Aftermath Team's Games (Oct/11/24)


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2015
Just released a new build of the game. The new build includes two new scenes and a LOT of work in the background. The new build includes about 11k words of new content, of which about a third can be reached through natural play (A lot of the new content is tied up in a new transformation mechanic that is largely unreachable at this time. Future updates will include content that will make that material reachable through natural play.

New build can be found here for the public version:

Patreon build with cheat menu (Nothing unique to their version, just the cheat that allows for adjustment of stats.):

Hope that everyone enjoys the new build of the game. If you see something that seems a little off, or is just plain broken, please let me know. I can't fix problems that I dont know about. :wink:

Up Next:

For this update, I opted to focus on the only major mechanical aspect going into the game for "Day 4" instead of working on a bunch of scenes that need to be written for that day. After all, I kind of dread doing the mechanical stuff and love doing the writing, so this gets the hard part for me out of the way so that I can enjoy working on the next couple of updates instead of making it a chore. ;)

The next week will be focused heavily on Inheritance in the hopes of starting to add the content I've already written into the game as well as writing a bit more content. No promises, but I hope to have a simple test build up for the game in the next two weeks.

In about a week, I want to shift my focus back to Wanton Cove and will see about writing a few scenes for the next build of the game before giving a build to the testers again

Right now, I'm promising a new build of Wanton Cove once a month, though releases are more likely to appear every three weeks. Week 1: Work on Wanton Cove, Week 2: Testing/bug fixes for Wanton Cove while working on Inheritance, Week 3: Final touches on Wanton Cove while work is focused on Inheritance. Release new build of game and repeat the proccess. This gives me a week worth of wiggle room if either real life broadsides me or I have to run down a particularly vexing bug.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2015
The Allure of Wanton Cove

Version .67 is live. Includes some new naughtyness, new conversation options with Mr Morichi, the ability to explore the "Cathedral" and a couple of other things. All in all, its about 8k words of new content.

Public Build can be found and downloaded here:

Patreon Build (Is the same as Public Build, only it includes a cheat menu in the protagonist's room) can be found and downloaded here with a small pledge:

The Puppet Master (Complete Game)

Also, another project that I released a couple of years ago now has received a small update. Its a complete game and the newest build is mostly just small spelling and bug fixes. Hope you all enjoy:


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
question; what fetishes/pairings do your games have? I'm only into M/M so I'm pretty leery about clicking links on this site unless I know there's content I'll enjoy.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2015
Fair enough:

The Allure of Wanton Cove includes M/F and F/F pairings.

The Puppet Master includes M/F pairings.

Futa Apocalypse includes M/M, M/F, F/F, M/Futa, and F/Futa

As my own interests is primarily M/F pairings, that's what I typically write. Though in Futa Apocalypse most of the pairings involve Futa.

Sorry to hear that your interests exclude the kinds of pairings I typically write. I wish you the best in finding some games that match your interests.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2015
New version of Wanton Cove is live. Added about 8k words of new content bringing the total content up to about 154k. Lots of content to enjoy!

Note: Public and Patreon builds are both effectively the same. Only difference is that the Patreon build includes a cheat Menu that allows you to adjust stats within the game.

Newest public build:

Newest Patreon build:


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2015
New build of the game is live for anyone who is interested. New update includes new NPC reactions to the character's transformations for some NPCs, new Combat scenes, new ambient scenes starting on day 5, along with some other stuff I'm sure I'm forgetting. About 22k words of new content with this build.

For the next build, I plan to start adding art to the game and continue adding NPC interactions to the character's transformations, and more story driven content.

Hope you enjoy the game!

Version .73 is live. LOTS of new content to explore.

Public Build can be found and downloaded here:

Patreon Build (Is the same as Public Build, only it includes a cheat menu in the protagonist's room) can be found and downloaded here with a small pledge:
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2015
Well everyone, its time for a new Wanton Cove build! This time around, there's more NPC reactions to the player's transformations, new ambient events starting on day 5, a major rework of the character creation mechanics behind the scenes, and ART! I commissioned a piece of art as a cover piece for the game, and have a second talented artist who has volunteered to do some backgrounds for the game.

Hope you all enjoy the game!

