Any interest for a genderbending place?


New Member
Aug 19, 2017
I've had this idea for years upon years. When I first had it, I had decided to manifest it into a chat room, which lasted quite a few years. However, I feel like it has quite an ability to be successful in the world of TiTS. A mansion was the original form, although this place was originally fantasy oriented. The original name for it was Pixy's Genderbending Mansion, and although that was the case, a name change would be fine, if need be.

I'm not entirely sure how difficult it would be to have this in the game, with how it handles genitalia. I was thinking it could treat it as a temporary mod, that changed a penis into a vagina, or vice versa. As for hermaphrodites, I am up for suggestions. My original rule for the old chat was that they had a choice out of character, although that kind of takes out the surprise. I'm not sure if TiTS tracks amounts of times certain genitals were used, but perhaps it could take off the most used genitalia?

I think something like this is quite a nice exotic thing that could fit well. An off-shoot of the technology used for gender mods is perhaps used here. I'd think there is quite the audience for genderbending, since the mods exist.

Another thing I was thinking (with approval from character owners of course) was that, like bars, certain characters could show up at the mansion with a twist! They'd be the opposite gender!

I also do have a slight backstory here, but it could of course be expanded.

The Mansion did not originally possess its innate gender-bending aspect, and was called “The Mansion in the Gutter,” but the mansion's initial dwellers decided early on that in order to make the mansion more interesting - and slightly less personal-feeling - it should have its now-standard aspect; it has stuck ever since, along with the new name.

Anyway, just an idea for a place I was thinking of creating. I've been studying up on the parsers and other rules for content creation, and I'm definitely interested.

Edit: For those who were confused. The genderbending would only happen on the grounds of the mansion. When leaving, you would be changed back to how you were before. It's just a temp thing.

Edit2: Herms could be genderbent by just flipping masculinity/femininity and keeping bits. (Thanks for the idea)
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Why are you asking for interest instead of writing? :iiam:


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2017
Another thing I was thinking (with approval from character owners of course) was that, like bars, certain characters could show up at the mansion with a twist! They'd be the opposite gender! For instance, you could encounter a female Liamme, a male Anno, or even a cuntboy Syri, perhaps!
good luck with that :smuggo:
but in all seriousness go for it, could be interesting


New Member
Aug 19, 2017
good luck with that :smuggo:
but in all seriousness go for it, could be interesting
I didn't mean those characters specifically would be genderbent. I was just trying to think of characters and they were the first that came to mind, since my mind is on doggos right now, lol.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'd be okay if it worked as a Rule 63-esque place rather than a way to change genitals for some time. But seeing that it's your first project, I understand that even writing alternate scenes (think Steele's dreams or, if you have played CoC, Vapula's roleplay scenes) for x characters could be seen as too much. I say "x characters" as genderbending Steele is often an item away :p

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
It's written here somewhere by some mod/admin. Don't gauge the forums for interest in something you might potentially write, either you want to write it or don't.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It's written here somewhere by some mod/admin. Don't gauge the forums for interest in something you might potentially write, either you want to write it or don't.
It's not really written down somewhere by an admin, but it is a general motto here that we keep repeating