Any Plans For Bird-Morphs?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Heh I went and double checked and apparently not only is it legit. But apparently when their dick regrows next season it's size depends on how much competition they have from other males.

Pfft they have literal dick measuring competitions. 

But yeah as always

Nature is not only scary, but also inventive. Unlike... I'll better stop here.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I found a different article that describes it better. Not much "wasting away" or "regrowing" just hidden and... sac-like.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I found a different article that describes it better. Not much "wasting away" or "regrowing" just hidden and... sac-like.
But female ducks have developed countermeasures. Their vaginas are equally long and twisting, lined with dead-end pockets and spirals that curve in the opposite direction.

There are russian saying, which can be roughly translated "for every smart ass there are corkscrew dick, for every corkscrew dick there are ass with labyrinth". Well... Now I know that there are quite literal embodiment for it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Meh, it's hard to find stuff related to this, what with almost every search result just going back to "OMG corkscrew penis!"


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
As someone who once tried to find out about swine reproduction without knowing where to start from, I feel you there.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
What the fuck is this thread turning into.  Stop it at once.

We're talking about birds and sexual organs, among other things, in order to explore possible ways to make bird-like aliens or TF's. Everything is still in line.

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
Who doesn't love a good helping of birds?






Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@The Observer

Oh yeah, wings+hands beat wing-hands any day of the week. Sorry Papi.

And hot giggidy damn, that last image. Talk about mothers swelling with pride.

I don't like wing-hands or feather-fingers. I prefer when bird-morphs have the same structure for their hands they have for their feet.

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
@The Observer

Oh yeah, wings+hands beat wing-hands any day of the week. Sorry Papi.

And hot giggidy damn, that last image. Talk about mothers swelling with pride.

Heh. You like Cveta?

What the harpy princess said is true, though. If you want a serious looking bird, who if translated into a person would never smile, you take an accipiter or eagle. Buetos like the red-tail or common buzzard (in the European sense of the word, not vulture) are too laid back. But accipiters just look angry a lot of the time. Because they are. Especially sparrowhawks. Those are the berserkers of the avian world.

Falcons just look stoic a lot of the time. It's not surprising why a lot of my bird ladies' personalities are based off accipiters or falcons.

Harris Hawks, though, Harrises are perfectly fine with being your friend, what with being the only social birds of prey in the world.

But yes. I enjoy birds, I enjoy Slavic women, I enjoy pregnancy and lots and lots of fluffy little chicks. Which is unsurprisingly why the first thing I write for any text-based game I've ever authored stuff for ends up being a no-nonsense broody Slavic bird who ends up having a whole passel of chicks. Elbow-length gloves, green-eyed redheads and never using contractions in speech are optional.

Like I said, there might have been a bird TF if Avanai had ever gotten into TiTS, since there was a TF item I was writing for in conjunction with the race, but that got recycled when I went to write for FoE. Some of the material may be getting recycled for my first project for CoC2, of course...


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
@The Observer

Yeah, I like Cveta a lot, even in her current petite and baby-less form. Initially, I had major gripes with some aspects of her worldview as well as the fact that PC can't really outsmart and outmaneuver her in matters other than romance and sensuality. As with Cassidy, it only took a glimpse of her flaws and genuine struggle to practice what she preaches, plus some good old intimacy to sway me completely.

So right now, those Undertale references in the Cass sparing remain as the only part of your writing I really didn't like. Y u no use Undine instead?!

Oh, and thanks for providing bird trivia, I guess.