If you get a Deep Freeze from Entropy Leech, this is almost guaranteed to instantly defeat even smaller targets it's supposed to be weak against, let alone larger targets.
13. Invert Decay: I think this is better at the moment. IIRC, so far, there are few/no enemies that use Blind attacks on Phaedra.
For Mercenary, I go for a Melee-primary switch hitter. Steroidal Muscle Augment + Signet of Bravery = 80 Physique, 70 Aim. You don't need Intelligence.
2. Armor Piercing: Bloodthirsty is a decent quality-of-life Perk, but it's made largely irrelevant by Second Wind & Power Potions being inventory items now.
3. Power Strike: 2x damage. Can be used to get x4 damage on targets with Deep Freeze. Can Crit for even more.
4. Riposte: Does not break the normal Evasion cap. Take Cover is a higher bonus but is too situational for my tastes.
5. I never use either.
6. Heavy Weapons: All the Melee weapons I want to use are Energy Weapons, but there are a few good non-Energy Ranged weapons.
7. Cleave: Group fights become more common as you progress. Extremely good with a Stun Chance weapon.
8. Rending Attacks: Giant Slayer is too situational for me, though it applies more often than I first thought.
9. Second Attack: Power strike is now 2.7x.
10. Lunge: There are other ways to counter Flying enemies, but this is the most convenient. If you're increasing Physique, you don't need Bigger Guns (which has some anti-synergies with the class itself and I think it should be overhauled.)
11. Sturm & Drang: High Physique makes the first Melee attack more likely to land. If you can Stun the target with Headbutt or Stun Chance, all further attacks will hit. Has some fun potential combos.
Custom Shock Gear/Magma Crusher + Cryolizer/Grenade Launcher(Cryo Grenades): Ranged will Deep Freeze for a 4x damage Power Strike or just a 2x damage S&D next turn.
Light Savicite Maul + Heavy Slut Ray: Each hit can Stun. Light Savicite Maul doesn't do much damage, but it can Stun through Shields/Armor. This combo is extremely weak vs Robots.
Stun Chance + Hirudo Devourer
Plasma Katana + Grenade Launcher(Incindeary): Every hit can apply the Burn DoT. Ranged follow-up won't always hit unless you use Headbutt.
12. Second Striker: +1 Ranged attack for S&D.
13. Undecided
Smuggler: Physique/Aim, Reflexes, Intelligence (for Sneak Attack/Aimed Shot). For armor, you want to stack Evasion (max 60% for Smugglers).
2. Shoot First: Becomes less useful over time but comes back once you have the Grenade Launcher(Flash Grenades).
3. Aimed Shot: Ranged pairs well with the default Flash Grenade ability.
4. Stealth Field Generator: Can break the cap to 90%. Works on all enemies in group fights. Disarming shot is unreliable and can only be applied to one enemy/turn.
5. Grenade: Good, if Energy-intensive for groups. Gas requires the targets to be susceptible to Drug.
6. Quickdraw: You can switch weapons for different groups, or unequip-re-equip a weapon to clear Disarm.
7. Smuggled Stimulant: 75>60
8. Second Shot:
9. Alpha Strike: In addition to the free damage, Blind/Burn/Freeze Chance always applies on a Critical Hit to HP.
10. Mag Binders: A way to trigger Aimed Shot on Blind-Immune targets.
11. Booster Pack: If you take this, Aimed Shot will also trigger if you're Flying via other methods. BP: 25 Energy, +15 Energy, 1 shot when activated, limited duration. Wings: 0 Energy, no free shot, unlimited duration.
12. Specialized Combatant: All of your damage is tied up in your Level 3 Perk, so no reason to branch out.
13. Called Shot: Damage and Blind at the same time.
Tech Specialists want Physique/Aim and Intelligence. Stack Shields.
2. Attack Drone: Drones are an extra attack that auto-hit, whether you're Grappled/Stunned/Paralyzed, need to activate an ability... You'll probably want to use a Drone Accessory instead of the default.
3. Charge Weapon: The most Energy efficient single ability in the game. Electric is generally a good damage type.
4. Deflector Regeneration: More total Energy & Shields than Power Surge. Energy is the big thing. Techs don't have good regen.
5. Gravidic Disruptor: Mostly so for the Unresistable type.
6. Weapon Tweaks:
7. Charge Shield: This can do some respectable damage and doesn't require the target have a Shield. Techs are good at Electric damage anyway, especially with Charge Weapon.
8. Second Attack: Automatically benefits from Charge Weapon.
9. Drone Control: More Drone damage.
10. Lined Emitters: I don't actually use Gravidic Disruptor.
11. Deployable Turret: Spawning a 200 Shield/HP decoy is very useful. Overclock is just 1 more attack total.
12. Second Striker: I maxed Aim via Training. The Ice Lance (having another damage Type is useful and it can inflict Deep Freeze).
13. Static Strike: Excellent way to detonate Deep Freeze.
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New Member
Jan 2, 2025
So, when you say 'new game', you mean a game you haven't played before?

