Bad idea brainstorming center


Active Member
Jun 9, 2016
A thread for ideas so dumb and bad (or just underdeveloped) that you know they'll never make it into TiTs, but you want to post them anyway. Joke ideas also welcome.

My bad ideas:

- clumsiness stat. Changes certain encounters based on how clumsy you are. Is exacerbated by large endowments, which knock things over and bump people.

- a cell phone which you can use to call NPCs you've added to your contacts. Make booty calls, have phone sex, or just catch up with that space cutie you haven't been to visit in a while.

- a race of sexy space geese that honk at you and peck your face. They block the way to a place you want to be and you have to shoo them away.

- a gun that shoots a microsingularity that latches onto the dick/clit of its target and sucks them off, inflicting lust damage.

- Sword and sorcery planet where your character can have sex with barbarians and acquire loincloths, leopardskin bras and pointy helmets to wear.

- BBW planet full of great restaurants where your character can eat a lot and get very fat

- Bee jizz. Not honey jizz, but like, you jizz live bees. Fire them machinegun style at enemies during combat.

- a race of goo girls who have adapted to the cold by being made of snow.

- Collectible hats

- Collectible pets that you can capture, train and battle with other pets. The central theme of the game should shift to revolve entirely around this.

- 90's radical clothes. Deck your Steele out with a backwards hat, wraparound shades, jean jacket and neon sneakers!

- a race of aliens with transparent boobs where the liquid inside is visible and they're full of little swimming tadpoles because that's where they develop their young.

- a death planet inhabited by sexy ghosts

- a church planet inhabited by sexy nuns

- a post-apocalyptic planet inhabited by sexy mutants and scavengers.

- a pill you can jam up your urethra, effect to be determined.

- a wisecracking artificially intelligent dildo that is always giving you the business.

- yet another race of goo girls, these ones have crystal cores.

- a desert planet with sandworms but, get this: the sandworms are dicks!

Let's hear your bad ideas!
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Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I-I feel that this somehow belongs in the general section forums but... yea...

A thread for ideas so dumb and bad (or just underdeveloped) that you know they'll never make it into TiTs, but you want to post them anyway. Joke ideas also welcome.

My bad ideas:

- Sword and sorcery planet where your character can have sex with barbarians and acquire loincloths, leopardskin bras and pointy helmets to wear.

- a church planet inhabited by sexy nuns

- a post-apocalyptic planet inhabited by sexy mutants and scavengers.

- a wisecracking artificially intelligent dildo that is always giving you the business.

I know Couch has written a character with a Fantasy Forge shop... not a planet... but yeah... also... magic really, really won't exist in the game. Cloesest we're gonna get is Psionics which we won't see until late game and whenever Fen&co decide to add it to the game.

Sexy nuns... uhhh be careful what you ask for someone will probably decide to wright such content.

Post apocalyptic planet is already planned as an alternative starter planet.

Oh joy wisecracking AI sex toy... lets add that with our intelligent living bodysuit that might/might not constantly molest you when least expected.

All that other stuff... uhh can we say silly mode?
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Active Member
Jun 9, 2016
I-I feel that this somehow belongs in the general section forums but... yea...

I actually drafted up this whole thread submission in General and was juuuuuust about to submit it there when I thought "shoot, this is so TiTS specific, I bet it belongs in TiTS>Ideas." If this belongs better in General then I apologize.

I know Couch has written a character with a Fantasy Forge shop... not a planet... but yeah... also... magic really, really won't exist in the game. Cloesest we're gonna get is Psionics which we won't see until late game and whenever Fen&co decide to add it to the game.

Sexy nuns... uhhh be careful what you ask for someone will probably decide to wright such content.

Post apocalyptic planet is already planned as an alternative starter planet.

Oh joy wisecracking AI sex toy... lets add that with our intelligent living bodysuit that might/might not constantly molest you when least expected.

All that other stuff... uhh can we say silly mode?

*shoots you a reproving look and sternly taps first sentence of OP with fingertip*

-How about a prison planet full of sexy inmates? Can you say "Conjugal sex"?

They're all doing hard time for sex crimes. *waggles eyebrows*
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Altair Hayes

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Jelly Loincloth (not gelatin, but like goo-creature viscosity)

The ability to enslave a Zil female by repeated use of her own aphrodisiacs.

A custom mod seller, essentially pick out what you want to occur within the TF, the more precise, the more it costs.

A beach planet full of a lot of heartthrobs showing a lot of skin.

The ability to forcefully treat Jack/Jill... jesus that'd be hot.

A sassy old black lady NPC that gives you advice in game.
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Jun 10, 2016
Ooh, these are fun!

How about a genderless race (or have a tiny uniball but no cock or vagina) that tries to reproduce by mutating people in combat.  They throw little balls of whatever that, if they deal damage, transform Steele a tiny bit at a time.  The effects only last if they win, though, otherwise lasting a couple of hours to a day or whatever. That would be so annoying, but possibly very fun.

A race of 1 foot tall puppets that have to find a ventriloquist to reproduce. Realizing that ventriloquists just don't spring out of nowhere, they capture people to train, sometimes killing them through drowning with the "taking while I'm drinking water" trick.

A male-only race that is obsessed with cake. They run a galactic ring of cake shops and hope to put all other food vendors out of business.

The boobstasi, despising anyone without boobs, attempting to be-boob anyone who lacks them in all kinds of creative ways.

Trick clothing that transform people. Beware the uniball speedo and the flattop bra.

