Age Filter for site?

Vector Irone

New Member
Oct 25, 2015
Not sure if this should go in the requests thread since necro rule and it's about the site as a whole, but: Since the wiki has one, and the old site had one, does need an age gate? Y'know the things that make sure you're OK to view smut, based on an arbitrary amount of times you've travelled 'round the sun?

(Sorry if this has already been brought up, though a quick search didn't bring up anything. :"D)


Active Member
Oct 24, 2015
I never quite understood the purpose of those age checks. The only real function they serve is to annoy everyone with extra clicks. I love how smooth visiting the site is.

Also, it's not like they stop the kids from entering if they want to.

Vector Irone

New Member
Oct 25, 2015
Might be some legalese mumbo jumbo that they sate then? Honestly I don't mind either way, I guess I'm wondering more about why the old site had one in the first place and if that same requirement is present here. And yeah, whoever designed the site's code certainly did a slick job~

Eh, come to think of it CoC has that reminder at the start to keep the keyboard clean. "Think of the children!" haha...


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Age gates have never been more than lip service to some old moron who may have made a law about it thinking it would really save the innocent youth. In theory, maybe, but in practice... Sorta like how trailers for M-rated games have an 'insert your age here' as if it does anything but annoy. I wonder how many people on the planet are retirees born on Jan.1.

That said, I don't know if there really is a law about it. If there is, then adding one might be needed for liability busting. Then again, 4chan doesn't have anything like that, and the content there makes here look like frolicking through a flower blanketed meadow.


Aug 26, 2015
That said, I don't know if there really is a law about it. If there is, then adding one might be needed for liability busting. Then again, 4chan doesn't have anything like that, and the content there makes here look like frolicking through a flower blanketed meadow.

It actually does, but only if you access the site in a very specific way.  You have to go to the front page, and then left-click on a board name, and then you'll be given an age disclaimer.  Any other method of getting onto the site skips it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Please no age-gate thing, I already find the one on the wiki and the one for the old site annoying as heck, those damn things just add extra clicks to get to what I come here for.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It actually does, but only if you access the site in a very specific way.  You have to go to the front page, and then left-click on a board name, and then you'll be given an age disclaimer.  Any other method of getting onto the site skips it.

That'd be why then; I'd gotten into the habit of manually inputting urls. Though even google would take you straight to whatever board you wanted. 4chan, doing lip service right. You have to work if you want to see it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2015
We really dont need any more extra clicks that just end up annoying people.

Its not like anyone has ever clicked 'no' on one of those.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
We really dont need any more extra clicks that just end up annoying people.

Its not like anyone has ever clicked 'no' on one of those.

Sure they have, by accident or just to see what would happen!