All web based text based Adult Games


Sep 14, 2015
Hi everybody,

I've been playing CoC, TiTs and FS for a while. I know of them, at least. These games are playable with screen readers because of the fact that they're heavily textual. Other games that are accessible is Free Cities. Does anybody know if there are any MC games that are web/text based? I know a lot of Rags games are text based, and I can pass the introduction of Curses, but when i meet the woman and the game wants me to follow her out of the bar, I can't--movement is a problem.

The text based Post-apoc game sounded pretty cool, but my screen reader couldn't get past the advisory warning.

Does anyone know any Flash text based games, web-based games besides Lewd because that's really not accessible, and possibly any MC games like this with quality writing? Free Cities is okay, but I think the writing in events could be better.



New Member
Jan 14, 2016
Well, I don't know about MC specifically, but for text-based stuff that will work on any device you could check out the repository of Twine games at TF Games (Twine is a simple HTML framework for writing short CYOA-type games; Free Cities is an example).

There's a lot more quantity than quality but there's a couple of good ones in there. The Masculine Mystique is a classic.


Sep 14, 2015
I am afraid I don't know what MC stands for. Would someone please enlighten me?

I maintain a list of adult games in development on this forum. Many of them are text based. Here is the thread

I also develop a text based adult game at I am curious to know if it is playable on a screen reader.

I just took a quick look at chosen. I was able to get past the intro without a problem. After that, I'm lost. I'm in area #1 grasslands, with a manage party button that is grade out because it's only my character, then a manage button for my character. I see no way to actually progress within this Grasslands area.

Void Director

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I just took a quick look at chosen. I was able to get past the intro without a problem. After that, I'm lost. I'm in area #1 grasslands, with a manage party button that is grade out because it's only my character, then a manage button for my character. I see no way to actually progress within this Grasslands area.

Thats the map. Now that I think about it its probably not very screen reader friendly unfortunatly. Sorry about that. If I get the time I will try to read up a bit more on accessibility and see if I can do something about that.


Sep 14, 2015
Well dang, I just tried Underworld public. I can select choices, but can't read the text.

Shame too, since that game seems to have a story to follow, whereas games like Coc are more free roaming. I hope Seeds of Chaos will be playable for me.

I guess I'll try the  TFGameSite.I wish the  point at the end of the adult warning for GangsNWhores is clickable for me.exclaimation

Lord Arioch

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2015
I hope Seeds of Chaos will be playable for me.

Ren'py supports self voicing, so I'm pretty sure I should be able to combine that with hotkeys to make it accessible to the visually impaired. I'll certainly try my hardest.


New Member
Feb 8, 2016
how about Transformania Time .  Its MMO with about 200 players on at any given time, great descriptions of all spells and about a year ago they introduced MC spells.  Its all html so you shouldn't have a problem with your reader.  Plus instead of east, west, south, north, each location has its own individual name.
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Sep 14, 2015
Interesting, I did take a look at the game and it appears to be fully accessible. Now I wish I could find a singleplayer game with this good quality writing, and/or a multiplayer game like that that wasn't so focused on PVP. The introductory quest was great and learning new spells has some good descriptions. I'm just not sure what to do from here, however.

Hopefully I can find new quests. The main goal seems to be dungeon, and I'm not that huge into PVP on any game, whether it has Erotic elements or not.

Still, this game reminds me of the now abandoned Protocol Seven. P7 had more of a singleplayer feel. Heck, I'm looking for a text-based storygaming experience, Erotic or not. The only game I know of with this much depth is Sryth, which has become quite dependant on Pay to get good methods.

A great find and I'll probably explore more of it because it has some good writing. Any other MMOs with a similar interface but different theme besides wizards/SciFi,, perhaps?

Katy Perry

New Member
Apr 15, 2019
Corruption of Champions is a game many will never forget. The game is set in the fantasy magic world and packed with action and adventure that will make you sit unknowingly, on the edge of your chair while playing. What about the storyline? Awesome! You will live among villages as a simple person. But that does not elude you from taking part in the action.

The village usually selects warriors that help to fight against and repel enemy attacks. Children go missing, and diverse evil deeds occur here and there. Corruption of Champions is a game worth playing. But one will eventually get tired of playing repeated, someday. So before getting to that point or if you are already started looking for best Corruption of Champions, these are the games to try out. Here it is
Jul 25, 2018
There is a Forum with a section specifically dedicated to terrible MC games.

Most of those are poorly assembled Twine games.

I honestly wouldn't link anyone to that crap-shoot. Most of the creators are whiny, entitled patreon scum who post bare-bones "alpha's" and call the mods if you try to criticize their sketchy practices. The mods are pretty bad, too, and the site admin isn't even the original owner. She took control after the original owner died in a car accident and refuses to do any quality control.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2015
I honestly wouldn't link anyone to that crap-shoot. Most of the creators are whiny, entitled patreon scum who post bare-bones "alpha's" and call the mods if you try to criticize their sketchy practices. The mods are pretty bad, too, and the site admin isn't even the original owner. She took control after the original owner died in a car accident and refuses to do any quality control.

So... Like everywhere else?
Jul 25, 2018
So... Like everywhere else?

I mean an example (and sorry for the late post) is one of the content creators who also happened to DM in the rp forums. I'm not gonna go into details, but the guy was opposed to a bit of a flaky dude participating in their rp's, and even the flaky dude was in agreement that the decision was fine. Unfortunately, TeraS decided that this was such a controversial situation that she needed to go Adolf and come down hard on the content creator. Even a lot of her mods were wondering what the fuss was about. Her endgame was banning the content creator because they were apparently a shitty person.

I mean, no shade to cast, they were a pretty big cunt about things, and in my interactions with them elsewhere, it's been clear they're full of themselves and refuse to compromise on things, even if there is good reason to. However, the Collective has a tendency to behave as a whole like TeraS when push comes to shove. If you're a content creator looking for a pillowfort to climb into and be sheltered from legitimate criticism, it's your place.

Oh, and another example. Some upstart posted a barely-alpha "demo" of a game they were "planning" to develop and a link to their patreon. I inquired about who they were, why someone should be inclined to even give it a second glance. They went into a tirade about how they graduated top of their class, blah blah blah. I replied with "well, that's neat, but you're basically a nobody with no history and no record for us to refer to." The hordes came down, one former and current mod included. I got banhammered for even questioning the legitimacy of this person and their not-even-a-functional-demo.

I contacted TeraS and she made the same lame excuses, then vanished. Believe me, it's a worse shithole than f95zone and current tumblr.