A floating vagina, the only remaining member of a race that has transcended the bonds of the material universe. It seeks a cock large enough to fill it and complete its ascendance, but getting a cock 1" higher than that size results in a bad end. It takes your cock with it when it succeeds, though.

A gremlin-like creature that sneaks onto Steele's ship and attempts to make the character androgynous and otherwise featureless. If it succeeds, steals Steele's identity. Discovering it is difficult.

Cursed items that Steele can't take off in normal ways and make the character terrible in combat. When you lose a combat, they curse you to transform a little bit into the thing that defeated you.

A bear race that lives on a circus planet. They find out about the Zil and want their honey. If your character is a Zil, they want you, too.

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Active Member
Jun 9, 2016
- Snail people

Snail people, you say...?

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Active Member
Jun 9, 2016
Some very very rough concept art expanding on my "Sexy Alpaca Race" idea, which I may upgrade to "real idea" and write a codex for them...

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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
- A "realism" mode that adds needs like food and drink, resulting in every character with Kui-Tan levels of cum dying of dehydration when they blow their load

Hey! I want a mode like that! Well, without the 'changing needs based on morphs' part. Just, 'you can't spend 2 weeks straight farming loot in a cave, Second wind-ing your way to victory'.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
- A Bad End for when you do stupid shit like blowing up a planet where Steele just goes to prison and... that's it. Normal prison life. Not even a shower buttfuck. You just rot in prison. Forever.

Hahah TiTS Prison Mod inc? LoLoLoL

- A "realism" mode that adds needs like food and drink, resulting in every character with Kui-Tan levels of cum dying of dehydration when they blow their load.

WHy it looks you want to see few of modded CoC version here in tits? Coincidence?

Anyway hunger meter would be something that could keep PC from spending weeks in wildness with only returing to sell farmed stuff. But it better to be option to turn on not something active from the start....unless we would have added new screen on chara creation with picking various options that can modyfy playing game.


Aug 27, 2015
See, this is the kind of thing this sub-forum was created for.

a race of sexy space geese that honk at you and peck your face. They block the way to a place you want to be and you have to shoo them away.

Name sound familiar at all? I actually started from the vague premise of "bird people that are fairly obstructive".

How about a genderless race (or have a tiny uniball but no cock or vagina) that tries to reproduce by mutating people in combat.  They throw little balls of whatever that, if they deal damage, transform Steele a tiny bit at a time.  The effects only last if they win, though, otherwise lasting a couple of hours to a day or whatever. That would be so annoying, but possibly very fun.

That sounds familiar too!
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Active Member
Jun 9, 2016

Name sound familiar at all? I actually started from the vague premise of "bird people that are fairly obstructive".

TBH I never made the connection.

More bad ideas:

- A Dalek-like race that is eternally sexually frustrated because they can't leave their home planet without bulky and unsexy environment suits. Everyone they meet is so hot, but they can only look and not touch. It makes them very grouchy and they decide the solution is that if everyone is unattractive, they won't be tormented anymore. If you discover the secret to allowing one to survive without its suit, tentacle sex ensues.

- A laissez-faire capitalist planet inhabited by obnoxious, robotic "Randroids" who believe themselves to be perfectly rational beings, but actually are huge jerks that nobody can stand.

- A Rita Repulsa type villain (only sexy) who is over the top and hammy. She unleashes a giant (sexy) monster on some planet or other, and you have to grow giant and defeat it.

- A CLUE-type murder mystery quest where you and a handful of NPCs are locked in a manor overnight and must discover the real killer before it's too late. BAD END if you go the whole night without solving the mystery, progressively more generous rewards/bonuses the more of the mystery you're able to solve. Featuring Penny in the role of the Scotland Yard investigator (with different dialogue/scenes depending on how much throbb or ditz ray you've given her).

- A wisecracking motorcycle AI that helps you solve crimes.

- A band of genetically engineered warriors that must learn to cope with the war being over.

- A graphic interface featuring pixel art renditions of every tile. Top-down RPG style, but much lower rez, so your character would be represented by a simple line or dot.

- A replacement officer for Penny when it becomes obvious she's too sexually corrupted to fulfill her duties. You get to corrupt the hard-nosed replacement, too (and his, and hers and hers and so on). Meanwhile Penny comes to live with you as part of your crew.

- Get this: Space PRINCES

- More space princesses.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
I had a bad idea last night, but I forgot to post it here and now it's gone...

I think it might have been introducing a chain fast-food restaurant on Tarkus, Myrellion, and M'henga where all the staff are nude save for shoes, nametags, and embarrassing hats.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Body piercings?

"We need to talk about your flair."

"Really? I have fifteen piercings on..."

"Well, fifteen is the minimum. Now, y'know it's up to you whether you want to just do the bare minimum, or, uh... well look at Brian for example has thirty-seven pieces of flair - "

"Brian is a nippleonian from the nipple conglomerate.  He has room for thirty-seven piercings. I've tried using mods to make more space but the earlobes on my spine make it really difficult to sleep at night."

"Look Steele, people can get a soylent burger anywhere, m'kay? They come to Hattie's for the atmosphere and the attitude..."
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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
I was thinking stickers, but whatever gets you going...

A combination of the two might work best... and this whole line of thought would make for a great Silly Quest. Steele applies for a fast-food job.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ehh where that nametag will be sticked? I mean they usualy kept by something sharp piercing without uniform does it mean nametag at that staff is anothrt typr of peircing?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Ehh where that nametag will be sticked? I mean they usualy kept by something sharp piercing without uniform does it mean nametag at that staff is anothrt typr of peircing?

Well, for pasties gecko glue was used. Why not for tags?
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