Anno and ilaria


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
Can anyone confirm is dick that’s 16 inches and 3 inches across is still gods enough to fuck anno in the ass, and to be able to fuck ilaria too


Well-Known Member
Anno's anal capacity is smaller smaller than Ilaria's vaginal capacity (84 vs 123.67), but Anno's capacity is multiplied by 1.5 when checking to see if the scene is unlocked (making it effectively 126). A 16" long, 3" thick cock is, at most, 91.6 (requires the Blunt and Flared tags), so it can easily fit in both.
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
Anno's anal capacity is smaller smaller than Ilaria's vaginal capacity (84 vs 123.67), but Anno's capacity is multiplied by 1.5 when checking to see if the scene is unlocked (making it effectively 126). A 16" long, 3" thick cock is, at most, 91.6 (requires the Blunt and Flared tags), so it can easily fit in both.
Really? Cuz on the flash version, I couldn’t do her anal scene with a 16 inch dick that’s 3 inches wide, same with ilaria, but when I brought the 3 inches down to 2.9, I was able to bone annos but, and bone ilaria


Well-Known Member
@TheShepard256 where did you find this? I found Anno's 1.5 multiplier and the bonus capacities, but I couldn't find a base capacity anywhere.
I found the 1.5x multiplier in the TiTS source code. For Anno's and Ilaria's capacities, I opened the browser console and typed anno.analCapacity(0) and ilaria.vaginalCapacity(0):
I could've calculated them manually from the formulae in, but that has the potential for errors (and I couldn't be bothered when an easier solution presents itself).
Really? Cuz on the flash version, I couldn’t do her anal scene with a 16 inch dick that’s 3 inches wide, same with ilaria, but when I brought the 3 inches down to 2.9, I was able to bone annos but, and bone ilaria
For the cock volume, I used the console to give my Steele a 16" cock, which turned out to be 3" thick, and shift its type from human (default) to gryvain (which is Tapered) and then equine (which is Blunt and Flared), noting the total volume as listed in the Codex each time (91.6 being the biggest of the three). Checking back, it seems that it was actually 2.75" thick and the 3" displayed in the Appearance screen was likely rounding - but making it exactly 3" thick should still result in a small enough cock to fuck both. What volume is your cock in the Flash save you're referring to?


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
I upped my volume to 111.7

thickness 2 15/16

I remember in the flash version in the description screen, it said 2.9 inches across, I’m guessing it was changed
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