Advice on optimal equipment set


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
Well, I dunno if pregnancy is exactly one of my fetishes since I tend to prefer near-instant pregnancies (by staying in the nursery or save editing), but my Steele's current offspring count is:

Reproduction Statistics
* Total: 237
* Total @ Daycare: 139
* Births, Cockvines: 10
* Births, Milodan Young: 18
* Births, Nyrean Eggs, Renvra: 2
* Births, Nyrean Eggs, Royal: 24
* Births, Nyrean Eggs, Total: 26
* Births, Renvra’s Children: 24
* Births, Sera’s Children: 9
* Births, Sydian Young: 15
* Births, Venus Pitcher Seeds, Total: 18
* Births, Venus Pitcher Seeds, Planted: 0
* Births, Venus Pitcher Seeds @ Daycare: 12
* Births, Water Queen Young: 24
* Total: 567
* Births, Ovilium Eggs, Total: 561
* Births, Venus Pitcher Seeds, Unfertilized: 6

I would have not minded having double or triple a number of Sera's children, especially since her insemination is not tied to the tiresomeness of RNG and to add more human children to the nursery, if just she and the game would not bug me for names for the little bundles of joy. I am rather creatively challenged for names. I try to avoid going to the nursery when Sera is visiting to sidestep the issue.


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
In regards to the cold resistance perk, it's triggered by the huskar TF, but will only disappear if the PC looses their "thick, fluffy fur". So if you edit the perk onto a character that already has thick fur, it will stay active.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
In regards to the cold resistance perk, it's triggered by the huskar TF, but will only disappear if the PC looses their "thick, fluffy fur". So if you edit the perk onto a character that already has thick fur, it will stay active.

Ohh, yes, now I remember why I realized my PC cannot have this perk, thanks for reminding me. Her skin is supposed to be lubricated latex, so no fur and no cold resistance perk.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015

You are like baby! [though you got me beat on the Trainer eggs]

Reproduction Statistics
* Total: 659
* Total @ Daycare: 212
* Births, Milodan Young: 24
* Births, Nyrean Eggs, Huntress: 12
* Births, Nyrean Eggs, Renvra: 4
* Births, Nyrean Eggs, Royal: 20
* Births, Nyrean Eggs, Total: 36
* Births, Psychic Tentacle Beasts: 9
* Births, Renvra’s Children: 3
* Births, Sera’s Children: 35
* Births, Sydian Young: 8
* Births, Venus Pitcher Seeds, Total: 20
* Births, Venus Pitcher Seeds, Planted: 20
* Births, Water Queen Young: 17
* Total: 225
* Births, TamaniCorp Egg Trainer Eggs, Total: 225


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
Lol, @null_blank, where did those extra 400 kids not at the nursery come from?

Also I'm pretty sure my Steele will despise what they've done when it comes time to write the will xD

Reproduction Statistics
* Total: 337
* Total @ Daycare: 321
* Births, Cockvines: 17
* Births, Cockvines, Captured: 2
* Births, Milodan Young: 63
* Births, Nyrean Eggs, Huntress: 47
* Births, Nyrean Eggs, Renvra: 4
* Births, Nyrean Eggs, Royal: 37
* Births, Nyrean Eggs, Total: 88
* Births, Psychic Tentacle Beasts: 3
* Births, Renvra’s Children: 19
* Births, Sera’s Children: 27
* Births, Sydian Young: 39
* Births, Venus Pitcher Seeds, Total: 53
* Births, Venus Pitcher Seeds, Planted: 8
* Births, Venus Pitcher Seeds @ Daycare: 45
* Births, Water Queen Young: 21
* Fathered, Briha’s Children: Aya and zero others
* Fathered, Briha’s Daughters: 1
* Fathered, Raskvel Eggs: 90
* Fathered, Raskvel @ Daycare: 6
* Fathered, Zheniya Children: 4
* Total: 443
* Births, TamaniCorp Egg Trainer Eggs, Total: 443


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
Not tracking Bothric for some reason
Ah, that explains it. I don't want the perm sub perk, so I haven't done much there. Need to figure out exactly how much I can do the do with them before that happens.

Also, I just noticed a new stat that tracks how many times Steele Sr. fucked Anno. It's great and all, I love being reminded about how much of a slut Anno is, but it is proportionally larger than the amount of times Steele Jr. has sexed her, and it increases every single time Jr. fucks her :eek:


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Ah, that explains it. I don't want the perm sub perk, so I haven't done much there. Need to figure out exactly how much I can do the do with them before that happens.

Also, I just noticed a new stat that tracks how many times Steele Sr. fucked Anno. It's great and all, I love being reminded about how much of a slut Anno is, but it is proportionally larger than the amount of times Steele Jr. has sexed her, and it increases every single time Jr. fucks her :eek:

Hmm something seems off with the numbers.

Anywho, OP should also consider sets of equipment for planets with hostile environments (Uveto as an example). Now generally, I abuse the hell out of random encounters and Second Wind to stay alive in the cold but that does get annoying after a while.


