Alypia's Content Corner


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2021
Not sure if this is the right thread to ask this but:

I understand that Etheryn won't be going fully female but will the option for her becoming a hermaphrodite so she can become pregnant be happening.

Just find it interesting for her to be able to get pregnant due several hints that she seems to have a bit of a Pregnancy-fetish during discussions regarding 'Lumian Faith' and her reactions to being cum-inflated to some of the sex scene.

Any chances or is it just female/herm MC able to have children with her planned.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
As has been stated repeatedly, no.

Mechanically, that would require as much extra work to account for as giving her a vagina and removing her penis, since every scene in which Ryn's genitals are mentioned would need rewriting to account for it, on top of everything that would have to be written specifically for it. And it would be one more variable for a character who has too many already. Lore-wise, Ryn could not be more clear on the matter. She doesn't want a vagina, as she says if you ask her about the cage post-Winter City. See this comment by Savin, or the snapshot of some Patreon comments I shared here for some examples.

Ryn gets flustered thinking about the Champ being pregnant with their child(ren). Savin has said directly on Discord and implied on the forums that for Champs who lack the means to get pregnant themselves, what will probably happen is that Elthara will act as a surrogate and the Champ can help make the magic happen. See here and here for the local comments.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
You can now tie Subrona up and teach her some discipline, if you have she/her pronouns! There are some special bits in there for Lover Arona and for, mmm, breeding talk...after all, those are some of the best ways to tease your big, sweet, undisciplined green girl~

Viviane can also sex you with her magicock!


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
I do not want to come of us ungrateful -- the femdom scene sounds like something I will love -- but is there a reason why you keep excluding guys, even with right equipment?


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
Absolutely loved Vivs new scene.. even without checking who wrote it, I could tell from the as always brilliant bimbo speech. You are one of the best writers for bimbo champs loving, cuddly and not cringy. Kudos.

Edit: just did SubRonas new scene with my bimbo Lupine and hot damn, incredible as always.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
I do not want to come of us ungrateful -- the femdom scene sounds like something I will love -- but is there a reason why you keep excluding guys, even with right equipment?
Thank you for the kind words!

I think that there's value in having content that is specifically oriented toward specific character qualities - write for a niche and that niche hopefully really likes it, but try to write for everyone and there's a danger you can dilute the effect you're going for! If I recall correctly, you've complained about dilution of other content in the past.

In my case, I was going for a few things. First, I know that Arona is into Champ regardless of pronouns, but she also says that she's mostly into women and that broChamp is an exception, so I knew I could draw on that. Relatedly, I also figured that if Arona had a "Daddy" or a "Master" component to the scene, it'd probably be wildly different, or at least different enough that it'd basically be a whole other scene grafted on. I also didn't think that I could speak to the master/daddy kink as well as I could to the femdom/lesdom side of BDSM - I'm more familiar with the latter. And finally, the scene was already so ungodly complex (the cases that I do account for are...kind of wild) that I decided it'd be best not to add to it. Seriously, it's like thirty* pages for a single scene.

I think that a daddydom or a Master scene for broChamp and Subrona would potentially be pretty cool! But I also think that I'm not the person to write it. :)
You see, this is why I didn't even try guessing when you teased green bean content. I wouldn't have guessed this. xD

And yay, Viv ghostlight. Been waiting for that since you first mentioned you were doing it.
Hee hee hee. Let me know what y'all think of it! It's my first real foray into bondage writing...
Absolutely loved Vivs new scene.. even without checking who wrote it, I could tell from the as always brilliant bimbo speech. You are one of the best writers for bimbo champs loving, cuddly and not cringy. Kudos.
Aww, thank you! I do worry about that a lot - I'm glad you've been enjoying the way I write our bubbly bean, but let me know if any lines don't quite work for you.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2021
You can now tie Subrona up and teach her some discipline, if you have she/her pronouns! There are some special bits in there for Lover Arona and for, mmm, breeding talk...after all, those are some of the best ways to tease your big, sweet, undisciplined green girl~

