So I've discovered some annoying bugs that has been happening to me. For example, if I press the Alchemy button on the right side of the screen, an error pops up telling me the website isn't supporting it while showing different assets.
Another error I've found happens if you go to Roa in the brothel and choose the option to fuck him instead of him fucking you. Some text goes RED with errors while the website gives me a few pop up errors.
And lastly, I'm having trouble finding any vulpinix, it's said to be dropped by the wolf in forest but I can't seem to get any. I've been farming for so long and I keep getting all the other items but not any single vulpinix. And I can't buy it from anywhere else so I'm stuck, confused and it bother's me not being able to find all the content.
Another error I've found happens if you go to Roa in the brothel and choose the option to fuck him instead of him fucking you. Some text goes RED with errors while the website gives me a few pop up errors.
And lastly, I'm having trouble finding any vulpinix, it's said to be dropped by the wolf in forest but I can't seem to get any. I've been farming for so long and I keep getting all the other items but not any single vulpinix. And I can't buy it from anywhere else so I'm stuck, confused and it bother's me not being able to find all the content.