Any good Presence/Leadership stacking tank builds?


New Member
Aug 26, 2023
Has anyone played a Presence focused tank support character? How was it? What powers and stats did you invest in and what companions did you use?

Trying to RP as a human tank/support but not sure if presence is a good stat for a tank character.
Last edited:
Jul 18, 2023
Has anyone played a Presence focused tank support character? How was it? What powers and stats did you invest in and what companions did you use?

Trying to RP as a human tank/support but not sure if presence is a good stat for a tank character.
It can boost your companion's stats and apparently give you extra hp.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Stats are designed so that in theory any class can benefit from any of them. The most obvious effects of Presence are on characters using Tease attacks and summoners, but the stat bonus Leadership grants applies to all your companions so it's great for them too (see this comment by Savin for example) and anyone can benefit from the health boost that also comes with more points in Presence. Even a dedicated caster can benefit from points in Strength because one of the things that does is improve your base Spell Penetration, even a dedicated melee fighter gets something out of Spellpower because it boosts evasion/damage reduction for lust attacks etc.

Anyhow, my main Champ is a Presence-focused Warrior who generally handles party tank duty and her Presence stat is maxed out as a consequence. She's soulbound and uses the Valkyrie-exclusive powers to buff ally defense (Celestial Form scales off Presence and provides both a damage shield and a Holy damage boost) and also helps keep her Threat up with offensive moves (and the passive boost of Conqueror's Breastplate) which keep the enemy focused on her while Ryn keeps her healthy and the third party member (varying by the situation, though Hexblade Cait is my default) focuses on hitting things constantly. It's not the most optimal setup either in how I've distributed stats or in my equipment but I tend to play based more on roleplay hooks than gameplay mechanics and the only times I've had serious issues are on the kinds of fights that are supposed to be hard regardless.