Artists Discussion: Favorites and Fetishes


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2016
I've been around the Hentai circuit for nigh on a decade now and I've found myself been excited to finally start shopping around for artists to help me with my personal projects. Seeing porn artists of all stripes and styles kinda gives me mixed feelings of intrigue, joy, arousal, depression... more of the latter recently, but mostly the formers. It's good to see artists I've seen years ago still in the game, like Sparrow, Shad, Jab, SLB, etc., The Pit's comeback is kind of a mixed surprise. Also, it's good to artists embrace more toonish designs with porn nowadays, especially with all these new games and cartoons coming out recently. I've seen some Star vs. and Loud House R34 that puts a tear to my eye, slap on the knee, and a fap in the hand.

I can actually say that there are very few artists that I don't like, even those that do kinks I ain't a fan of, like rape (which is a fuckton lot of em) and cuckoldry/Nice Time for Roo (which, unfortunately, is picking up steam but whatever). My only thing is that as long as they don't do it out of spite or intent to "offend" (read; moslty annoy, which is difficult to explain but you could feel it if you observe it) then I'm pretty much okay with it, I'll avoid like the plague but you won't be dead to me.

Off the top of my head just right now, my favorites (those I want to get art from one day) are Dieselbrain, Mark Day, LurkerGG, Mangrowing, Dmitry, Barretxii, Doxy, Carmessi, Cedargrove, Noill, and Demien; also, a few 3D artists but there names don't come to mind right now. Luckily, the list for favorite hentai artist is shorter, Chinbotsu, Rebis, NEZUMI, Bobobo, and Uno Makoto

However, Sparrow and 5ifty does join the fraternity of people, along with Pit, Rampage, Shad, Kogeikun, Asanagi, and ShindoL, whom I love their style but most of their work is -eeeeeeeeeeeeeehhh- not my taste.

How about y'all, any favorite artists out there who's style you like or fetish they cater to? Any ones that don't?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
One of the more recent artists I've gotten really into is Soranamae. Love how the bodies feel like they have weight to them, not that they're fat, but with how the breasts, thighs and the like seem to settle into place. It's fantasy, but real enough that.

And because I'm a big futa-fanatic, I'd be remiss not to mention aka6. He's prolific, and his stuff's kinda messy, but man has he gotten better over the years. Others I tend to like are BBC-chan, Uthstar, Dmitrys (despite personal distaste, his art is excellent), Sukebepanda and Personalami.

As for what I stay away from, generally anything by Albatross (Not saying he's a bad artist, I just don't like the fetishes he caters to.), Rampage (because scat and mega-gape) and Mot (Seriously, wtf?). That, and I feel DevilHS draws the nastiest dicks, despite the rest of his stuff being quite good.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I kinda like Mot's stuff myself (and I'd like to thank him for his A Link to the Past works), but 85% of it ended up looking the same for me. Plus some of the kinks that are tossed on them are not my cup of tea. I guess I can say the same about Demon-Man, what with the unwillingness and "ooops, it went wrong. Oooops, it's still going wrong! Congrats, you're now a pile of penises with an eye and a swollen snatch somewhere!".

Now that I think about it, and as much as they deserve it, I rarely remember the name of the artists that make those pieces I enjoy, unless I keep on coming across them, such as Machino Henmaru or Horihone Saizou. I mean, reading this thread made me wonder "so, who was that person who creates mostly gay, monster-focused pieces but has a colourful style I like...?" Now I know it's Bahakha. And that's why I try to use a somewhat loose margin whilst scouting for so and so kink-you never know whether a work focused on x thing you're not into will have traces of y you love to bits. I mean, I just came across a furry vore work whose characters have genital and anal designs I really like. If only booru/[insert (non) smut repository] users could properly tag every work...
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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2016
One of the more recent artists I've gotten really into is Soranamae. Love how the bodies feel like they have weight to them, not that they're fat, but with how the breasts, thighs and the like seem to settle into place. It's fantasy, but real enough that.

