Bess/Ben lover


Aug 27, 2015
help please anyone.

OK, now I think i'm stuck on the relationship. Is it possible to get her to lover after she gives you the friendship bracelet or are you screwed? I feel like I've tried everything..


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You've got to have a 70 to affection to continue and a little bit of time must have passed. There's a 25% chance of it showing up whenever you enter her menu. Repeatedly spend time with her and/or have sex to raise her affection level. When she's your friend or lover, you can usually tell how high it is by how excitedly she greets you.

There's no flags in the friendship bracelet scene to end friendship/lover progression. Unless, you know, it's a bug, but that seems unlikely.


Aug 27, 2015
Actually, I have 100 affection and I am up to the scene where she sleeps on your shoulder. I waited like 20 days now and.. nothing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So you're up to the Scene 19 - "Catch That Thrill", and the last one was the Kareoke scene, right? I'll copy-paste the reqs from the doc.

// Repeating Scene (If PC refuses to watch movies with her)

// Bess affection must be 70 or higher

// 2 days must have passed since the last scene.

// Must be friends.

// Must be between 1600 and 2400

// 100% chance of occuring on entering her menu the first time.

// 10% chance of occuring on entering her menu as a repeat scene (if PC refuses first time invite)
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Aug 27, 2015
Ahh, thanks for the help.. at least I know what will happen when I do this again. It seemed to take ages for the movies scene to pop up but now all is well, thanks :)

EDIT: oh, and btw, I liked her alot, although it was a pain to figure out the mechanics of the thing, it was worth it in the end.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Latest public build is 0.6.1

Bess is in current latest build that is 0.6.2 so sorry but it's for now backers only atm.


Aug 28, 2015
Hey, just wanted to put up that I'm having trouble with this too. I've read through the doc, and I know that much of her events are based off of a percentage chance, but it seems like I should have had something proc by now. So far the only thing I've been able to get is the scene where you help her out with her diagnostic and the follow-up sex.

Now, I'm not sure what my affection level is at, since I don't know how to check that, but I've been spamming Sex and Spend Time options all day every day for about ten days now and nothing.

Maybe I've just got a wonkey download. Has anyone else experienced alot of "nulls" in the text? When I click on crew, I also see this as the last line of her text: !Unknown subject in “PLACEHOLDER”!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Affection levels only kick in after scene 04 (Just to complicate things, there's a scene 00, so that's five scenes in). Scene four involves her changing bedsheets (I-It's more interesting than it sounds! ;_;). You only have to have an affection requirement after this scene, and even then, it's pretty low (20).

Scene 00 is the stretching and sexytimes. Scene 01 is watching a Holovid and having her come up. There's no way to fail 00, so you should meet the reqs for scene 01 after half a day. There's a 25% chance of it popping up when you enter the menu.

If you haven't gotten it still, I'd report it to the bug section so Fen or Gedan can find and fix it. Same with the Nulls -- that's definitely not just you. Copy-paste the section you found it in and put a bug post in specifying what scene or menu it was in. That way it can be fixed in time for the next build and voila, gone!

EDIT: For those who don't know where the doc is to check scene requirements, it's here (though spoiler alert). The time between scenes part is off -- they were actually halved, so when it says two days between scenes on something it's actually only one. For some reason I ended up fucking around for 350 in-game days just trying to complete her scene list even though that should be impossible. :/
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Aug 27, 2015
My heart broke at so many of her scenes after the fourth date. My poor AI waifu. Racist bastards!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
My heart broke so many times writing the fourth date. It was actually pretty emotionally trying to write something so negative, while still placing myself in her shoes. I actually had to go away and come back to her a day or two later.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
EDIT: For those who don't know where the doc is to check scene requirements, it's here (though spoiler alert). The time between scenes part is off -- they were actually halved, so when it says two days between scenes on something it's actually only one. For some reason I ended up fucking around for 350 in-game days just trying to complete her scene list even though that should be impossible.

Fen wasnt kidding with all the coding, i mean jesus christ theres alot of stuff to sift through, then i have to re-do it on the normal game and shite, unless the save transfers over without deleteing my progress in the Backer version, its seem to work from public to backer, so eh
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Aug 27, 2015
My heart broke so many times writing the fourth date. It was actually pretty emotionally trying to write something so negative, while still placing myself in her shoes. I actually had to go away and come back to her a day or two later.