Viviane can also sex you with her magicock!
Omg both 2 recent updates with your writing?!? Damn vag champ be eating good this fall (early feast for Thanksgiving ? xD)Congrats on more of your content release to game!
I do not want to come of us ungrateful -- the femdom scene sounds like something I will love -- but is there a reason why you keep excluding guys, even with right equipment?
Well it might be presumptuous for me to answer for Alypia but maybe because that's what she prefers to write? I mean most writer in this game seems to write whatever they're into and sometimes they'll write contests they're not familiar wirh but it's a porn/smut game after all so ppl will write what they find hot the most. Sides a lot of guys/dicked champs get catered a lot/often anyway.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
Thank you for the kind words!

I think that there's value in having content that is specifically oriented toward specific character qualities - write for a niche and that niche hopefully really likes it, but try to write for everyone and there's a danger you can dilute the effect you're going for! If I recall correctly, you've complained about dilution of other content in the past.

But that is mostly in regard when a writer or a user asks for content of a character that is outside of their designed niche. Like asking for Cait to be only for you and stuff like that; albeit I do sometimes fail into the latter camp myself.

In my case, I was going for a few things. First, I know that Arona is into Champ regardless of pronouns, but she also says that she's mostly into women and that broChamp is an exception, so I knew I could draw on that. Relatedly, I also figured that if Arona had a "Daddy" or a "Master" component to the scene, it'd probably be wildly different, or at least different enough that it'd basically be a whole other scene grafted on. I also didn't think that I could speak to the master/daddy kink as well as I could to the femdom/lesdom side of BDSM - I'm more familiar with the latter. And finally, the scene was already so ungodly complex (the cases that I do account for are...kind of wild) that I decided it'd be best not to add to it. Seriously, it's like thirty* pages for a single scene.

I think that a daddydom or a Master scene for broChamp and Subrona would potentially be pretty cool! But I also think that I'm not the person to write it.
Now I am not sure if the scene is for vagina champs only, but I wrote this, and comment above, under assumption that it is. I was mostly talking in regards to players that like playing musceline (presenting) characters such as Cboys and male herms.

I understand the feeling that what you are writing may not fit what people of those type of champions may be agreeable with. But I personally see no harm in letting player that posses necessary equipment, regardless of their pronouns, engage with your content. If they do not like how champion is being presented, then they can just not choose to participate latter. Like most of us do.

The most basic example I can think of is when I, as a guy, interact with another guy. Now admittedly I have complained about this is in the past; about how most of the sexual situations are written from a female leaning perspective yet (Elyon and Quin) which does read read when you are not partaking in that particular role..
Nevertheless,while I would like for them to be more inclusive for all types of musceline leaning bottoms of the world, that doesn't mean that I would prefer the alternative where we are simply not allowed to engage with them.

So having players entirely excluded from teasing Arona about (potential) baby bump does seem kind of cruel to those that like playing PCs mentioned above. Especially since, while I know that this is not your intention, it does come if as Arona prefers for her guys to only have dicks. Which, as you know from my Cait "pregnancy" conversation or my fit around Aromas comment about how "vagina champion is a back up if she herself could not get pregnant" is not something I am a fan off. Though, your example is not in text form so It is mostly meta contextual, so not really bad, but you get the what I mean.

Admittedly, as someone who is still grappling with the concept of time and parsers relation, I can not really gauge how much more of a strain would adding more variables put on your work. But I assume stuff like "Would Arona like for [pc.daddyMommy] to ride you into the sheets?" would not that be that hard to add. Still, this is just assumption and I know how messy a particular scene can get with all the variations. Especially when penned by you.
Well it might be presumptuous for me to answer for Alypia but maybe because that's what she prefers to write? I mean most writer in this game seems to write whatever they're into and sometimes they'll write contests they're not familiar wirh but it's a porn/smut game after all so ppl will write what they find hot the most. Sides a lot of guys/dicked champs get catered a lot/often anyway.
Most of what I wrote applies here.