And because I'm a big futa-fanatic, I'd be remiss not to mention aka6. He's prolific, and his stuff's kinda messy, but man has he gotten better over the years. Others I tend to like are BBC-chan, Uthstar, Dmitrys (despite personal distaste, his art is excellent), Sukebepanda and Personalami.

As for what I stay away from, generally anything by Albatross (Not saying he's a bad artist, I just don't like the fetishes he caters to.), Rampage (because scat and mega-gape) and Mot (Seriously, wtf?). That, and I feel DevilHS draws the nastiest dicks, despite the rest of his stuff being quite good.

Yeah, I'm starting really appreciate "realistic" curvy proportions that some artists do, a lot of them do more for me than pics of women looking like balloons glued onto a slab of wood. Aka6 and BBC-chan's artstyle looks pretty good, I'd like to get some commissions from them,

it was actually Dmitrys, Lemonfont, and Shia that got me into futa in the first place, and traps... and a some other stuff I'm not proud to say I looked up, but yeah Dmitrys to me was one of the greats. What kind of distastes do you have with him?

Rampage and Albatross I can understand, though. I like their art style but I think rampage is settling into the Nice Time for Roo niche, which is oddly more savage than I think some hentai ones I've unfortunately seen, and albatross's bimbos can look fucking horrifying under the wrong light. Almost like Five Nights at Freddy's, which a bimbo horror game of that would actually be pretty awesome. WHY DOES NO ONE EVER THINK OF SHIT LIKE THIS!?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
I kinda have a thing for girls with erections, so the artists I like tend to reflect that. Nobody In Particular, SillyGirl, InCase, necrosmos, Anasheya, kamitora and Wokada. Those are probably my favourites. They all have very different, distinct and recognisable styles which is what I love about them.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
InCase is the new hotness for me, Rebis and TurtleFishPaint are my long time favourites.

Shindol is a crazy mofo whose works I admire, but can't fap to unless they are untranslated. Too much sad shit and/or dense plot. 

Horihone Saizou and Mamma Bliss are there for when I want my fix of cute and weird or plain weird respectively.


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2016
Buru when I want something meaty and Vaigh when I want artistic perfection (in my opinion).

I also sometimes take a look at some JLullaby stuff, and some others.


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2016
InCase is the new hotness for me, Rebis and TurtleFishPaint are my long time favourites.

Shindol is a crazy mofo whose works I admire, but can't fap to unless they are untranslated. Too much sad shit and/or dense plot. 

Horihone Saizou and Mamma Bliss are there for when I want my fix of cute and weird or plain weird respectively.

ShindoL is king of the grimdark, like the woman who does the victimgirls doujin, but his shit is more... "realistic" than most. Like his latest manga, that girl was on a one way trip to fly food in back alley somewhere... and then we get a "good" ending? I still don't buy it, she dead. What sucks more is that I would pay to have him do some more hardcore femdom stuff on dudes, but the market, y'know.

Buru when I want something meaty and Vaigh when I want artistic perfection (in my opinion).

I also sometimes take a look at some JLullaby stuff, and some others.

I think of all of them Vaigh looks like the best one, artistically speaking, shame his prices are fucking high though.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
ShindoL is king of the grimdark, like the woman who does the victimgirls doujin, but his shit is more... "realistic" than most. Like his latest manga, that girl was on a one way trip to fly food in back alley somewhere... and then we get a "good" ending? I still don't buy it, she dead. What sucks more is that I would pay to have him do some more hardcore femdom stuff on dudes, but the market, y'know.

Fatal Pulse is a lady? What a twist. And I have to agree, when done with just a tad less grim darkness, even if still full to the brim with fetishes and stuff, Shindol's work are one of the best there is. His Katawa Shoujo impression was ridiculously well done, and TSF Monogatari is pretty good.

TFP does a good amount of femdom, and the crazy ladies they draw are pretty dope and sexy.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
Melkor Mancin. WitchKing00. Jay-Marvel. Jay Naylor. And Cyancapsule.

3d art... Eclesi4stik, Erogenesis, Balassa, Kalevra, Epoch, and Blackadder.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Some artists I love + some noteworthy works of theirs

Erect Sawaru and his pandra series.