I don't know why, but the last date you go with her where she admits to faking it early on was what touched me (and not in a perverted way) the most. Damn you, Jim, for making me so attached to an adorable little sexbot! And I wish there was some way to get back at those bastards at the restaurant. That fact you can't makes it even more heartrending.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
My heart broke at so many of her scenes after the fourth date. My poor AI waifu. Racist bastards!

I actually can understand why they would be upset. Bess is an illigal AI, so they probally assumed you  brought in a mindless sex drioid into a restaurant, and who wants to see some pervert and his/her sex toy at dinner eating with your friends and family. Sure they where super rude about it, but Im just saying. Though who can say they still wouldn't be upset if they knew bess was sentient? Robosexuallity is a controversally topic after all.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I actually can understand why they would be upset. Bess is an illigal AI, so they probally assumed you  brought in a mindless sex drioid into a restaurant, and who wants to see some pervert and his/her sex toy at dinner eating with your friends and family. Sure they where super rude about it, but Im just saying. Though who can say they still wouldn't be upset if they knew bess was sentient? Robosexuallity is a controversally topic after all.

I cant even a big shot would have there ai secretary with them   for business htf do they know she isn't my assistant vi.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Because you're taking her to dinner.

so it could be a working meal. They don't know they just jump your shit as soon as you walk in the door  as it is written. (I hate to use this reference but it fits here) it's like it is 1950 and you let a certain race into a diner. they have no idea what  job or task that person performs for you. There only assuming  your motives. which makes them the ignorant asshats. personally I would point that out to them and then make it one of my goals to personally fk with there shit. pointing oh  joe blow is banging his secretary even tho he is at dinner with his wife etc.. thanks to codex internet search's she could be a taste tester.  since  the whole universe  seems to know about my quest and who I am. They should know about my fktard of a cousin trying to kill me and steal my inheritance. or at minimum allow us to later on have vengeance upon them when I get my fortune.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Good, then you got the parallel I was going for with racism. It's meant to be exactly like that. Also, you can say African-Americans. It's not a bad word.

You can point out they're ignorant asshats in game, but the thing about being ignorant asshats, is that they don't change their closeminded ways when you point it out. On account of their mind, you know, being closed. Hence the term.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Good, then you got the parallel I was going for with racism. It's meant to be exactly like that. Also, you can say African-Americans. It's not a bad word.

You can point out they're ignorant asshats in game, but the thing about being ignorant asshats, is that they don't change their closeminded ways when you point it out. On account of their mind, you know, being closed. Hence the term.
yes but for story purposes  ya know good guy winning  in the end  we should be able to get some closure aka vengeance on them lol.

extreme case would be say  toons a mercenary  you say ok  fine were leaving but you left a rat pheromone  device under  table  to summon all rats to that restaurant now and they swarm the place. seems fitting rats for a bunch of rats. restaurant gets closed down for health concerns. or you add something to food buffet on the way out  gives everyone  food poisoning there sick instantly and  for a good week  restaurant gets closed down. im just spit balling here  but since I play mischievous character's I can see her doing some of these. for payback especially the food poisoning or rat's one's 


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
yes but for story purposes  ya know good guy winning  in the end  we should be able to get some closure aka vengeance on them lol.

extreme case would be say  toons a mercenary  you say ok  fine were leaving but you left a rat pheromone  device under  table  to summon all rats to that restaurant now and they swarm the place. seems fitting rats for a bunch of rats. restaurant gets closed down for health concerns. or you add something to food buffet on the way out  gives everyone  food poisoning there sick instantly and  for a good week  restaurant gets closed down. im just spit balling here  but since I play mischievous character's I can see her doing some of these. for payback especially the food poisoning or rat's one's 
Everything doesn't have to end with the PC's absolute victory.

Kaiser Chi

New Member
Feb 29, 2016
Please help me fix this problem.

When event 03 "core directives" happened, I wrongly chose "NO", since then my Bess hasn't questioned anymore.

Is there any solution to this damned situation?


Please help me fix this problem.

When event 03 "core directives" happened, I wrongly chose "NO", since then my Bess hasn't questioned anymore.

Is there any solution to this damned situation?

Start a new game.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Please help me fix this problem.

When event 03 "core directives" happened, I wrongly chose "NO", since then my Bess hasn't questioned anymore.

Is there any solution to this damned situation?

load an early save.  

... Too bad there couldn't be an evil undertale like option to reset her.  Rebuild the affection then have her notice.