Azyrran Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Lia/Azzy is one of the best ships. Kiyoko is monogamous but seems to have a fetish for watching the champion have sex with others, especially kitsune. To be fair, being locked in magical subspace has probably made her sexually repressed and frustrated as hell. Brienne clearly wants to be monogamous but comes across as poly under duress. She is fine with sharing with some companions, but she'd clearly prefer an exclusive relationship.


Aren't we all a little Rynsexual though?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Kiyoko is monogamous but seems to have a fetish for watching the champion have sex with others
She does participate in some threesomes/moresomes with the Champ (mainly with Miko and/or Mai) so she's not strictly monogamous, but like Ryn she's not having sex with people other than the Champ unless the player does something to prompt it.
Aren't we all a little Rynsexual though?
I mean, yeah, it's hard not to be for Best Girl... perhaps I should have said my main Champ is Rynsclusive. xD
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2020
She does participate in some threesomes/moresomes with the Champ (mainly with Miko and/or Mai) so she's not strictly monogamous, but like Ryn she's also having sex with people other than the Champ unless the player does something to prompt it.

I mean, yeah, it's hard not to be for Best Girl... perhaps I should have said my main Champ is Rynsclusive. xD
I respect your dedication to RP o7
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Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member
I mean, yeah, it's hard not to be for Best Girl... perhaps I should have said my main Champ is Rynsclusive. xD
I haven't been on the forums until I signed up on it but I feel a little left out. Where did the best girl come from? (I know it's Ryn I mean calling her best girl.)


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
She does participate in some threesomes/moresomes with the Champ (mainly with Miko and/or Mai)

Komari wouldn't grow a dick for Kiyoko. Now Kiyoko has to settle for her descendants and their magical strapons.
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Active Member
May 20, 2021
It's pretty easy for Champ and Ryn to only ever fuck each other.
Ya Ryn is 100% wife material too. I love a solid Ryn-focused playthrough and am excited to get the cage off whenever that happens. Ngl though Elthara and Hethia make me sweat though, fucking gotta beat El back with a stick at the wayfort lolol


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Elthara and Hethia make me sweat though, fucking gotta beat El back with a stick at the wayfort lolol
My personal headcanon unless proven otherwise is that those two eventually hook up, with or without the prodding of Ryn and the Champion to admit their real feelings.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
My personal headcanon unless proven otherwise is that those two eventually hook up, with or without the prodding of Ryn and the Champion to admit their real feelings.

They're both trying to hard to be tsunderes and it's obvious to everyone but themselves what their feelings are. The only logical conclusion is to lock them in a room together and wait. Either for them to admit their feelings or cause a diplomatic incident. Either way, we win when the scene is described.

On Azzy/Lia, I hope their relationship can open up for the champion in some way just so I can assert my dominance over Sanders. I won't stop until I've asserted dominance over the OG Hawkethorne crew.


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2019
Locking two useless lesbians in a room is the perfect recipe for a fluffy romantic comedy.

That said, i really wish Azzy had goals outside just hanging around with the player after her quest is done.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2017
It's not really anything you've missed, it's just an acknowledgement that Ryn is, well, Best Girl. It's totally official! ;)
Personally, if I'm playing a female Champion, I like Kasyrra most.

If I'm playing a male or hermaphrodite Champion, then Hretha and Elthara are up there.

But, hey, that's just my opinion.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
I like Ryn but I don't get the hype about her. I much prefer Kas, Evergreen, Brienne, Senja and Kiyoko.. Ryn is near the bottom with the guys, this could change when she gets more content (the damn cage gets removed and her cock actually useable).

Solitary Traveler

Well-Known Member
May 14, 2021
under a rock
When you go to marry Ahmri, her father stated that she was going to take lovers when you aren't around. This was after you propose to her and are about to be married. This really sucked for me as I saved the game during the preparations and had to create a new character and delete my first Coc2 character as there was no way to stop the wedding, and Ahmri is portrayed and acts as a virgin, pure character before the marriage. No warning, nothing, just your future bride's father saying that your wife is going to sleep around.

I went back and replayed the wedding to Ahrmi because I didn't recall Taldahs saying this.

What he actually says is to keep an open mind if Ahmri by chance falls in love with someone else in addition to the player, while at the same time telling the Champion not to feel tied down to Ahrmi alone. He also mentions it's unlikely Ahmri will fall in love with anyone else based on his perception of the way she looks at you.

Sorry you felt you had to delete the character. I keep a folder on my desktop and just stuff CoC2 save files from different points in it to be able to easily go back and replay a scene, as I did on this occasion.

Anyway, Liaden approaching me to help her mack on Azzy was sudden and unexpected, but not unwelcome; They are really cute together I must say. Azzy can be somewhat romantic with the pc, but I never got the impression their relationship is meant to go anywhere serious. There will doubtless be more content coming though, and she does sound oddly jealous when you ask her about her mother after saving the hive ("Why, a-are you in love with her or something?")

