Important note:
The discussion here should concentrate on phases, that are currently WIP (Currenty phase 4). For phases, that are marked as [Done] hop over to the gdoc and suggest that for phase 7. For the upcoming phases, suggest that at the corresponding phase at the gdoc. And don't ask for things, that are explained over at the gdoc. I don't like to repeat myself and I don't want to bloat up this thread with such explanations. This thread is mainly to discuss phases, that I currently work on.
This thread is for the forum based discussion of my basilisk eyes implementation. I've opened this thread, because in the official CoC Revamp thread every request for feedback and testing gets buried on page 80+ and many people just read the first post of it and ignore the rest of it. At least I have that feeling. Please try to stay on topic here and when I've finished everything, I'll probably abandon this thread and continue discussion of future changes in the gdoc and/or the CoC Revamp thread.
Well, anyway: Let's start with a brief explanation of the phases (For the full doc see the gdoc):
[Done] Phase 1 (Dialogues with Benoit(e) and gaining them):
To enable the talk scene that enables the basilisk eyes option of Benoit(e) you need to have at least 55 intelligence and 'produced' 12 eggs at least. Produced means eggs laid by you or by female Benoite.
Later on I will bump that requirement to 15 eggs total, the player needs the Basilisk Womb Perk and he has laid at least 8 eggs by herself. Obviously this requires to be a female or a herm. After you've enabled that button you can safely turn back to a male and would still be able to get those eyes from Benoit(e) and probably never lay a basilisk egg again, although Benoite would be very lonely, if you do :/
Note, that you can gain them again and again without any further requirements. Although many other transformatives will have a chance to remove them you could probably build any race mashup with these eyes if you don't touch any other transformative after gaining them.
[Done] Phase 2: New hair-pin to alter female and basilisk hair when using reptilum:
There are two new hairtypes added for basilisks. The plume of feathers (2-8 inches, different desc, than feathery hair) for female or herm basilisks with low corruption and basilisk spines (always 2 inches) with corruption above 65. In addition to the corruption these TFs require some more baslisk (aka lizan) body parts, like a reptilic (currently dragon or lizan) face and lizard scales to gain the spines and for the plume of feathers you need the feathery hair-pin you get from Benoit(e) after a random talk scene after gaining the basilisk eyes at least once (You don't need to have basilisk eyes to trigger that, though). Since this was the most complex phase I'll point you to the gdoc to see the exact details. PS: I'm considering to require more body parts to be those of a basilisk/lizard later. If anyone has a suggestion, feel free to post them here or (better) to add a comment to the gdoc.
If you want basilisk spines but no or low corruption you could just equip the hair-pin with your curroption below 55, then raise your corruption above 65 (hair-pin falls off, if equipped and your hair becomes bassy spines) or just eat reptilum (no hair-pin equipped). They won't disappear if you never equip the hair-pin after that.
The other way around works too, required that your female or herm of course: Lower your curroption below 15 (or talk to Benoit(e) about the hair-pin with your corruption below 30, first time of day after random talk with Benoit(e)), then gain them, unequip the pin and never equip it again nor eat any reptilum, so it doesn't trigger the corruption 65+ transformation.
[Done] Phase 3: Allow to petrify Imps instead of just killing them
If you have basilisk eyes and win against an imp, you have the option to [Petrify Him]. The chance to succeed is 100% if you won by damage and 50% + (0 to 50% depending on the remaining health of the Imp). After that you have the choice to abandon the statue or to carry it back and immediately put it onto your camps wall (one imp statue counts as 4 imp skulls aka reducing the chance of an imp raid by 4% instead of just 1%). Both options require, that your camps wall is completed.
[Done] Phase 4: Stare combat ability
Using the combat ability gained from these eyes trains them and makes them stronger and raises the accuracy. I've reused the basilisk resistance tracker for this. The documentation at the gdoc for this phase is short enough, so I dont need to repost this here, I guess. If you have any questions, just ask.
The mechanics are derived from kitsune (nine-tails) Illusion and comparing them with web-spray of spider-morphs and driders they are relatively weak, so I tend to buff both abilities later. However: I may limit those three speed reducing abilities to max 3 applications total, so no spider-lisk for you, that reduces for example Lethice's speed to zero from e. g. 210 in no time.
Some random thoughts about that balancing: I consider to reduce another stat by 50% of the speed reduction (e. g. up to -90 speed and -45 strength for bassys (at 50% training) and -90 speed and -45 int for kitsune illusion, web spray will probably stay at -135 speed after three applications). Again: This will happen later, meaning after finalizing Phase 4,
Code comparison:
RC build: CoC-mod_1.4_dev-Basilisk_Eyes_Phase_4-dev_RC1.swf
Before testing it, you should backup your saves. At least the file CoC_Main.sol unless you have no problem, that 4 achievements get unawarded due to the fix for issue #337: Wrong IDs in kACHIEVEMENTS conflicting with other achievements. It won't screw up your savegame. It'll only remove those achievements and you can always regain them once you've gone back to a release build.
[Next] Phase 5: More basilisk sex scenes
If you have basilisk eyes, the sex scenes with basilisks should be at least different or complete new ones
[Future] Phase 6: With high corruption: Allow to petrify foes (leads to a bad end)
Allow to petrify non-imp foes or even NPCs, when your corruption is high enough. this is still far from being discussed enough, to be implemented.
[Final] Phase 7: Finalization
This is a post implementation phase to implement final finetunings and to raise requirements, that have been kept low for the sake of easier debugging and so on.