Pretty viable. Some things can't be Teased, so you still want a backup plan. For Teasing, you'll want to increase Libido (unless you took the Ice Cold chargen perk) and Sexiness. Nudity counts as max Sexiness in that slot. There are several types of Lust damage, and an enemy can be weak or resistant to any.
1. It is generally better to pick either Melee or Ranged stick to it, rather than trying to do both.

2. If you pick Melee, you'll want a solution for Flying enemies. Either Flight-Capable Wings, the Light Jetpack Accessory or the Arctic Nurse Rescue Outfit. Mercenaries can get Lunge at Level 10 and Kineticists automatically learn Levitation at 9.

3. You get 13 points when levelling up. but the stat cap increases by 5. It is advised you keep two stats maxed out (Attack/Weapon stat + Class stat) and a third stat fairly high, rather than spreading your points evenly.

4. You can Train your stats. It is recommended you don't place your Affinity in a stat you plan to raise with Level Up points. Training has diminishing returns, so you should probably Train first, then assign your points. Augment-Weave Armor makes this a lot faster.

5. All stats except Aim are sometimes used defensively, so they might be worth Training, even if you don't usually use them. Given the way its calculated, middling stats aren't actually much better than dumping them entirely. Max or nothing!

6. Fuck Sense substitutes all Class-based Intelligence checks with Libido, except for the Kineticist. The Treatment is not the only way to get it, and if you have it, it's better to dump Intelligence as low as possible (unless you can raise Int above the cap). Kineticists can get a Perk to run Will off of Libido, but there are a handful of abilities that aren't substituted.

