Ana and Arthur: Cowmazon and Faux-Cow Siblings


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2018
I'm quite fond of New Texas like many people on here, and one thing I really like about it is the bits and pieces of discontent from some NPCs with the Treatment despite the claim that everyone ends up loving it. I'm also pretty in love with the cowmazons and faux-cows and want to see more of them, but especially the ones that break their mold a bit. According to the Codex, for the female version of the Treatment at least, stronger-willed individuals are able to resist the bimbo effects better. I think it shouldn't be too far a cry for other versions to be able to do that, especially considering how we still have control over what our Steeles do for the most part (barring the speech changes for Bimbos and Brutes).

I can't really pick just one though, and I'm also a huge sucker for close (non-incestuous) familial relationships so I've decided to try my hand at creating a set of characters.

Now, I know that everyone says to focus on one character at a time, but I imagine these guys as a package deal in a similar vein to some NPC encounters (e.g. Betsy and Victoria, Horisha and Peck, etc). Of course, I also understand said encounters are just scenes, but the fact they're grouped together gives me an idea. What if the encounter is treated by the game as a single unit?

Maybe eventually I'll make them separate, but that's getting too far ahead. Right now, I'm more concerned with giving them a fleshed out backstory that fits the lore.

Without further ado, here is the doc:

Currently it is very rough since I'm just pinning down some concepts, and I'm not 100% confident it's something people would be interested in or if it's even something doable despite my idea of grouping them.

Please feel free to ask any questions and/or share any possible ideas or tweaks.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2018
Whoops, I forgot he existed. Time to change his name back to Arthur. Artie will just be what Ana affectionately calls him.