Been crashing a lot recently.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Well, as the title says I've been experiencing a lot of crashing recently. This is mainly a problem with bosses, and has happened in so many places that I've quite frankly lost count of the number of times it has happened. The error code seems to be similar regardless of where it happens, and it doesn't really happen at any specific place in the fights. I'll crash a few times, then eventually beat the boss without getting further crashes. It's odd since there seems to be nothing unusual going on that could cause the crashing to actually happen, and verifying and reinstalls do nothing to fix the issue. I'm playing on the beta-backer build for what it's worth, and just returned after a large break so I doubt previous versions of the game has had the same issues. It has happened since the update prior to the newest one with the dragon sex scenes, but as I said that's when I came back so I don't know if that's where it started or not.

On a side-note that seems somewhat related to the issue, I'm having problems buying things by double clicking them in the store windows, and the things that stack I have to buy manually one at a time with the buy button since the + symbol doesn't seem to work either. I've also experienced that everything in my codex is showing up twice making the list, well twice as long. I've been speed-running lately, so that might be what's causing all of these problems, which in turn makes the problem a part of my save, rather than a part of the files which would explain why verification and re-installs aren't working. Either way I figured I'd report it, and I'll add any future crash-logs with edits as they pop up in hopes that the issue can be sorted out so it won't be a problem for someone else.

Well here's the first crash since my post.
TypeError: Cannot read property 'owner' of undefined at n.value (file:///G:/Steam/steamapps/common/Corruption%20of%20Champions%20II/resources/app/640.d253a47be212d66b21bd.js:1:3963375) at n.value (file:///G:/Steam/steamapps/common/Corruption%20of%20Champions%20II/resources/app/640.d253a47be212d66b21bd.js:1:3962557) at file:///G:/Steam/steamapps/common/Corruption%20of%20Champions%20II/resources/app/640.d253a47be212d66b21bd.js:1:2973223 at Array.forEach () at e.value (file:///G:/Steam/steamapps/common/Corruption%20of%20Champions%20II/resources/app/640.d253a47be212d66b21bd.js:1:2973176) at e.value (file:///G:/Steam/steamapps/common/Corruption%20of%20Champions%20II/resources/app/640.d253a47be212d66b21bd.js:1:2971409) at e.value (file:///G:/Steam/steamapps/common/Corruption%20of%20Champions%20II/resources/app/640.d253a47be212d66b21bd.js:1:2970915) at e.value (file:///G:/Steam/steamapps/common/Corruption%20of%20Champions%20II/resources/app/640.d253a47be212d66b21bd.js:1:2970333) at e.value (file:///G:/Steam/steamapps/common/Corruption%20of%20Champions%20II/resources/app/640.d253a47be212d66b21bd.js:1:2970120) at Object.func (file:///G:/Steam/steamapps/common/Corruption%20of%20Champions%20II/resources/app/640.d253a47be212d66b21bd.js:1:2968347)


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Fucking hell, the new update has absolutely flooded the game with bugs. I have no idea what could've caused it since absolutely nothing in the patch-list justifies this amount of shit going down. The only suspect I have is the loading bar addition, because it's happening on PC not Android, and I doubt the new dragon babe content is to blame for whatever this is.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
At this point I can only conclude that the boos fight in the orc camp is entirely unbeatable. I either crash right as the fight start, or after the first hit is dealt so I can't even get sneaky about it to get around it.


May 17, 2021
The Cache hotfix need to be hotfixed XD (it'll be done today it's what they said) (best cache data loop ever seen XD)


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
The Cache hotfix need to be hotfixed XD (it'll be done today it's what they said) (best cache data loop ever seen XD)
It's already done as far as I'm aware. I still have some problems buying things, but at least the game-breaking stuff was sorted out relatively fast. Sucked not being able to play for a day though.