But yeah, I know. People here, besides their obligation towards Savin and his plans, write what they write. This is just one of those cases whee it feels little silly to me lock out potential fans out of experience. For, and I do mean full props to ally, she writes some of my favorite dommy content regardless of it is topping or power bottoming.

Apologize for a tangent. Still, if nothing else, I may take a crack at writing a more mommy (male) leaning scene for Arona. Amongst other plans, of course.

Edit: My stance would be somewhat same if the scene had variations for dickgirl. Maybe slightly less on the nose since we straight/bi dudes do get overwhelming more pandered to, but still, I hope that does not sully my point.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2019
Personally, I'm glad that there's content out there exclusive to champs using she/her pronouns (a category that is not the same as girls, but that I will be calling girls for the rest of this post for simplicity) - there's a ton of shit that's exclusive to being a guy in these games (this game to some degree, TiTS more), and I get so fucking tired of it - it's kinda funny to me that I never see anyone bring that up on here, but I've seen people complain about the lesbian scenes exclusive to girls (which, as far as I know, is mostly this and the Liazzy threesome) a bunch of times on here - Frankly, I'm glad to see it. Alypia seems to constantly have a bead on a bunch of the stuff I want to see, from what I've seen of her writing so far, so I'm hype as hell, especially to see that upcoming Viv scene.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
What character, besides Jin Jin, is locked behind having male pronouns? I do not mean having a dick, for that is different thing entirely - as you would agree.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2019
What character, besides Jin Jin, is locked behind having male pronouns? I do not mean having a dick, for that is different thing entirely - as you would agree.
I was apparently mistaken about Lusamine, I thought she was only interested in PCs who were men, not just PCs with a dick. She does repeatedly talk about not being into girls, but apparently that's just talk and you can have sex with her as one anyway. I don't think that necessarily invalidates my point - I'd almost rather a character say no sex if you're a girl than a character talk about not being into girls then fuck you anyway (which does come up like 4 or 5 times in TiTS, as well as apparently Lusamine in this game). So, yeah, I guess it's less common in this game than I thought it was, I thought that was the thing with Lusamine, based on what she says in-game, but wiki says otherwise. Guess my point applies mainly to TiTS then.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
Now I am not sure if the scene is for vagina champs only, but I wrote this, and comment above, under assumption that it is. I was mostly talking in regards to players that like playing musceline (presenting) characters such as Cboys and male herms.

I understand the feeling that what you are writing may not fit what people of those type of champions may be agreeable with. But I personally see no harm in letting player that posses necessary equipment, regardless of their pronouns, engage with your content. If they do not like how champion is being presented, then they can just not choose to participate latter. Like most of us do.

The most basic example I can think of is when I, as a guy, interact with another guy. Now admittedly I have complained about this is in the past; about how most of the sexual situations are written from a female leaning perspective yet (Elyon and Quin) which does read read when you are not partaking in that particular role..
Nevertheless,while I would like for them to be more inclusive for all types of musceline leaning bottoms of the world, that doesn't mean that I would prefer the alternative where we are simply not allowed to engage with them.

So having players entirely excluded from teasing Arona about (potential) baby bump does seem kind of cruel to those that like playing PCs mentioned above. Especially since, while I know that this is not your intention, it does come if as Arona prefers for her guys to only have dicks. Which, as you know from my Cait "pregnancy" conversation or my fit around Aromas comment about how "vagina champion is a back up if she herself could not get pregnant" is not something I am a fan off. Though, your example is not in text form so It is mostly meta contextual, so not really bad, but you get the what I mean.

Admittedly, as someone who is still grappling with the concept of time and parsers relation, I can not really gauge how much more of a strain would adding more variables put on your work. But I assume stuff like "Would Arona like for [pc.daddyMommy] to ride you into the sheets?" would not that be that hard to add. Still, this is just assumption and I know how messy a particular scene can get with all the variations. Especially when penned by you.
So dickgirl and buttslut Champ also have access to this content; it's only about pronouns, not parts.