Version .76 is live.

Public Build can be found and downloaded here:

Patreon Build (Is the same as Public Build, only it includes a cheat menu in the protagonist's room) can be found and downloaded here with a small pledge:


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2015
New version of Wanton Cove is up. Mostly its just bug fixes, but there is also some new background art, a couple of minor rewrites, and some work done to the sidebar to make the game just a little more user friendly. Enjoy!


Public Build:

Patreon Build (Same content as Public Build, just includes Cheat Menu in addition to it.)
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Active Member
May 27, 2016
I'm trying to get into this game, but there are a few things stopping me from doing so.

-Character Customization
There isn't any. I'm following a detective that doesn't look like me at all. The reason I play games is so that I can play like myself (or something of my choosing), in a different world. The transformation aside, this causes a huge disconnection from the story. I don't care about the detective nor the NPC's because of that.

Is that still a work in progress? Since I was on day 5 and couldn't progress. I've visited all the locations and talked to everyone. Maybe it was explained somewhere, but since I don't care about the main character nor the NPC's, there's a good chance that I've missed some important hints.

-Cheat Menu
What does this do? I couldn't find any info about this. Maybe I will become a patron after all.

I like the detective parts of the game, and I'm really interested in the tentacle/futa/demon creature. Unfortunately, any encounter with her is only in your dreams and they stop just before it starts to get good.
You get attacked by enemies in the game, but they either run away, or you can loot a few dollars if you beat them. The story doesn't progress at all.
There's no interaction in the sex scenes. Making it even harder for me to immerse myself in the game.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2015
Thank you for giving the game a try.

The game is very much a work in progress at the moment. The current content ends on day 5.

Sorry to hear that you dont like the protagonist. For this game, that's what I opted to use for the character, in some of my planned projects though, I intend to give a great deal of customization to players who want to make that specific appearance they want (This will stand true of the control you gain over must sex scenes in other projects as well. This game plays more like an interactive novel after all).

Cheat menu includes the ability to adjust your characters stats, raising or lowering skills, raising taint, depravity, or mutation, add money, that kind of thing.

As for the "futa creature" at this point, the only way you encounter her in the flesh is through a bad end for the game (150 Taint) but as the game nears completion, she will make additional appearances.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2015
New build of Wanton Cove is up for anyone who is interested. New build includes about 12k words of new content, bringing the game up to about 193k words of total content (Should be enough to keep you reading for a little while.) One new piece of background art has been added to the game, a couple of day 5 scenes with supporting content, and a big portion of the new content is related to Azumi.

Enjoy the new build!


Public Build:

Patreon Build (Same content as Public Build, just includes Cheat Menu in addition to it.)


New Member
Apr 27, 2017
"Wanton Cove" - you wrote the word 'spend' twice: "I spend spend several minutes inspecting the room"
Also, I received an error: ">">Error: <<set>>: bad evaluation: State.variables.random is not a functionStepping towards the church, I take note of the broken cross perched at the peak of the steeple, looking like an upside down "L" pointing to the West."
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2015
"Wanton Cove" - you wrote the word 'spend' twice: "I spend spend several minutes inspecting the room"
Also, I received an error: ">">Error: <<set>>: bad evaluation: State.variables.random is not a functionStepping towards the church, I take note of the broken cross perched at the peak of the steeple, looking like an upside down "L" pointing to the West."

Thank you for the report. I'll get on the spelling issue right now, and the error at the church was just fixed this morning (Someone had reported that one last night on another site.)

Should have a new build up some time later today to reflect the items you reported, as well as several other bugs that have been fixed.


New Member
Apr 27, 2017
You wrote: "My eyes follow the gintle waves breaking softly against the jagged rocks of the shore", did you mean gentle?
Also: "Got to know more, I think before aking, "You know what happened to him then?" I push."
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2015
Wanted to share something I've been working on with all of you. The game is not as dark as Wanton Cove by any means, and places the player in control of a male protagonist who comes into possession of two slave girls that you can choose to nurture or abuse as you see fit.