The discussion here should concentrate on phases, that are currently WIP (Currenty phase 4). For phases, that are marked as [Done] hop over to the gdoc and suggest that for phase 7. For the upcoming phases, suggest that at the corresponding phase at the gdoc. And don't ask for things, that are explained over at the gdoc. I don't like to repeat myself and I don't want to bloat up this thread with such explanations. This thread is mainly to discuss phases, that I currently work on.
This thread is for the forum based discussion of my basilisk eyes implementation. I've opened this thread, because in the official CoC Revamp thread every request for feedback and testing gets buried on page 80+ and many people just read the first post of it and ignore the rest of it. At least I have that feeling. Please try to stay on topic here and when I've finished everything, I'll probably abandon this thread and continue discussion of future changes in the gdoc and/or the CoC Revamp thread.
Well, anyway: Let's start with a brief explanation of the phases (For the full doc see the gdoc):
[Done] Phase 1 (Dialogues with Benoit(e) and gaining them):
To enable the talk scene that enables the basilisk eyes option of Benoit(e) you need to have at least 55 intelligence and 'produced' 12 eggs at least. Produced means eggs laid by you or by female Benoite.
Later on I will bump that requirement to 15 eggs total, the player needs the Basilisk Womb Perk and he has laid at least 8 eggs by herself. Obviously this requires to be a female or a herm. After you've enabled that button you can safely turn back to a male and would still be able to get those eyes from Benoit(e) and probably never lay a basilisk egg again, although Benoite would be very lonely, if you do :/
Note, that you can gain them again and again without any further requirements. Although many other transformatives will have a chance to remove them you could probably build any race mashup with these eyes if you don't touch any other transformative after gaining them.
[Done] Phase 2: New hair-pin to alter female and basilisk hair when using reptilum:
There are two new hairtypes added for basilisks. The plume of feathers (2-8 inches, different desc, than feathery hair) for female or herm basilisks with low corruption and basilisk spines (always 2 inches) with corruption above 65. In addition to the corruption these TFs require some more baslisk (aka lizan) body parts, like a reptilic (currently dragon or lizan) face and lizard scales to gain the spines and for the plume of feathers you need the feathery hair-pin you get from Benoit(e) after a random talk scene after gaining the basilisk eyes at least once (You don't need to have basilisk eyes to trigger that, though). Since this was the most complex phase I'll point you to the gdoc to see the exact details. PS: I'm considering to require more body parts to be those of a basilisk/lizard later. If anyone has a suggestion, feel free to post them here or (better) to add a comment to the gdoc.
If you want basilisk spines but no or low corruption you could just equip the hair-pin with your curroption below 55, then raise your corruption above 65 (hair-pin falls off, if equipped and your hair becomes bassy spines) or just eat reptilum (no hair-pin equipped). They won't disappear if you never equip the hair-pin after that.
The other way around works too, required that your female or herm of course: Lower your curroption below 15 (or talk to Benoit(e) about the hair-pin with your corruption below 30, first time of day after random talk with Benoit(e)), then gain them, unequip the pin and never equip it again nor eat any reptilum, so it doesn't trigger the corruption 65+ transformation.
[Done] Phase 3: Allow to petrify Imps instead of just killing them
If you have basilisk eyes and win against an imp, you have the option to [Petrify Him]. The chance to succeed is 100% if you won by damage and 50% + (0 to 50% depending on the remaining health of the Imp). After that you have the choice to abandon the statue or to carry it back and immediately put it onto your camps wall (one imp statue counts as 4 imp skulls aka reducing the chance of an imp raid by 4% instead of just 1%). Both options require, that your camps wall is completed.
[Done] Phase 4: Stare combat ability
Using the combat ability gained from these eyes trains them and makes them stronger and raises the accuracy. I've reused the basilisk resistance tracker for this. The documentation at the gdoc for this phase is short enough, so I dont need to repost this here, I guess. If you have any questions, just ask.
The mechanics are derived from kitsune (nine-tails) Illusion and comparing them with web-spray of spider-morphs and driders they are relatively weak, so I tend to buff both abilities later. However: I may limit those three speed reducing abilities to max 3 applications total, so no spider-lisk for you, that reduces for example Lethice's speed to zero from e. g. 210 in no time.
Some random thoughts about that balancing: I consider to reduce another stat by 50% of the speed reduction (e. g. up to -90 speed and -45 strength for bassys (at 50% training) and -90 speed and -45 int for kitsune illusion, web spray will probably stay at -135 speed after three applications). Again: This will happen later, meaning after finalizing Phase 4,
Code comparison:
RC build: CoC-mod_1.4_dev-Basilisk_Eyes_Phase_4-dev_RC1.swf
Before testing it, you should backup your saves. At least the file CoC_Main.sol unless you have no problem, that 4 achievements get unawarded due to the fix for issue #337: Wrong IDs in kACHIEVEMENTS conflicting with other achievements. It won't screw up your savegame. It'll only remove those achievements and you can always regain them once you've gone back to a release build.
[Next] Phase 5: More basilisk sex scenes
If you have basilisk eyes, the sex scenes with basilisks should be at least different or complete new ones
[Future] Phase 6: With high corruption: Allow to petrify foes (leads to a bad end)
Allow to petrify non-imp foes or even NPCs, when your corruption is high enough. this is still far from being discussed enough, to be implemented.
[Final] Phase 7: Finalization
This is a post implementation phase to implement final finetunings and to raise requirements, that have been kept low for the sake of easier debugging and so on.
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