Opening this content up to players regardless of their pronouns, despite it heavily emphasizing femdom and momdom stuff and using the word "Mistress", is certainly a thing I could have done. I decided against, though. While there are people who are okay with being called "mommy" despite using he/him and "daddy" despite using she/her, I felt that if players felt fluid enough in their identity to go by "mommy" despite being gentlemen, they'd probably be okay with swapping to she/her in the appearance screen before playing the scene (and then swapping back if they so desired). And my main goal was that players who are playing strictly she/her characters would have content that is intended to speak directly to them - and I don't know about y'all, but I felt like that would be a big plus.

As far as varying it goes, I'll just say that the writing would require so much work to accommodate "Daddy" or "Master" dom stuff as to constitute an entirely separate scene. I'm sure that someone could write that in the future - but like I said, I don't think I'm the person to do it. It should be somebody who actually knows maledom and can speak to the subtle differences better than I can.

Hopefully the specifically femdom character of the scene really came though!
Personally, I'm glad that there's content out there exclusive to champs using she/her pronouns (a category that is not the same as girls, but that I will be calling girls for the rest of this post for simplicity) - there's a ton of shit that's exclusive to being a guy in these games (this game to some degree, TiTS more), and I get so fucking tired of it - it's kinda funny to me that I never see anyone bring that up on here, but I've seen people complain about the lesbian scenes exclusive to girls (which, as far as I know, is mostly this and the Liazzy threesome) a bunch of times on here - Frankly, I'm glad to see it. Alypia seems to constantly have a bead on a bunch of the stuff I want to see, from what I've seen of her writing so far, so I'm hype as hell, especially to see that upcoming Viv scene.
Thank you! While I do write a lot of things for a broader audience, one of my goals is making sure that gay ladies have fun that they don't always get with other writers' content.

That Viv scene is already in, by the way - at least for backers! Probably only one update left before it's public, too.

And speaking of Liazzy, since this is Known on the Discord, I would like to say that there is an update in the works that gives f!Champ the option to have a genuine polycule with both Lia and Azzy instead of just being Azzy's gf - and it's backward-compatible with content that has already been released with involving the two of them, if you know what I mean. It might be a bit before it's done, but it's something to look forward to, for those who are interested!


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
So dickgirl and buttslut Champ also have access to this content; it's only about pronouns, not parts.

Opening this content up to players regardless of their pronouns, despite it heavily emphasizing femdom and momdom stuff and using the word "Mistress", is certainly a thing I could have done. I decided against, though. While there are people who are okay with being called "mommy" despite using he/him and "daddy" despite using she/her, I felt that if players felt fluid enough in their identity to go by "mommy" despite being gentlemen, they'd probably be okay with swapping to she/her in the appearance screen before playing the scene (and then swapping back if they so desired). And my main goal was that players who are playing strictly she/her characters would have content that is intended to speak directly to them - and I don't know about y'all, but I felt like that would be a big plus.

As far as varying it goes, I'll just say that the writing would require so much work to accommodate "Daddy" or "Master" dom stuff as to constitute an entirely separate scene. I'm sure that someone could write that in the future - but like I said, I don't think I'm the person to do it. It should be somebody who actually knows maledom and can speak to the subtle differences better than I can.

Hopefully the specifically femdom character of the scene really came though!

Thank you! While I do write a lot of things for a broader audience, one of my goals is making sure that gay ladies have fun that they don't always get with other writers' content.

That Viv scene is already in, by the way - at least for backers! Probably only one update left before it's public, too.

And speaking of Liazzy, since this is Known on the Discord, I would like to say that there is an update in the works that gives f!Champ the option to have a genuine polycule with both Lia and Azzy instead of just being Azzy's gf - and it's backward-compatible with content that has already been released with involving the two of them, if you know what I mean. It might be a bit before it's done, but it's something to look forward to, for those who are interested!
... This is hypocritical of me but I am kind of glad that it is not only Cboys/male herms getting excluded, heh. So while I am still somewhat muffled, I appreciate your response.