"As a young man, you receive an unexpected letter in the mail. Turns out, your estranged Great Uncle has left you his entire estate, from his sprawling mansion, to his substantial holdings. But this is hardly the last surprise your Great Uncle left you, . . . when you arrive at your new home, you discover two slave girls living at the house, with further instructions from your Great Uncle concerning them, . . ."

The game will be an open world that allows you to treat the girls however you like. Treat them poorly and they will learn to fear you, treat them kindly and they will grow to love you. Pit the girls against one another or become a family. Its all up to you. The game will eventually include mechanics that allow you to make significant changes to the girls' appearance so you can customize them to your preferences, and your treatment of them will have a significant impact on their behavior.

This project is intended as an "Early Access" project which means that when a new version becomes available, the old version becomes public. The current public version includes the first half of the intro. The Patreon version has the completed intro (More than 20k words of content) and allows the player to explore the mansion that much of the game will take place in.

The following link will take you to the database page at TFGamesSite associated with the game. Along the left hand column is a "Downloads" section which includes two builds: Concept 2 which is the current public version of the game that you can download for free, and the "Movement Test" which is the current Patreon version of the game that requires a small pledge to download.

Hope you all enjoy the game, and I look forward to hearing people's first impressions of the project.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2015
Got a new version of The Allure of Wanton Cove for all of you to enjoy!

Snippit from the game:
""Show me the way," I say. I can already smell the coppery scent of blood on the air.

Captain Steiner nods, then waves for me to follow.

The alley is dark, and narrow, not quite wide enough to drive an automobile down. The only light I can see down the damp corridor between the two warehouses is coming from a couple of flashlights a short distance ahead.

Without really thinking about it, I pull my flashlight and thumb it on, lighting the way.

When I see a hint of blood lazily running from down the alley, pooling in a puddle a couple of paces ahead, I make a point of stepping around it.

"Must be a lot of blood?" I make it half question, half statement. Captain Steiner turns his head to meet my eyes. I'd swear that he's three shades lighter than when we entered the alley. He doesn't say anything as he continues towards the crime scene.

As we near the crime scene, the blood on the ground has become so abundant that it's impossible not to step in it as we approach. Just how many victims are there?

I begin to slow, an uneasy feeling settling over me, as if my skin doesn't fit quite right. My eyes travel towards where the other officer's flashlights are pointed.

There are strange symbols, painted in broad red swaths of color along the walls. It takes me a few seconds to realize that it's blood.

I don't know how long I stood there, looking at the symbols, but I became aware of Captain Steiner looking at me expectantly, as if anticipating me saying something.

I take a deep breath and force myself to direct my flashlight to the one place that everyone seems to be avoiding looking, the middle of the alley between the two murals of blood.

For several heartbeats, it's as if my mind can't quite acknowledge what I'm looking at."

What has changed since the last build:
-I think (hope) I finally fixed that incredibly frustrating bug in the Tavern that keeps cropping up.
-New mechanic added to the game called "Madness" that includes a couple of scenes related to it, and the first few NPCs have been updated to include that mechanic.
-New NPC added to the game; Rose Crow. New background added for scenes related to the bad part of town.
-New ending added to the game related to the Madness stat (Is only reachable using the Cheat Menu at this time. This will change as more major scenes related to Madness are added to the game).
-All in all, there is about 6k words of new content in the game bringing the total word count up to about 206k.

If you're in a position to do so, please consider helping support the author by making a pledge on Patreon, every little bit helps. Earnings keeps the power on, pays for the internet, and helps to commission additional art for the game.

Patreon Build (Includes Cheat Menu):

Public Build:

Hope that you all enjoy the game! You can look forward to new updates at least once a month in the future (Its usually around three weeks between updates.)


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2015
Since I have been on vacation the last couple of weeks, this update will be slightly different than most. Instead of a small number of major scenes, this update includes a host of smaller scenes instead.

