Bess suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2017
Since noone wanted to touch Bess/Bens files, I went ahead and fixed some bugs that always annoyed me (some menus not disabling the button for your current selection, functions menu showing text from another menu).

However, I was wondering if there is anyting else I should change?
Note: I am talking about bugs and maybe add more customisation. I am NOT going to edit her quest or add any scenes (unless someone else writes them).

Current ideas:
-make milks customizable
-add Reahas clothing menu (giving/taking away clothes from Bess) and removing her current buying menu (only for clothes, accessories will still be delievered in an instant)
-add shades as item (makes as much sense as glasses and katana)

So, any other ideas?

(and yes, I am going to code it myself)


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Dude, no. Our resident Code Draggy almost had an aneurysm getting Bess/Ben the way they are now. Trust me, this is one can of worms that should remain closed.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2017
I know, but she did a great job at making the code readable and as long as I dont have to touch the quest, it should be fine.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
An outfit that looks like a game controller.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
If your willing to do the coding, the skies the limit. Just clear the new content with fen before you inpliment it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
I honestly think (In order to have at least Ben/Bess be able to to be expandable to where we can further interact with her through other projects and such) that Ben/Bess really just needs to be more simplified rather than to add even more features. Right now that's mainly the reason why they're pretty much widely accepted to be a "Do Not Touch" project because of how super customizable they are that it makes most things coding-wise (especially for writers) a pain in the arse taking into account all the variables he/she has.

The cataloge menu change and the Reaha clothing system is definitely a step in the right direction though. Still, I would have to suggest holding off on further additional customization options until she's in a manageable state to easily implement and work this through new and pre-existing scenes.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2017
Yeah, I know what you mean.

But as no one wants to touch her code, I doubt she is ever going to be in a more manageable condition (the staff is already busy enough without redoing old content), so I figured I might go all the way with the customizastion options. After all, thats what makes her unique - and there is still the possibillity of Gianna as a less costomizable sex bot/crew member sometime in the future.
Albeit I have to agree that it could be toned down a bit - things like tails, wings and horns seem like a bit over the top for a robot - I cant image these settings making much difference for the writers.
(might end up removing the katana/glasses, that really seems like more hassle than its worth).

In the end, it all depends on Fens/Savins oppinions about the whole thing.

That said: just because I make some changes now doenst mean there wont be other changes at a later date, depending on the feedback.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2017
I'm not quite clear at what you try to archive? Do you want to "go all the way with the customization" or do you want to "tone it down"?

Exchanging the clothing menus means that you have to make her unique items accessible somehow (impact on pc/other cloth-able chars?) and that current and future bess content would need checks that all additional clothing options make sense.
Removing things like the katana will have negligible impact on the code/character complexity as it is hardly ever mentioned/checked (to be fair the impact to the character itself will be minimal too - as it was hardly ever mentioned/checked) The vast majority (80%?) of parser/function calls (things that make bess complex) in the current code deal with the fact that it can be Bess or Ben. Any change to her setup will be dwarfed by this.

My suggestions at this stage would be:
Make clear to yourself what YOU want to archive.
Work out ideas for changes toward this goal and try to estimate the impact.
If you think the change is a worthwhile move toward your goal contact the staff and check that they are at least open to this change.
Only then start coding... because -honestly- chances are high you do it for your own entertainment

I went through bess once trying to start a discussion on how things can be improved - it didn't gather much traction...


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2017
Since it was not mentioned in Fens change logs:
For the last couple of backer builds, you are now able to give Bess/Ben clothes and take them away again (just like Reaha and Mitzi). Her clothing store has also been reduced to only contain the stuff that is exclusive to her and cant be bought anywhere else (and cant be taken away from her). Together with the jailbreak kit to change between Bess and Ben, I think that a bit of an improvement.

Still hoping to add a m/f toggle without affecting the model, but that requires a bit more writing :(