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
had to create a new character and delete my first Coc2 character
There's a whole 10 save slots, plus an extra ten autosave slots, and the capability of backing up your saves outside of the game by saving to desktop. So, were you only saving your game in one single save slot, or perhaps only two (I do that often, but that's because I have like 18 different characters split among Chrome, Firefox, and download game version, along with saves made to desktop for characters who's in-game saves were then deleted for space)? You said it was your first CoC2 character, and you mention having to create a new character afterwards rather than deleting and swapping to an alternative character, so the saves wouldn't be competing with other characters. So, that means that, despite ten different save slots and no other character to take them up, you were only saving in one single save slot.

Also, you didn't think to check the autosave slots. The autosaves happen on a scene transition, with a cooldown timer of 15 real life minutes (or something like that, you can adjust the time in settings) between them, so unless you proposed, went off and did like 5 other quests (aside from the Centaur Village quest, I'm fairly certain the proposal happens at the start of the dungeon), and then came back to do the marriage scene, I'm fairly certain you could have loaded an autosave that happened before you proposed to Ahmri.

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
just want point out that there are actually 50 save slots and 20 auto save slots. click the arrows at the bottom of the save screen.
Holy shit, I never noticed that, and I've been playing CoC2 since version 0.0.10 when the Foothills were added as the first hostile area of the game. This will heavily impact my character creation, in that I will have 15 more by tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2018
I think the game heavily runs on the logic of: "The Champ will bonk anything that moves and is really, really into polyamory." So maybe that's why Lia gets pushed on you?

In the scene where you recruit Azzy you already tell the Queen that you're going to have sex with her daughter, even if you've regarded her with the same romantic interest you'd show a passing woodland slug up to that point.

It's really easy to stumble into situations where the game assumes romantic interest, I accidentally romanced Ahmri once when I volunteered to look where she went post-Centaur Village quest. There's also Ryn and the Champ confessing their mutual love when her confidence grows past a certain point. (That's why I basically ignore her. Sympathetic backstory or not, I'm not getting roped into a sexual relationship based on pity. Same goes for you Kiyoko.)


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
I think the game heavily runs on the logic of: "The Champ will bonk anything that moves and is really, really into polyamory." So maybe that's why Lia gets pushed on you?

In the scene where you recruit Azzy you already tell the Queen that you're going to have sex with her daughter, even if you've regarded her with the same romantic interest you'd show a passing woodland slug up to that point.

It's really easy to stumble into situations where the game assumes romantic interest, I accidentally romanced Ahmri once when I volunteered to look where she went post-Centaur Village quest. There's also Ryn and the Champ confessing their mutual love when her confidence grows past a certain point. (That's why I basically ignore her. Sympathetic backstory or not, I'm not getting roped into a sexual relationship based on pity. Same goes for you Kiyoko.)
To be fair it's a pornographic/erotic game.. there will be things in the game that doesn't hold someone's interest. I don't care if Azzy wants Liaden or Ryn with her love of PC. It's like our PCs are apparently Bisexual (something along those lines) but I don't care for the men, only friendship with them but in a few situations you get MC thinking the dude is hot with his cock out while I just roll my eyes and rapidly click next.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
That is literally canon...

Reminder: The Champion (like Captain Steele) is not you, they're a character who you just so happen to have a great deal of control over. They're pansexual (and switchy) because it's far easier to write that way and coding in some sort of player preference system is a whole lot of No, Just No.
Oh no I know I'm not complaining I was just explaining to the comment before. In erotic/hell any game some things wont be to someones taste.
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2020
That is literally canon...

Reminder: The Champion (like Captain Steele) is not you, they're a character who you just so happen to have a great deal of control over. They're pansexual (and switchy) because it's far easier to write that way and coding in some sort of player preference system is a whole lot of No, Just No.
mmmmmmm, no this is the wrong take. the champ and steele aren't just characters that I control they're MY characters. I'm the one who decides who and what they are as well as what they do. if I decide that they're a straight dom or a gay sub or anything in between that's what they are, period. any content that contradicts my characters personality will not be interacted with.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
That is, in fact, exactly how Savin has put it. You're entirely free to roleplay the character however you like in terms of sexual preferences (I have one Champ that I play as strictly monogamous with Ryn and another who's a switchy and non-monogamous lesbian for example) or motivations and you can invent a backstory as detailed as you please, but the point is the writing does not and will not ever take that headcanon into account.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Writing from the perspective of the Champ being pan and poly makes sense from a developer standpoint since it's much easier. But from a player's standpoint, it's really not great. With all the customization stuff, it feels really weird to be told that we're attracted to something we're not. It's even weirder to get in a romance for being friendly. What is this ME1? I like Ryn as much as the next person, unless that person is Alypia, but I don't feel anything romantic for her. This comes down to wanting cake and eating it to. I hate that phrase but I think it works. Giving this level of customization but deciding what the champion likes without a decision is contradictory. I get it, but I don't like it.

Also fuck that phrase. If I have cake, I'm gonna want to eat it.

Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member
This has turned into something else entirely from the original (had to point it out or it was going to bug me. I don't mind at all there's a lot I don't know so in some way it's enlightening like the Rose by another name thread.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
mmmmmmm, no this is the wrong take. the champ and steele aren't just characters that I control they're MY characters. I'm the one who decides who and what they are as well as what they do. if I decide that they're a straight dom or a gay sub or anything in between that's what they are, period.
You are wrong.