Any way to fast forward?


New Member
May 17, 2016
My character is pregnant and is due somewhere around day 88. I've already found all the probes and discovered uveto, and I don't think there's really anything else I'm interested in doing. Is there a way to quickly proceed to day 80, besides sleeping a lot?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Aside sleeping you meantioned maybe save editing to set time instantly near 80th day will be fast. Other than this...welll we still so short on content to make PC occupied ingame for more than 2-3 weeks so no way to do anything after ending most of content, side quests, etc. :/

Even all bess/ben events are divided by 1-3 days each.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
I fly between planets, uses up a dayish. Faster than sleeping. But yeah save editing will get you there, and there's nothing that actually fastforwards like FoE's wait system or something. We should really get an addition tot he 'rest' option.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Better option would be...adding more content to make people busy. OK jokking on this one as I aware devs got not so small backlog of content to code that could technicaly extend play time but...there is only coding dragon with fen and maybe 1-2 ppl that to smaller degree code one or two things. So that quite little coding team to make backlog fast added ingame.

Flying between planets will work but could be as boring as sleeping to keep clicking the same sequence of button every few seconds.

True, True addition of some kind of system that can allow wait/rest/sleep till set time durng the day that would at best allow spend almsot whole day with 1-2 clicks would make it easier to get to far away day (looks at one of my saves with 118th day....err nethermind *chuckle*).
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Digital Terror

Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2016
Better option would be...adding more content to make people busy. OK jokking on this one as I aware devs got not so small backlog of content to code that could technicaly extend play time but...there is only coding dragon with fen and maybe 1-2 ppl that to smaller degree code one or two things. So that quite little coding team to make backlog fast added ingame.

Flying between planets will work but could be as boring as sleeping to keep clicking the same sequence of button every few seconds.

True, True addition of some kind of system that can allow wait/rest/sleep till set time durng the day that would at best allow spend almsot whole day with 1-2 clicks would make it easier to get to far away day (looks at one of my saves with 118th day....err nethermind *chuckle*).

A system like FoE has would be very nice, being able to rest until a specified time, or just pass 24 hours...plenty of spots in the game already where you have to wait a day, such as the Dr. Badger quest if you want to turn the tables.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I depends IF devs would look favorable toward implementing them. Heck I not even sure now if they got enough spare time to think over it (but maybe I could be positive suprised). But whatever result will be sme new system to at least make time move forward ingame for max 24-36 hurs would be good addition. Be it way of FoE done it or other more fitting for TiTS settings.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well if we someday got some really long pregnancy waiting for it end could be a little bit troublesome. I mean PC first for days/weeks was rushing at the head of the rushers then for like a year or two stayed at nursery. But for some "shorter" ones it would be pretty much golden solution.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Well as far as I know there's no real time limit on the planet rush ? Besides, if they only take place every 200 years or so, it wouldn't be surprising to learn that planet rushes last decades, so taking a few months off for a pregnancy probably wouldn't hurt :/ -- besides the rival is completely incompetent, so no danger that they'll be faster than us in locating the probes either


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
But Steele isn't really "rushing" in this Planet Rush. Steele is looking for Vic's probes. That's it. The Rival loses the edge after Mhen'ga and begins tracking the PC in order to try and reach the probes first.

The circumstances right now allow Steele to pretty much do whatever they want at their own pace. I mean, the PC is only like 19 or 20, even if they took 10 years off to take care of a bunch of kids they had, they'd still be in a more than acceptable position to take over the company. Honestly, maybe even a better position, because Captain Steele is incredibly young to be a CEO/President of a major galactic megacorp as it stands.

It's future so people can look young...well as long one not gonna ask other about age some loli-like girl can turn out to be som 300+ years old female that just took some treatment to look like underaged loli.

Well PC DO joined rush and we could say he may also fill the role of rusher since we try make our PC us each opurtinity that we could to gather personal wealth or companions or whatever else. Just we got another purpose during this adventure and that would be finding probes. If Vic not want us be like almost any other rusher he would lace probes on already discovered planets in 13th or before rushes. SO in some way Steele IS rusher of some kind.

There are consumables in FoE that accelerate pregnancies.

CoC had ovilixr, why not something similar here?

I think it we had pregnancy speed up item then it would mean preg content would be easier to deal with even for female/herm charas. ANd that could lead to people demand more preg content, which...for obvious reasons aren't viewed favorable by devs.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Ovilium, 'cept that it only takes a small handful of hours off. When you're still looking at days or weeks of a full womb that's a lot of creds and potions. Add that if you have an empty womb (somewhat easily countered) the ovilium goes to filling you with eggs instead.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well if PC would have way to farm credits in huge amounts taking even tons of Ovilium woudn't be not limited by money to buy it. Yet we probably not seen so far most costly options ingame so it may ends that...buying enough Ovi would be similar to cost of small ship to just progress pregnancy form early stage to moemtn just before birth.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well I think the Nursery should sell some pregnancy enhancement products on the side, and pregnancy acceleration should be one of those products. Or atleast there should be a shop right next to the stairs to it.