Three hours after the Invasion...
(3 victims changed and 1 Pet)
Your Mistress "CumSpiked" is talking to you ("Jellax") but you don´t keep any words of hir, because your oozing cunt requires all your attention fully completed, and you get inside your oozing orange hand into your cunt oozing also, getting it inside until your underarm and fuck yourself own, giving you more pleasure and your brain melts more while you lose the time that you fuck your own self...
Until your Mistress "CumSpiked" stops you with an order that you obey immediately and not thinking it, you stop and see that your Mistress opens the door of the room that you two are, and you look the new body of "Rug"...
Your Mistress orders her some orders and she disappears of your vision, you listen how the door is opening without no one picks it, and you sense that the First Alien Assassin or (F.A.S. Rug) is preparing hir hunting...
Your Mistress orders you that you follow hir, and shi explains to you hir origins...
It started all these successes some months ago when the Alien Space ship N7 Lasex arrived to this planet, and they have let here it, "Razorback" in the cave, ..., ... .
The rest of the story of hir stay here you saw it like a flashback, and you see your enemies, A Latex Sisterhood called "The First Latex Order",
Razorback didn´t communicate with your new Space Ship mother, and you two know that they are enough far of your radar, and you are now alone in this planet alien... .
Samuel Mihie
Your call to your boss female is cut in the second minute, because she orders you that you have to investigate the dark basement or underground lab that mrs. AshWood had there, in her house, before it´s too late, and some civilian discovers you investigating and going inside of the house, you go to the door and see that it (the door) is opened a little and all the house is in dark,...
Some noises appears in the kitchen, when you arrive to the kitchen you see with your flashlight a cat licking its fur and a wine glass broken in the floor, the cat hisses you violently and the cat goes down of the table quickly and disappear in another room also dark...