Now I do feel idiotic that I thought you, of all people, would disregard dickgirl/futa champs.

Can not wait for all new Arona content!

I hope that someone writes an Arona and Ryn threesome where they double team/split roast the champ. Just saying.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
So dickgirl and buttslut Champ also have access to this content; it's only about pronouns, not parts.

Opening this content up to players regardless of their pronouns, despite it heavily emphasizing femdom and momdom stuff and using the word "Mistress", is certainly a thing I could have done. I decided against, though. While there are people who are okay with being called "mommy" despite using he/him and "daddy" despite using she/her, I felt that if players felt fluid enough in their identity to go by "mommy" despite being gentlemen, they'd probably be okay with swapping to she/her in the appearance screen before playing the scene (and then swapping back if they so desired). And my main goal was that players who are playing strictly she/her characters would have content that is intended to speak directly to them - and I don't know about y'all, but I felt like that would be a big plus.

As far as varying it goes, I'll just say that the writing would require so much work to accommodate "Daddy" or "Master" dom stuff as to constitute an entirely separate scene. I'm sure that someone could write that in the future - but like I said, I don't think I'm the person to do it. It should be somebody who actually knows maledom and can speak to the subtle differences better than I can.

Hopefully the specifically femdom character of the scene really came though!

Thank you! While I do write a lot of things for a broader audience, one of my goals is making sure that gay ladies have fun that they don't always get with other writers' content.

That Viv scene is already in, by the way - at least for backers! Probably only one update left before it's public, too.

And speaking of Liazzy, since this is Known on the Discord, I would like to say that there is an update in the works that gives f!Champ the option to have a genuine polycule with both Lia and Azzy instead of just being Azzy's gf - and it's backward-compatible with content that has already been released with involving the two of them, if you know what I mean. It might be a bit before it's done, but it's something to look forward to, for those who are interested!
Pure female champ or is futa champ included in the poly?


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
she/her pronouns I would guess, from how I've seen Aly talk about this. A gender thing, not a body thing.
I was just wondering since she doesnt like cock and only licks champs pussy in the sex scene with Azzy


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2019
I was just wondering since she doesnt like cock and only licks champs pussy in the sex scene with Azzy
Does she say she doesn't like cock at some point, or are you basing that about her off the fact that she only interacts with vaginas for the Azzy scene? I don't play a champ with one, so.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
Does she say she doesn't like cock at some point, or are you basing that about her off the fact that she only interacts with vaginas for the Azzy scene? I don't play a champ with one, so.
She is in fact a lesbian.. just asked on discord.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2021
She is in fact a lesbian.. just asked on discord.
Sorry I'm also clogging off this corner and going off tangent to Alypia content but doesn't lesbian just mean they like women so that doesn't imply she dislikes dicks? I guess gynosexual might be better term if she's into feminine look/features (I'm not expert in lgbtq terms so correct me if im wrong).

Anyway sorry again not trying to be word police but just confused. So skow explicitly said Lia is only into pure female(vagina/no dick)?

Edit: wait I think savin is actually creator of Lia so I guess u have to ask him instead?
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Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2019
Sorry I'm also clogging off this corner and going off tangent to Alypia content but doesn't lesbian just mean they like women so that doesn't imply she dislikes dicks? I guess gynosexual might be better term if she's into feminine look/features (I'm not expert in lgbtq terms so correct me if im wrong).

Anyway sorry again not trying to be word police but just confused. So skow explicitly said Lia is only into pure female(vagina/no dick)?
Yeah, like, I'm literally a lesbian and everyone I've had sex with so far in my life has had a dick, so.
I assumed that just meant "she/her champs", did Skow mean something else here?

(also I would say not calling women without dicks "pure" females would be slightly preferred - I'm not any less female for having one, I'm not an impure woman or something. Well, I mean, I am impure, but that's for being a pervert not having a dick)


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2021
Yeah, like, I'm literally a lesbian and everyone I've had sex with so far in my life has had a dick, so.
I assumed that just meant "she/her champs", did Skow mean something else here?

