Art Development Hell


New Member
Aug 7, 2016
So, I've been attempting to improve my art skill these pasts months but running up against the wall of lack of creativity. I really want to focus on drawing the human figure/erotica, which is why I turn to y'all. I can finally contribute to one of my biggest fap sites! Attached is my own Steele, who's only conservatively modded at this point. This is not going to last.

I'll accept either your CoC or Tits champions or an in-game character (Please add their description!), but only three at a time. First in, first served. As soon as I'm done with them, I'll open up slots again unless I either burnout or retreat back to lurkerdom because I'm socially anxious piece of crap. Would prefer less complete furry and more human type champions, but that's only because it isn't my cup of tea. So, if you do request one of those, please be aware I am definitely not practised (especially animalistic faces!) and it'll be a learning curve. It'll all be physically drawn, and you can request colouring or nah. If it isn't coloured, it'll atleast be shaded. Hope you're all having a lovely day! (And heads up, again, I am very colourblind. It makes me sad. And spiteful. Imma do art through the power of spite.)



Jun 24, 2016
I'll accept either your CoC or Tits champions or an in-game character (Please add their description!), but only three at a time.

Would you be willing to handle things that are CoC/TiTS-setting friendly, such as the lewd-iverses that exist in the RP board or even FoE characters? If so to the RP Board stuff, I'd be up for giving you some simple ones to try your hand at. Especially one, for the moment.

Keoni still needs artwork. He's a pretty simple looking dude, which should mean that handling him could be a good artistic work-out for the human figure. Heck, you could technically draw versions of him that have different (but sane) proportions simply because he can adjust said features.

You certainly aren't half bad. I'd recommend trying to get a scanner, though, as it tends to improve the quality of artwork that gets personally drawn. At least, more so than a camera picture.


New Member
Aug 7, 2016
@BubbleLord Yep, that's fine, just not looking for anything super complicated until I'm a helluva a lot better. Keoni seems interesting, so I should have a scanned picture of him up tomorrow/tonight, depending if my bloody roommate will ever finish up printing. I can't bloody believe she's printing out 143 pages. Reasons why I refuse to ever buy ink for her.

Edit: Oh! Can you tell me what peach coloured is? Imma guess it prolly isn't green.
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Jun 24, 2016
His prick leaking seems a bit off. Lips are a tad bit large for a guy, too. I imagine his hair more bulky/gelatin-like (shaped clumps of orange), but overall it fits the basic goo.


New Member
Aug 7, 2016
@BubbleLord Thank you for the critique. I'll try to fix it for the scanned version! Now I'm going to have to look at more pics of dicks. Gah. Dicks really weird me out. They're just so funnily shaped. Plus, cum is like clear? But not?  Anyway, this'll be tomorrows project.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Would you like to draw my corrupted character for CoC? She has milky white skin with black veins, black harpie wings, long black hair, her eyes eyes are entirely black and she has black nipples. She also has the female demon feet (the clawed high-heel things). I was kinda going for a fallen angel type of look.