7. Perks can be swapped in the Level Up menu if the Cheat Menu is enabled.

8. If you want to get pregnant a lot, you'll probably want the Thraggen Harness.

This mostly covers Class Perk choices. Races don't have much in the way of combat applicability, by design. However, there are non-class Perks you can get.
If you want more advice, specific questions will get better answers.
Kineticist is my least played class and I'm undecided at a few levels. Willpower, Intelligence, Reflexes.
2. Thermal Sunder: Better damage type than Kinetic Burst and Disarms usefulness is spotty at best.
3. Psituned Vitality: Your percent heals are better.
4. Psychogenic Vim: Much better for Energy restoration. Supposedly, Vitality Siphon can generate a huge amount of healing if used right, but Psychogenic Vim ensures you have enough Energy to use your big burst powers to ensure you don't 'need' the sustain.
5a. Entropy Waves: Good damage vs Groups. The Sunder is useful for a couple of enemies, but generally Defense isn't particularly high.
5b. Gravity Flux: The Trip targets Willpower, which is fairly low for a lot of enemies. You could also use a Trip Chance weapon with Third Eye Aim to set up Geothermal Spike.
6. Third Eye Aim: Lets you ignore Physique & Aim. Makes the X Chance flags much more reliable. There are a couple of ways to boost Int past the normal maximum. Makes the Aim penalty of Sensory Dampener irrelevant.
7. Debris Field: The Blind can prevent a lot of damage.
8a. Concussive Augmentation: Decent damage if you want to use weapons. Waits until you actually use a basic attack instead of having a duration.
8b. Geothermal Spike: Good damage, especially with a Trip setup.
9. Acid Cloud: Corrosive is a good damage type. You already have access to Freezing and it's fairly reliable with the Sensory Dampener implant. Has a smaller multiplier vs Deep Freeze, but doesn't remove it, so you can keep using it. Stun can be set up with Mind Crush, Deep Impact, Stun Chance weapons and EMP Grenades.
10a. Mind Crush: Stun on demand, but has a cooldown.
10b. Deep Impact: Has some good synergy with your Level 1 Force Darts ability, especially if you increase your Crit Chance with Witch's Robe & Reaper Cloak. Once Stunned, all further Force Darts will hit. Each Crit extends the Stun duration. Once you have a good amount, Acid Cloud!
11a. Haste: Again, good if you want to use weapons. Lets you get 2 attacks with both Melee & Ranged.
11b. Reality Schism: Best for longer fights and for powers with a cooldown (Mind Crush/Gravity Crush)
12. Gravity Crush: If you get a Deep Freeze from Entropy Leech, this is almost guaranteed to instantly defeat even smaller targets it's supposed to be weak against, let alone larger targets.
13. Invert Decay: I think this is better at the moment. IIRC, so far, there are few/no enemies that use Blind attacks on Phaedra.
For Mercenary, I go for a Melee-primary switch hitter. Steroidal Muscle Augment + Signet of Bravery = 80 Physique, 70 Aim. You don't need Intelligence.
2. Armor Piercing: Bloodthirsty is a decent quality-of-life Perk, but it's made largely irrelevant by Second Wind & Power Potions being inventory items now.
3. Power Strike: 2x damage. Can be used to get x4 damage on targets with Deep Freeze. Can Crit for even more.
4. Riposte: Does not break the normal Evasion cap. Take Cover is a higher bonus but is too situational for my tastes.
5. I never use either.
6. Heavy Weapons: All the Melee weapons I want to use are Energy Weapons, but there are a few good non-Energy Ranged weapons.
7. Cleave: Group fights become more common as you progress. Extremely good with a Stun Chance weapon.
8. Rending Attacks: Giant Slayer is too situational for me, though it applies more often than I first thought.
9. Second Attack: Power strike is now 2.7x.
10. Lunge: There are other ways to counter Flying enemies, but this is the most convenient. If you're increasing Physique, you don't need Bigger Guns (which has some anti-synergies with the class itself and I think it should be overhauled.)
11. Sturm & Drang: High Physique makes the first Melee attack more likely to land. If you can Stun the target with Headbutt or Stun Chance, all further attacks will hit. Has some fun potential combos.
Custom Shock Gear/Magma Crusher + Cryolizer/Grenade Launcher(Cryo Grenades): Ranged will Deep Freeze for a 4x damage Power Strike or just a 2x damage S&D next turn.
Light Savicite Maul + Heavy Slut Ray: Each hit can Stun. Light Savicite Maul doesn't do much damage, but it can Stun through Shields/Armor. This combo is extremely weak vs Robots.
Stun Chance + Hirudo Devourer
Plasma Katana + Grenade Launcher(Incindeary): Every hit can apply the Burn DoT. Ranged follow-up won't always hit unless you use Headbutt.
12. Second Striker: +1 Ranged attack for S&D.
13. Undecided
Smuggler: Physique/Aim, Reflexes, Intelligence (for Sneak Attack/Aimed Shot). For armor, you want to stack Evasion (max 60% for Smugglers).
2. Shoot First: Becomes less useful over time but comes back once you have the Grenade Launcher(Flash Grenades).
3. Aimed Shot: Ranged pairs well with the default Flash Grenade ability.
4. Stealth Field Generator: Can break the cap to 90%. Works on all enemies in group fights. Disarming shot is unreliable and can only be applied to one enemy/turn.
5. Grenade: Good, if Energy-intensive for groups. Gas requires the targets to be susceptible to Drug.
6. Quickdraw: You can switch weapons for different groups, or unequip-re-equip a weapon to clear Disarm.
7. Smuggled Stimulant: 75>60
8. Second Shot:
9. Alpha Strike: In addition to the free damage, Blind/Burn/Freeze Chance always applies on a Critical Hit to HP.
10. Mag Binders: A way to trigger Aimed Shot on Blind-Immune targets.
11. Booster Pack: If you take this, Aimed Shot will also trigger if you're Flying via other methods. BP: 25 Energy, +15 Energy, 1 shot when activated, limited duration. Wings: 0 Energy, no free shot, unlimited duration.
12. Specialized Combatant: All of your damage is tied up in your Level 3 Perk, so no reason to branch out.
13. Called Shot: Damage and Blind at the same time.
Tech Specialists want Physique/Aim and Intelligence. Stack Shields.
2. Attack Drone: Drones are an extra attack that auto-hit, whether you're Grappled/Stunned/Paralyzed, need to activate an ability... You'll probably want to use a Drone Accessory instead of the default.
3. Charge Weapon: The most Energy efficient single ability in the game. Electric is generally a good damage type.
4. Deflector Regeneration: More total Energy & Shields than Power Surge. Energy is the big thing. Techs don't have good regen.
5. Gravidic Disruptor: Mostly so for the Unresistable type.
6. Weapon Tweaks:
7. Charge Shield: This can do some respectable damage and doesn't require the target have a Shield. Techs are good at Electric damage anyway, especially with Charge Weapon.
8. Second Attack: Automatically benefits from Charge Weapon.
9. Drone Control: More Drone damage.
10. Lined Emitters: I don't actually use Gravidic Disruptor.
11. Deployable Turret: Spawning a 200 Shield/HP decoy is very useful. Overclock is just 1 more attack total.
12. Second Striker: I maxed Aim via Training. The Ice Lance (having another damage Type is useful and it can inflict Deep Freeze).
13. Static Strike: Excellent way to detonate Deep Freeze.
What has been your favorite playthrough? And what’s the most OP?