(also I would say not calling women without dicks "pure" females would be slightly preferred - I'm not any less female for having one, I'm not an impure woman or something. Well, I mean, I am impure, but that's for being a pervert not having a dick)
Fair point. There's a lot of different words used in this game (fenoxo games/porn games) depending on genital configuration so I wasn't sure what to call female characters with vagina. Now that I think of it I guess I should just said vag-only female champ huh.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2019
Fair point. There's a lot of different words used in this game (fenoxo games/porn games) depending on genital configuration so I wasn't sure what to call female characters with vagina. Now that I think of it I guess I should just said vag-only female champ huh.
Absolutely fair! It was not intended as censure, just information. There's a lot of words used in this game that are even actively slurs, so, I kinda just deal.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2021
Very late but I wanted to say I THOROUGHLY enjoyed both viv strap on scene and the dom mommy scene for Arona (especially the latter one. Love the trend of using pet btwn dom/sub relationships recently!

As per usual, love the bimbo!champ interaction with Viv and the mutual munching. Btw, is there supposed to be a cunning champ variation for her scene? I know you're one of few ppl who does so. It seems weird to me that there is no variation btwn cunning bimbo and non-cunning bimbo champ like struggling with the word passionate when there were differences in Serena's scene (like bimbo champ struggling with the word blue-blood depending on the bimbo champ's cunning & variation in dialogue about crowds/slum, etc.). Is this a bug or was it not taken into account this time?

And the dom mommy scene for Arona....mnf it was HOT. Can't believe this is your 1st time writing bdsm-related writing! It was kinkiest/steamiest writing of yours since your scenes tend to focus more on intimacy/emotionally fluffy moments (not that this scene wasn't intimate). Thank you for adding more scenes where vag only champ can be dominant and it was nice to be able to pleasure Arona's vagina for a change (since there are basically no scenes where champ can play with Arona's pussy w/o dick). It was also funny to see bimbo champ trying to be serious in that scene and changing to their bubby self (calling her cutie wifey was my fav btw). It's great to see you trying out different scenes and expanding your writing!


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
Very late but I wanted to say I THOROUGHLY enjoyed both viv strap on scene and the dom mommy scene for Arona (especially the latter one. Love the trend of using pet btwn dom/sub relationships recently!

As per usual, love the bimbo!champ interaction with Viv and the mutual munching. Btw, is there supposed to be a cunning champ variation for her scene? I know you're one of few ppl who does so. It seems weird to me that there is no variation btwn cunning bimbo and non-cunning bimbo champ like struggling with the word passionate when there were differences in Serena's scene (like bimbo champ struggling with the word blue-blood depending on the bimbo champ's cunning & variation in dialogue about crowds/slum, etc.). Is this a bug or was it not taken into account this time?

And the dom mommy scene for Arona....mnf it was HOT. Can't believe this is your 1st time writing bdsm-related writing! It was kinkiest/steamiest writing of yours since your scenes tend to focus more on intimacy/emotionally fluffy moments (not that this scene wasn't intimate). Thank you for adding more scenes where vag only champ can be dominant and it was nice to be able to pleasure Arona's vagina for a change (since there are basically no scenes where champ can play with Arona's pussy w/o dick). It was also funny to see bimbo champ trying to be serious in that scene and changing to their bubby self (calling her cutie wifey was my fav btw). It's great to see you trying out different scenes and expanding your writing!
Awww, that's very generous of you to say! Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying them so much.

Honestly, Cunning Bimbo variations are probably always going to be relatively few and far between, because they're pretty hard to come up with sometimes. Also, I didn't even think of adding them until Serena's content, and I actually wrote Viv's magicock scene before Serena. So: not a bug.

I'm glad the Arona scene went over so well! Definitely noticed the lack of Arona pussy-eating before now and thought that that ought to be remedied, hee hee. I do want to get more steamy romance in, not just romance!
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