Shiwasu no okina - Peace hame

Fue (the god of blowjobs) - Felle pure and fella hame lips

I often really enjoy stories that spans several chapters.


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2016
Melkor Mancin. WitchKing00. Jay-Marvel. Jay Naylor. And Cyancapsule.

3d art... Eclesi4stik, Erogenesis, Balassa, Kalevra, Epoch, and Blackadder.

I'd say these do crop out on list I have on bright, colorful artworks. Except for Naylor, I kind of have been turned of his art style and work lately ever since he settled on the feminization and cuckold niche. I thought that since he started doing human/furry crossovers I was gonna see some guys fuck cows, cats, or wolfs or something. Nope, just more animal penis is superior to man penis, lets I AM A BIG STINKY BRAIN dudes and turn them into femboys.

3D art-wise, these seem like the ones I recognise and follow, also theFoxxx, ZZomp (sort of), Suprotit, and Pilkititron. I used to follow Mark Volk and his Xalynne series but his site is sooooo hard to find again, and El-cid but fuck knows what hes doing now.

Some artists I love + some noteworthy works of theirs

Erect Sawaru and his pandra series.

Shiwasu no okina - Peace hame

Fue (the god of blowjobs) - Felle pure and fella hame lips

I often really enjoy stories that spans several chapters.

I'm pretty much familiar with their work, although Fue and Shiwasu are pretty much god-tier to me after just reading one of their stories.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Faustie's pretty good if you're into monster sex, and he has some very nice impregnation images. The monsters tend towards the grotesque though, so be careful searching him out if you find that a big turn off - no gore, but he likes having rotting zombies and so on, As for 3D, I've been keeping an eye on Haneto's work on Pixiv.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2016
Faustie's pretty good if you're into monster sex, and he has some very nice impregnation images. The monsters tend towards the grotesque though, so be careful searching him out if you find that a big turn off - no gore, but he likes having rotting zombies and so on, As for 3D, I've been keeping an eye on Haneto's work on Pixiv.

I can't say that I am into monster sex, I can tolerate it if its "consenual" , but then it runs into me not liking it because I'm not into looking penises, especially monster penises, so it's pretty much a moot point. I wouldn't mind the grotesque designs at all but like I said I'm not into male monsters, and I get the feeling that he's one of those types of artists that if he does draw non-human women (at all) he'd show far more restraint in there design.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
I like haneto as well. What kinda wierds me out is all the futanaris, monsters, and gigantism in 3D art.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
This thread is a porn haven. 

Anyway I like  Rebis, InCase, Shindol, SillyGirl, Aka6, Uthstar, Dmitrys , Chinbotsu, Shadeling, Sparrow, Uno Makoto, Erect Sawaru and Mizuryu Kei to name a few. I tend to gravitate towards futa and aheago of crazy and epic proportions.

Fue (the god of blowjobs)

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Faustie's pretty good if you're into monster sex, and he has some very nice impregnation images. The monsters tend towards the grotesque though, so be careful searching him out if you find that a big turn off - no gore, but he likes having rotting zombies and so on, As for 3D, I've been keeping an eye on Haneto's work on Pixiv.

Faustie turned out to be a great finding for me thanks to the consensual (or, at least, "it seems she's enjoying it") scenes. A bit like Xiin, perhaps.

I've never really been into 3D due to that uncanny valley effect. Admittedly, I have a huge bias toward 3D smut works. Concerning monsters and consensual scenes, the only one I've found to my tastes (huge pricks aside) is Vaesark.


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2016
Does anyone know whatever happened to Smudge? I have been looking up some of his past recently and it's amazing how unintentionally -and sometimes intentionally- funny his past works were. Even his interracial artwork is far more tolerable than most, because everyone that isn't an antagonist, black, or both are generally just weak-willed idiots. Unlike some others, I legitimately liked his art style, that pseudo-realistic cartoony look worked well for his original characters, not so much for his celebrity/movie parodies. I hope he didn't quit. Mostly because, and this is his most infuriating quirk, HE. NEVER. FINISHES. HIS FUCKING. STORIES!