Any plans to have more fetishy sex scenes in the game?


Sep 14, 2015
one of my favorite parts of COC was when you got to lick rogar's sweaty hairy armpit because thats a huge turn on for me

i was just wondering if their were any plans to include more fetish scenes in the game?


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
Inb4 Writ it yoursel- Oh. Damn.

But seriously, best way to have a chance to add said fetishy stuff is to write a scene like that yourself and submit it.


Oct 28, 2015
Out of pure curiosity, are there any blacklisted fetishes? Like, if I theoretically commissioned a vore scene or two, could they get in?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Out of pure curiosity, are there any blacklisted fetishes? Like, if I theoretically commissioned a vore scene or two, could they get in?

Watersports, scat, guru, bestiality, vore, and underage are all blacklisted. 
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Oct 28, 2015
Watersports, scat, guru, bestiality, vore, and underage are all blacklisted. 

But bestiality is planned via the Feral Wolf, and there's underage content with Orchid, right?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
But bestiality is planned via the Feral Wolf, and there's underage content with Orchid, right?

Feral wolf isn't a wolf-wolf, it's a beast morph.  There's an NPC one in the Nomad village, can't remember his name. 

Orchid is a tree nymph and i'm pretty sure they're immortal, they just look young, so it's not really under-age.


Oct 28, 2015
Feral wolf isn't a wolf-wolf, it's a beast morph.  There's an NPC one in the Nomad village, can't remember his name. 

Orchid is a tree nymph and i'm pretty sure they're immortal, they just look young, so it's not really under-age.

Feral literally means bestial, and since there's nothing stating that the Feral Wolf is a wolf-morph like Cale, then it's pretty safe to say that it's not. And underage refers more to the maturity level than actual chronological age.

Regardless, I'd totally love to see a vore scene in-game.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
  Literally says that they're a crossbreed between humans and wolves.  Wolf-morph.

And it's up to the designers to decide whether Orchid is considered underage.  You kind of loose that sense when you're immortal. 
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Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
That's something a lot of people argue about, honestly. Thing is, furry and bestiality are two different things, and only the latter is a no-no for this game. In essence, if it looks like an animal, acts like an animal, thinks like an animal, and gives no signs of human-like sapience, it's animal enough to be declared "bestiality".

Also, just wanted to point out, technically, vore isn't blacklisted. However, death and guro are. What this means is that vore scenes aimed at getting into the game need to be non-lethal - prey goes in alive, prey comes out alive - to not be rejected. I don't think Alder has any real problems with the content beyond that, but  A: you're probably best off keeping the expulsion "clean" if you're having the predator spit the prey out, and B: you're advised to talk about more exotic aspects of vore (full-tour, anal vore, cock vore, same-size, etc) with him first before you start writing.


FoE Mod
Aug 26, 2015
Since there seems to be some confusion:

  • Orchid is not underage (neither in age nor in looks). Spirit is the young-looking dryad, and there will be no sexual content for her.
  • Wolves: It's sort of a moot point since there are no actual scenes for them yet, it could go either way. The original intent was to have actual feral wolves (meaning that bestiality or at least zoophilia is not blacklisted). If the wiki says otherwise I don't know where that info comes from.
Further on wolves: Cale is an actual wolf-morph, walks on two legs etc. More the furry kind of guy.

Regarding sweaty armpits: not something I'm in to, but if it's well written I'll code it. Won't write it myself.


Dec 3, 2015
That's something a lot of people argue about, honestly. Thing is, furry and bestiality are two different things, and only the latter is a no-no for this game. In essence, if it looks like an animal, acts like an animal, thinks like an animal, and gives no signs of human-like sapience, it's animal enough to be declared "bestiality".

Bestiality is already present in the game; one dream involves Gwendy chaining you to a mounting board so one of her horses can fuck you.

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
Bestiality is already present in the game; one dream involves Gwendy chaining you to a mounting board so one of her horses can fuck you.

It never actually happens, and you don't even know if you're humanoid in the dream.


Dec 3, 2015
It never actually happens, and you don't even know if you're humanoid in the dream.