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2016
Well, you see, one of my oldest and strongest playstyle/flavor foibles in any RPG I play is I require the impression to find the experience enjoyable my characters' powers and abilities are almost entirely inborn or internalized

Gotcha. Old RPGer, uh?
I tend to do the inverse. While I normally build my characters skills carefully, I get loaded with items , special weapons and companions if possible. And rely on my own skills when it's important (sort of "a worthy opponent" attitude). It also lets me test the situation, throwing a mild item and see what happens.
Normally, in PnP RPGs (and some complex video games), using such character also gives me an edge in surprise/versatility. Not to mention it's very amusing having my teammates scratching their heads trying to guess wth I am :p

In TiTs I don't have to care about looks or surprise, so I just simply go practical. And since my man character is tease-build, most of the time I get by talk-fucking (for example, missed the crystal upgrade for Nova because I smoothtalked my way to throne).

Well, perhaps our perspectives here differ since last time I checked the item's stats, a worn Omnisuit gave no bonus to Sexyness. If there is any other indirect effect or rule that boosts tease combat effectiveness for this item, I'm unaware of it at the moment and the wiki gives no info in this regard. Please educate me if you know I'm wrong.

Honestly, I never paid too much attention to numbers details.
*checks game*
Ok, if you look at the unequipped stats, it doesn't shows sexyness bonus. (my base stat without it is sexyness=1)
After equipping, it doesn't shows, until you move. It starts showing sexyness 15, but my stat is now sexyness=17, so total seems 16.
The other pros and cons are on the tooltip.

The main problem is that it doesn't lets you use any other clothing due the oversensitized latex skin, tho I didn't checked with HL items (technically they should work, but I doubt it has been coded...). Still, the bonus is high enough to compensate.

I see your point. I just cannot make up my mind whether I like the silicon big dog or the robot wolf more as combat pet. Admittedly they both fill the normal combat niche, while bimbo Siegwulfe is geared for tease combat.

Well, if your character is female, the Varmint might be less attractive since it's a female. Also, you don't have the slightest interaction with it, before or after taming. For me it's just another item.
Personally, I think the Tam-Wolf has more perv-appeal for a petplay/submissive/dominant character, since it's technically inteligent (able to talk) and you know at some point you could have been his pet (I really wish there was a playable option, considering how petplay grew on the game), so you know he has the capability for it at least.

Yeah, IIRC there is, although I seem to remember I passed it over since it seemed cosmetically tied at the hip with an unwanted canine TF. I might give a second look to the issue to see if acquisition by save editing does allow to bypass the disagreeable aspects.

Ah, didn't knew that.
You could also get Pippa's massage for the heathing effect, and edit the remaining time *shrug*


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2016
Not tracking Bothric for some reason

Yup, Bothrioc eggs don't show up.
Also, last time I checked, if you had -let's say- 14 eggs, the birthing said you got 1. (normal Bothrioc)
If Ara-Kei inseminates you, you get 28, but birth says you get 2.
But final total is shown as the real numbers, so it gets really confusing.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Also, I just noticed a new stat that tracks how many times Steele Sr. fucked Anno. It's great and all, I love being reminded about how much of a slut Anno is, but it is proportionally larger than the amount of times Steele Jr. has sexed her, and it increases every single time Jr. fucks her :eek:

That's not a new tracker, its been there since Anno first got added I think. Also it's supposed to always be higher than whatever number you've gotten to. That's how the formula for it goes, I think it was (x + y + ~17), with x being how many times you've fucked Anno and y being a random number. Been ages so I'm probably wrong, but yeah you can never beat that number unless the game glitches out.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
Reproduction Statistics
* Total: 237

Reproduction Statistics
* Total: 659

Reproduction Statistics
* Total: 337

:eek: You guys must employ the entirety of Tavros Station!

Getting back to optimal equipment, I have a quick clarification. If I equip a Hard Light Dagger (with an evasion of 8) as my melee weapon and a Black Light Rifle (with no evasion bonus) as my ranged weapon, does that mean that i only get the evasion bonus on rounds that I use a melee attack, or because I have the HL Dagger equipped, I get the +8 evasion at all times? I think it may be the first one but figured I'd ask anyway. :D


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2016
@ScarletteKnight I feel ya! I still keep the Leithan Compund Bow from the Scout on Mhenga, and Queen Taivra's Spear for sentimental reasons.

Anyway, I recently came across by accident that I had no idea was implemented, the elusive fifth weapon. Sold by Shekka back on Tarkus; is the FRZ Fire Suppresion System. This weapon actually comes with a freeze debuff called Deep Freeze if it activates, where evasion is reduced, and Crushing Attack does increased damage especially with the Saurmorian Hammer.

Definite recommend for Melee Tech Specialists, and Mercenaries.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Hey, does anyone know if cybernetic eyes and stuff have been implemented yet? Any idea what they'd do, or what you could get beyond eyes and (I think)gentials?


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
Hey, does anyone know if cybernetic eyes and stuff have been implemented yet? Any idea what they'd do, or what you could get beyond eyes and (I think)gentials?
Cybernetic parts haven't been implemented. As to what they'd do, I really don't have any decent idea, but I do know that (at least) arms and legs would also be replaceable.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Jerynn is a good character tho.