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
What has been your favorite playthrough? And what’s the most OP?
Most OP: Level 13 Kineticist. 75 Will Entropy Leech>Gravity Crush two-rounds almost everything. Sometimes 3 when you have to use Psychogenic Vim to refill Energy.
Ranged Smuggler is probably 2nd with Booster Pack and especially after getting the Grenade Launcher, because they reduce the need for the setup rounds Smuggler is based around.

As for fun, they each have their selling points:
Drone Tech: You can let your robot dog (and tail, later) deal with things that aren't sufficiently threatening.
Ranged (Booster Pack) Smuggler: Consistently puts out high damage numbers and nothing can touch you. Especially if you have Wings/Light Jetpack.
Switch-hitter Mercenary: Actually get good use out of both Melee & Ranged slots. Effortlessly deal with group fights.
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New Member
Jan 2, 2025
Most OP: Level 13 Kineticist. 75 Will Entropy Leech>Gravity Crush two-rounds almost everything. Sometimes 3 when you have to use Psychogenic Vim to refill Energy.
Ranged Smuggler is probably 2nd with Booster Pack and especially after getting the Grenade Launcher, because they reduce the need for the setup rounds Smuggler is based around.

As for fun, they each have their selling points:
Drone Tech: You can let your robot dog (and tail, later) deal with things that aren't sufficiently threatening.
Ranged (Booster Pack) Smuggler: Consistently puts out high damage numbers and nothing can touch you. Especially if you have Wings/Light Jetpack.
Switch-hitter Mercenary: Actually get good use out of both Melee & Ranged slots. Effortlessly deal with group fights.
And who has the smoothest start?


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
1. The game is actually fairly easy, if you know what you're doing (i.e. don't allocate your stats badly).

2. There was someone who completed the first 3 story planets (of 6) at Level 1.

3. I try to minimize Training and avoid allocating stat points until after I get the Augment-Weave Armor, so I kind of play on challenge mode for the first half of the game.

If I had to choose, I'd say Drone Tech.
1. Starts with +4 Shields over the other classes.
2. Consistent damage output via the Drone. Even better once you get the Fenris Assault Drone 2.0, Drone Control and the Combat Tail (I've defeated enemies with just those).
3. Charge Weapon is very cheap and adds a lot of damage.
4. Excellent defense (Deflector Regen scales with max Shields and Intelligence). I found the extra Shields from Shield Booster were largely unnecessary, especially if you use a Stun Chance weapon (like Lightning Rod). Chance scales with Physique. +5 Shields/Level until you get/use a Drone Accessory.
5. An enemy in FIRST-14 (the 'Tutorial Dungeon') is much easier with the Tech's starting Scoped (Laser) Pistol.