Patreon Build:

Public Build:

Changelog .83
-Added several new options fo the Cheat Menu, including additional options related to Taint, ability to remove Mutation, and ability to restore your own female virginity.
-Wrote and added 16 new scenes related to the Park. Many of them are dependent on your current state of Madness or what day it is.
-Wrote and added 6 new scenes related to the Cathedral. Many of them are dependent on your current state of Madness.
-Wrote and added 28 new scenes to the Barmaid's Daughter. Many of these scenes are dependent on your current state of Madness, what day it is, or your current state of transformation.
-Wrote and added 5 new scenes for the Church. Three of them are dependent on Madness.
-Updated "Special Thanks" passage with new Patrons at each relevant level. (6/7/17)
-Added three new pieces of art to the game. All three are related to the "High Taint Bad End" and are intended to reflect your current state of Mutation.
-Added about 5k words of new content to the game, bringing the word count up to just a little under 211k words of content.

The next update will see more of these smaller scenes, (And will continue to see the smaller scenes until every major location in the game has at least a few new ambient scenes.) accompanied by a couple of larger scenes again.

I have no hard date for the next update, but I plan to have it out on the 29th - 30th at the latest and if all goes well it could be as soon as the 23rd - 24th. As usual, I will keep you all posted on progress as it happens.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2015
Version .85 of Wanton Cove is live for anyone interested in giving it a play.

The new version includes about 7k words of new content since the last version was made public. Below is links to both the Public (Free) version of the game and the Patreon (Pledge) version of the game. Only difference between them is that the latter has a cheat menu in it that allows you to adjust your stats in the game or add money so you can make the game easier or harder as you see fit.

Hope you all enjoy!

Public Version:

Patreon Version:


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2015
Found a bug in the game after posting the update. Have updated the game with the fix if you follow the same links.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2015
Inheritance is a text based game where the protagonist inherits a mansion, along with two slave girls who have obviously been mistreated. Its up to you if you want to take your great uncle's place as their harsh master, or if you want to give them a better life.

The current public build includes about 20k words of content, including a full intro and the ability to explore the mansion the protagonist inherits. You can find the public version here:

The current Patreon version includes about 150 ambient events and a functioning wait function. You can find the Patreon version here:

Thank you for taking the time to check out this post, and I hope you both take the time to check out the game and that you enjoy it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
The latest public build of Inheritance is the first one I've tried and you don't pull any punches with that intro. Never even met him and I hate this uncle. Saved after the night with Anna, when the instructions for sidebar options come up, and apparently that creates an error when trying to load. Even replaying the game to reach that point creates an error and it looks like the save has to be deleted and the game closed then re-opened to get rid of it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2015
Its a pretty new project, the first build was about half of the intro, the second (The current public one) completes the intro and allows you to explore the mansion. The current Patreon build includes about 150 minor events (Many dependent on time of day.) and a wait function that makes it easier to find those scenes. Otherwise, the "Playable" content will start appearing over the next couple of builds.

Thank you for reporting the bug. I can't seem to duplicate it on my end though. Is there anything more you can tell me about the error? Specifics of what the game is saying, maybe a screen capture? I'm pretty sure its related to something that was fixed in the Events build, but I'd like to look into it just to be sure.

Thank you for trying the game, I hope that you enjoyed what is there so far.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Thank you for reporting the bug. I can't seem to duplicate it on my end though. Is there anything more you can tell me about the error? Specifics of what the game is saying, maybe a screen capture? I'm pretty sure its related to something that was fixed in the Events build, but I'd like to look into it just to be sure.

Thank you for trying the game, I hope that you enjoyed what is there so far.

Not really. There was a long error code (it was the same one for both trying to load the game and what showed up after clicking "go to sleep" after the bedroom encounter with Anna) but I was more concerned with getting past it than reporting. Since that turned out to be the end of the content I explored a few options then deleted the game to keep as much of my very limited memory free. Considering trying to save and load after exploring the mansion results in "N is undefined" popping up I'm guessing it's either something fixed once there's content past that point or it just didn't download right this one time. I'll try it the next public release and copy/paste the error code if it happens again.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2015
Not really. There was a long error code (it was the same one for both trying to load the game and what showed up after clicking "go to sleep" after the bedroom encounter with Anna) but I was more concerned with getting past it than reporting. Since that turned out to be the end of the content I explored a few options then deleted the game to keep as much of my very limited memory free. Considering trying to save and load after exploring the mansion results in "N is undefined" popping up I'm guessing it's either something fixed once there's content past that point or it just didn't download right this one time. I'll try it the next public release and copy/paste the error code if it happens again.

Sounds like a plan then!