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2016
Jerynn is a good character tho.

Honestly, I'm not sure what to think.
My first encounter was on the Bar, and since she has only 1 sex scene, I didn't paid much attention to her (tho that detail of her taking a pic totally had my steam going). Later I had the first rescue, which was ok. Went to the bar, same sex scene. So started to get frozen to see where the whole undersuit theme was going, and really liked it. Quite original, with the usual pet/dom touch, very hot. Did this, went getting hotter... ti'll all of a sudden, big block of text. Uh-oh. Got a whole sequence without options of anything except "next", which got quite hot ti'll the mutilation-implants. There I was like "eeeuhhmm.. ok"... tooo close to guro, but still somewhat acceptable. From there it was getting colder for me, and the final result just creeped me the f**k outta me. Like getting a cold water bucket thrown. Like getting speechless and mood totally killed.
It's pretty well written but waaay far out of my tastes, to the point I lost interest on her.
In any case I had to read the file here to actually understand what happened. I didn't got any questions from her, neither a collar or anything (I did got her telling me to get the collar off, and I was wondering wth was she talking).
But now, if I ever get frozen, it's insta-bad end, since whenever she rescues me, there's no option to back out.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Maybe just don't proc her Bad End next time. You should always be able to get out of it, there's no way to be locked in. You can also choose not to get cybernetics.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2016
While I do agree that Jerryn is only interesting in the beginning and not in the later scenes what with the amputation...:confused: *goes green remembering that scene*

I do believe we've deviated from the topic of this discussion.

@ScarletteKnight The Cybernetic Eyes exist in code and can be gained from the save editor; you edit the Head tab and customize the eyes with synthetic. I like that the perk Cybernetic Synchronization works as intended as having the cybernetic eyes alone increases INT by 5. So it feels very fitting as the eyes serve like an inbuilt computer, so we have to wait patiently (or maybe until one of us decide to write) for the scenes required in obtaining them.


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2016
Maybe just don't proc her Bad End next time. You should always be able to get out of it, there's no way to be locked in. You can also choose not to get cybernetics.

Nope, that's what I mean.
If I get frozen, she comes to rescue. And her dominance (I guess?) is at a point in which I can't refuse. When we're back at home I can't refuse, the option is greyed out, and she never asks, she simply carries away with the surgery, and bad end. Also, I never had the dialogs where she asks my opinion on changes, that's why I had to read the code here (from Gedan?) to see the actual development.
In any case, there's enough equipment to prevent freezing, so there's not much worry *thumbs up*

While I do agree that Jerryn is only interesting in the beginning and not in the later scenes what with the amputation...:confused: *goes green remembering that scene*

Up ti'll there, I was still ok.
I would actually had keep playing with the "petified" cyberpet Steele (doesn't lacks certain kink). But then... the rest. Ugh. Not for my taste.

Sorry for derailing :p

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
You can't refuse her saving you if you've submitted enough, that much is true, but then afterwards you can choose to get out of her coat and the bad end. It is literally impossible that the option to nope out of the bad end is greyed out for you because in the code all of the disabled buttons are for the sex scenes and not the bad end. And even then they're only disabled for PCs with the Peace of Mind perk.

Also, whether or not Jerynn gives you cybernetic limbs is dependent on your answers to her questions in a previous scene. Stop not reading.

Anyway post your save and I'll tell you what's going on with it.

EDIT: Actually, here's the exact place in the code. There's only one function that gives you the bad end and as you can see the other button to escape isn't disabled.
addButton(0, "Lemme Out", jerynnPetstuffBar, undefined, "Lemme Out", "A tempting offer, but you suspect it might be the last decision you get to make....");
addButton(1, "More Pls", jerynnPetstuffBadEnd, undefined, "More Pls", "Why keep playing this silly game? You could just have this all the time... forever.");
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2016
You can't refuse her saving you if you've submitted enough, that much is true, but then afterwards you can choose to get out of her coat and the bad end. It is literally impossible that the option to nope out of the bad end is greyed out for you because in the code all of the disabled buttons are for the sex scenes and not the bad end. And even then they're only disabled for PCs with the Peace of Mind perk.

Also, whether or not Jerynn gives you cybernetic limbs is dependent on your answers to her questions in a previous scene. Stop not reading.

Anyway post your save and I'll tell you what's going on with it.

EDIT: Actually, here's the exact place in the code. There's only one function that gives you the bad end and as you can see the other button to escape isn't disabled.

I'll sure check it out, thanks!
But again, I never had the questions! I know there are questions because I read the docs here. And I would have noticed them, since there are several options to choose, and I never saw any (just as I see she can give you a collar for the collection, but despite her telling me to "take it off", I never got it, nor is in my inventory). Those type of dialogs are very specific, and I always pay attention to carefully build the path I like/want.
But I'll check carefully what you mean. I had some other small issues, and they got corrected with every latest build, so maybe this one got too.