There is one fight that's basically designed to screw over Melee Drone Techs, but it's optional. And can still be completed, it's just dicey with the low stats I had.
And you'll probably want Wings in the late game. Combat Tail can't reach Flying enemies unless you're also Flying. And your Accessory is probably spoken for.
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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2022
It's been some time (like a solid 3 months) since I last played this game: but I believe the strongest build to still be Tease Mercenary. Just get a ranged weapon that does lust damage and use Rapid Fire. Normally tease weapons can't be fired twice but rapid fire bypasses that restriction making it capable of 1 shotting most enemies in late game. Against enemies that can't be teased, use any corrosive ranged weapon since most of them will be robots. Just switching weapons won't be a problem since you will be using the same stats anyways.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Most OP: Level 13 Kineticist. 75 Will Entropy Leech>Gravity Crush two-rounds almost everything. Sometimes 3 when you have to use Psychogenic Vim to refill Energy.
Ranged Smuggler is probably 2nd with Booster Pack and especially after getting the Grenade Launcher, because they reduce the need for the setup rounds Smuggler is based around.

As for fun, they each have their selling points:
Drone Tech: You can let your robot dog (and tail, later) deal with things that aren't sufficiently threatening.
Ranged (Booster Pack) Smuggler: Consistently puts out high damage numbers and nothing can touch you. Especially if you have Wings/Light Jetpack.
Switch-hitter Mercenary: Actually get good use out of both Melee & Ranged slots. Effortlessly deal with group fights.
If playing a Kineticist do you think it's worth grabbing Instinctive Psyfocus, Bodily, or Dextrous psi aim? Or it is better to stay as a regular Kineticist?


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
If playing a Kineticist do you think it's worth grabbing Instinctive Psyfocus, Bodily, or Dextrous psi aim? Or it is better to stay as a regular Kineticist?
Instinctive Psifocus
To max it out, you need 125 Libido. You'd need 100 Libido & 50 Sexiness or Corrupted.
Max output scales to max Will, so if you want 75, you still need Sensory Dampener, even though it gives a Sexiness penalty.
Unlike bimboIntelligence, it overrides Willpower for all the abilities it applies to, even if Willpower would get you a better result. I brought this up in Bugs, and lowercase_donkey said he'd pass it on to the team. I don't think it's been changed (yet?).

Bodily/Dexterous Psi Aim
Most of your powers don't use Intelligence, because they auto-hit.
You won't benefit from Speed of Thought, but if you're going Physique, that's not a problem.
Third Eye Aim is much better than Telekinetic Warrior*. TEA runs off Intelligence, not bimboIntelligence. TW runs off psiWillpower (& Phys/Aim), though.
You might want Phys anyway, just because it's used as a defensive stat. I don't think Aim is ever used defensively.
I don't think TEA is used for any of the non-combat Phys/Aim checks.
Sensory Dampener gives an Aim penalty. Overridden by TEA.

*If my calculations are correct, with 48 Intelligence, X Chance flags automatically work on Level 13 enemies (assuming you're doing HP damage). If you have 65, it would take a Level 21 enemy to even have a slight chance, and they'd need a maxed defending stat.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Depends on what you want to do, I guess. Instinctive Psifocus is required for Bodily Psi Aim. That's the real limiter, I think, because it's difficult to actually get full value from.

Avoid Third Eye Aim?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Depends on what you want to do, I guess. Instinctive Psifocus is required for Bodily Psi Aim. That's the real limiter, I think, because it's difficult to actually get full value from.

Avoid Third Eye Aim?
I was thinking of a libido build like how you can with Tech where Fuck sense switches libido with Intelligence where you're unironically a stronger Techie like that to see if that makes a stronger Kineticist as well.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
I was thinking of a libido build like how you can with Tech where Fuck sense switches libido with Intelligence where you're unironically a stronger Techie like that to see if that makes a stronger Kineticist as well.
You're actually not. bimboIntelligence only gives up to normal maximum. Things that increase the max (i.e. Cybernetic Subprocessor, Dumb4Cum) don't count. You're better off with normal Intelligence.

Though bimboIntelligence does use whichever is higher.
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