Anyone Has a Build for Strength-Based Tech Specialist?


Active Member
Aug 29, 2017
Decided to do a strength/int tech specialist run and I've blindly putting any of the strongest melee weapon and heaviest armor I can get my hands on. Does this work or does anyone have a better gear setup for theirs? currently I'm running Petra's Phase Whip and Behemoth Armor, with a Heavy Slut Ray for a lust option.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
-25% Evasion? How has it been working for you? I've never been fond of the idea of taking that much extra damage, though it doesn't apply to Shields.

As a Tech, you don't have much Health, but your Shields are much better than any other class. Power Surge/Deflector Regen restore a percentage of your Shields, so you want to focus on them.
+20% Armor defense isn't enough, especially since most high Defense armors have Evasion penalties (being auto-hit devalues Rapid Recharge).

Chameleon: Good Evasion and high Shields.
Paragon Hazard: Airtight, which protects against Irradiated tiles on Phaedra. Evasion penalty, but the highest bonus Shields on any armor.
Zaika-Style Gown is also good, especially if you went Shields. Excellent bonus Evasion and +10 Accuracy.

Melee Weapon
Custom Shock Gear used to be the go-to. Bonus Hit Rate is somewhat devalued by the addition of Specialized Combatant, but the extra Evasion is always good.
Magma Crusher is probably an upgrade, especially now that the Burn DoT is actually useful. Fight Smarter mitigates the Accuracy penalty.

Ranged Weapon
Hirudo Devourer or NaN Deconstructor will let you heal if something gets through your Shields. They're also Corrosive, which is a rarely resisisted damage type.
Ice Lance can cause Deep Freeze, which doubles damage from the next Crushing attack (like the CSG or MC above). Deep Freeze is an Aim vs Physique check, modified by the target's Freeze Resist. But it always applies on a Crit.

If you went Drone, you'll probably want a Drone Accessory like Tam-Wolf 2.0.
If you went Shields, either Shield Aug Bracers or Vintage Zaika Purse.
Light Jetpack is also a possibility. Flying enemies as a Melee attacker are annoying. On the one hand, it's still the best Evasion Accessory in the game, which makes Rapid Recharge more useful. On the other, you can get Wings for that.
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Active Member
Aug 29, 2017
-25% Evasion? How has it been working for you? I've never been fond of the idea of taking that much extra damage, though it doesn't apply to Shields.

As a Tech, you don't have much Health, but your Shields are much better than any other class. Power Surge/Deflector Regen restore a percentage of your Shields, so you want to focus on them.
+20% Armor defense isn't enough, especially since most high Defense armors have Evasion penalties (being auto-hit devalues Rapid Recharge).

Chameleon: Good Evasion and high Shields.
Paragon Hazard: Airtight, which protects against Irradiated tiles on Phaedra. Evasion penalty, but the highest bonus Shields on any armor.
Zaika-Style Gown is also good, especially if you went Shields. Excellent bonus Evasion and +10 Accuracy.

Melee Weapon
Custom Shock Gear used to be the go-to. Bonus Hit Rate is somewhat devalued by the addition of Specialized Combatant, but the extra Evasion is always good.
Magma Crusher is probably an upgrade, especially now that the Burn DoT is actually useful. Fight Smarter mitigates the Accuracy penalty.

Ranged Weapon
Hirudo Devourer or NaN Deconstructor will let you heal if something gets through your Shields. They're also Corrosive, which is a rarely resisisted damage type.
Ice Lance can cause Deep Freeze, which doubles damage from the next Crushing attack (like the CSG or MC above). Deep Freeze is an Aim vs Physique check, modified by the target's Freeze Resist. But it always applies on a Crit.

If you went Drone, you'll probably want a Drone Accessory like Tam-Wolf 2.0.
If you went Shields, either Shield Aug Bracers or Vintage Zaika Purse.
Light Jetpack is also a possibility. Flying enemies as a Melee attacker are annoying. On the one hand, it's still the best Evasion Accessory in the game, which makes Rapid Recharge more useful. On the other, you can get Wings for that.

So I want to focus on shields over actual defense? I'll get on that then.

Also my character went drones and currently has the Siegwulfe, is there a better drone out there?


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
In theory, post Level 10 you could maximize Evasion and rely on Rapid Recharge to keep you topped off, but I don't know how viable that is.
Edit: Doing a quick test, ~25% seemed to be enough. Granted, this was a Shield Tech.

The Drones are mostly side-grades.

The default Drone does Electric.

Siegwulfe does Kinetic. Bimbo Siegwulfe does Tease. Bimbo-Domme tries to match if you're doing HP or Lust damage. They also give a small amount of bonus stats.

Tam-Wolf 2.0 has slightly higher base damage. Mostly Kinetic, but has a small amount of extra Electric damage, which is useful against things with high Kinetic resist.

Laser Sentry does Burning.

Cybernetic Subprocessor is the obvious choice, but I think there are a couple of others worth considering.
Since you went Drone, I recommend Combat Tail. Note: It can't hit Flyers unless you're also Flying.
Steroidal Muscle Augment makes weapon riders (Stun/Burn/Freeze/Trip/Stagger) 25% more likely to land. Physique is also used as a defensive stat against some attacks.
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