Even without the references to wrist restraints and being propped over a wooden frame implying a humanoid form, the scene states that you agreed to help Gwendy beforehand which implies sentience through consent, so sex with a horse would qualify as bestiality regardless. Whether it happens "for real" is besides the point, since content is content. Not to imply that I have a problem with it, mind, I'd want to see more of it if possible. I'm just pointing out that something of a precedent exists.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2015
Aren't the wolves humanoid? That's what I thought when fighting them...


Aug 27, 2015
Okay, there seems to be a lot of misinformation and confusion in this thread. Let's try to straighten some things out:

The wolf enemy is feral. Feral as in: if you put it side to side with a real wolf, you won't be able to tell the difference. It looks indistinguishable from a normal wolf, in fact, this might as well as be a normal wolf, no anthro aspects save for sentience, maybe.

Cale is a wolf-morph, the "morph" part indicates when someone is an anthro or not. Terry is not a fox, he's a fox-morph. Danie is not a sheep, she's a sheep-morph. This distinction is necessary because you have normal animals and anthros coexisting.

There currently are no sex scenes involving the feral wolf, hence why his status as a feral is not set in stone. If they'll remain feral or not depends on someone coming in and writing for them.

For the purposes of argument, even if it's a dream, sex with a feral animal exists as content in the game. It being real or not doesn't change the fact that this content exists, hence there is a precedent. Though I'll agree the state of the PC is ambiguous. We don't know if they're actually a horse themselves or not.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2015
Considering they can equip items and fight with weapons... I don't think a feral could do that.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Considering they can equip items and fight with weapons... I don't think a feral could do that.

Again, feral wolves in the forest are not wolf-morphs elsewhere. At least as far as can be determined, they are just wolves.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2015
I was talking about the PC, not the wolves.


If I may add anything: I know it's up to the author of the sex scenes et cetera, but please, don't make them feral. It's just crossing over the edge for me.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
If I may add anything: I know it's up to the author of the sex scenes et cetera, but please, don't make them feral. It's just crossing over the edge for me.

The world doesn't revolve around you sugar plum; not everything has to cater to you.


New Member
Dec 16, 2015
The world doesn't revolve around you sugar plum; not everything has to cater to you.

It's also not difficult to just avoid scenes that you don't like, or skip through them. Diversity of sexual encounters in games like this make it really easy to make the game cater to you. Double points for the option to write potential scenes for yourself. 


FoE Mod
Aug 26, 2015
It's also not difficult to just avoid scenes that you don't like, or skip through them. Diversity of sexual encounters in games like this make it really easy to make the game cater to you. Double points for the option to write potential scenes for yourself. 

With the caveat that for me to add them, they have to be actually good.


Sep 14, 2015
With the caveat that for me to add them, they have to be actually good.

Thats a completely unfair requirement as it discriminates against those of us who couldnt write their way out of a paper bag! (i usually just stab the bag with the pen until the hole is big enough for me to escape. still havent figured out how writing will get me out of it or who it is who keeps putting me in them in the first place)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Thats a completely unfair requirement as it discriminates against those of us who couldnt write their way out of a paper bag! (i usually just stab the bag with the pen until the hole is big enough for me to escape. still havent figured out how writing will get me out of it or who it is who keeps putting me in them in the first place)

If it's shit no one's gonna want to read it or get off on it, then there'll be complaints. It's a very fair requirement.

Patrick R. Key

Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2015
Thats a completely unfair requirement as it discriminates against those of us who couldnt write their way out of a paper bag! (i usually just stab the bag with the pen until the hole is big enough for me to escape. still havent figured out how writing will get me out of it or who it is who keeps putting me in them in the first place)

You can't honestly expect Alder to add horribly written pieces into the game can you? Please tell me your joking.


Sep 14, 2015
You can't honestly expect Alder to add horribly written pieces into the game can you? Please tell me your joking.

considering i added a side note about being trapped in a giant paper bag and not knowing how or why i actually didnt think i had to clarify i was kidding o_O