Adventures In Modding

Upcast Drake

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
Southeast USA
I remember having this problem once too, but I don't remember the fix. Try some Google-fu maybe?

Check task manager when you're trying to compile and see how much memory java.exe peaks at.
Jun 8, 2017
Hrm. Well, here's my output log, anyway:
Running process: C:\Program Files (x86)\FlashDevelop\Tools\fdbuild\fdbuild.exe "C:\Users\joe19_000\Documents\Miscellaneous\Pictures\TiTS-Public-master\TiTSFD.as3proj" -ipc f2d30202-d553-4756-8b05-4e2d4a8d3808 -version "4.6.0; 25.0" -compiler "C:\Users\joe19_000\AppData\Local\FlashDevelop\Apps\flexairsdk\4.6.0+25.0.0" -library "C:\Program Files (x86)\FlashDevelop\Library"
Building TiTSFD
mxmlc -load-config+=obj\TiTSFDConfig.xml -debug=true -incremental=true -swf-version=22 -o obj\TiTSFD636326312249693668
Starting java as: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_131\bin\java -Xmx2084m -Duser.language=en -Duser.region=US -Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort=true -Dapplication.home="C:\Users\joe19_000\AppData\Local\FlashDevelop\Apps\flexairsdk\4.6.0+25.0.0" -jar "C:\Users\joe19_000\AppData\Local\FlashDevelop\Apps\flexairsdk\4.6.0+25.0.0\lib\fcsh.jar"
INITIALIZING: Error occurred during init
Starting new compile.
Build succeeded
[No debug Flash player connection request]
It says there's an error during initializing, so... That's weird. And so far, google has been unhelpful for finding anything; three years ago, some people had the same bug, but that bug was supposedly patched.

Upcast Drake

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
Southeast USA
4GB would definitely be cutting it close. The compiler can realistically use around 1.8GB by itself. My system with the compiler running, a few chrome tabs going, FlashDevelop open, and Word open is using 6.2GB.

OH! One idea that might work. Go into task manager and kill java.exe. Now try to compile again- it will say it succeeds but it won't. Now here's the magic, try to compile one more time without doing anything fancy.
Jun 8, 2017
Task manager doesn't show java.exe, or anything Java-like. Also, worth mentioning, compiling happens in less than a minute. Which I think is very definitely not supposed to happen.

Upcast Drake

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
Southeast USA
Make sure you hit "More Details", and if it's not under the "Processes" tab try the "Details" tab, and click the "Memory" column to sort by memory usage.
Jun 8, 2017
1.6GB out of 3.9 total. I'm gonna try restarting my computer, see if that helps any.

EDIT: It did not. I'm gonna uninstall Java and re-install it, see if that helps.

EDIT 2: It did not help. Fuck it, I'm gonna go write the flavor-text for this project.
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Jun 8, 2017
Alright, I altered the jvm.config for the other SDK and switched over to that. Now the error is with in Classes. It says I can't nest packages, and also that there's an issue with line 2. Which contains a single curly brace.

I'm gonna turn off chrome for a bit, see if I can clear up some memory for when I get this shit working and compiling; probably gonna need all the RAM I can get.

EDIT: The issue became "Java ran out of heap space, at 384MB." I changed the jvm.config to allocate a single gigabyte, just to see what would happen, and so far it seems to be working. Still compiling right now, though.
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Upcast Drake

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
Southeast USA
It should work with 1GB, just take longer than with 2GB. I guess if you don't have 2GB and that makes it error that's your best option.
Jun 8, 2017
Behold the exciting new fuckup:
Running process: C:\Program Files (x86)\FlashDevelop\Tools\fdbuild\fdbuild.exe "C:\Users\joe19_000\Documents\Miscellaneous\Pictures\TiTS-Public-master CLEAN COPY\TiTSFD.as3proj" -ipc e6772cb4-fb87-4f97-86dd-5fde8c7b6d2d -version "4.6.0; 3.1" -compiler "C:\Users\joe19_000\AppData\Local\FlashDevelop\Apps\flexsdk\4.6.0" -library "C:\Program Files (x86)\FlashDevelop\Library"
Building TiTSFD
mxmlc -load-config+=obj\TiTSFDConfig.xml -debug=true -incremental=true -swf-version=22 -o obj\TiTSFD636326392585317033
Starting java as: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_131\bin\java -Xmx1024m -Duser.language=en -Duser.region=US -Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort=true -Dapplication.home="C:\Users\joe19_000\AppData\Local\FlashDevelop\Apps\flexsdk\4.6.0" -jar "C:\Users\joe19_000\AppData\Local\FlashDevelop\Apps\flexsdk\4.6.0\lib\fcsh.jar"
INITIALIZING: Adobe Flex Compiler SHell (fcsh)
Starting new compile.
Loading configuration file C:\Users\joe19_000\AppData\Local\FlashDevelop\Apps\flexsdk\4.6.0\frameworks\flex-config.xml
Loading configuration file C:\Users\joe19_000\Documents\Miscellaneous\Pictures\TiTS-Public-master CLEAN COPY\obj\TiTSFDConfig.xml
Initial setup: 234ms
start loading swcs 6ms Running Total: 240ms
Loaded 31 SWCs: 323ms
precompile: 611ms
Files: 1991 Time: 207480ms
Total time: 208045ms
Peak memory usage: 833 MB (Heap: 814, Non-Heap: 19)
C:\Users\joe19_000\Documents\Miscellaneous\Pictures\TiTS-Public-master CLEAN COPY\classes\UIComponents\ContentModules\ Warning: The use of SVG has been deprecated since Flex 4. Please use FXG.
C:\Users\joe19_000\Documents\Miscellaneous\Pictures\TiTS-Public-master CLEAN COPY\classes\UIComponents\SideBarComponents\ col: 27 Error: Access of undefined property Color.
            _progressColor.color = Color.interpolateColor(low, high, scaleValue);
C:\Users\joe19_000\Documents\Miscellaneous\Pictures\TiTS-Public-master CLEAN COPY\classes\UIComponents\SideBarComponents\ col: 18 Error: Definition fl.motion:Color could not be found.
    import fl.motion.Color;
C:\Users\joe19_000\Documents\Miscellaneous\Pictures\TiTS-Public-master CLEAN COPY\classes\UIComponents\ col: 18 Error: Definition fl.motion:Color could not be found.
    import fl.motion.Color;
C:\Users\joe19_000\Documents\Miscellaneous\Pictures\TiTS-Public-master CLEAN COPY\classes\UIComponents\SideBarComponents\ col: 23 Error: Definition fl.transitions:Tween could not be found.
    import fl.transitions.Tween;
C:\Users\joe19_000\Documents\Miscellaneous\Pictures\TiTS-Public-master CLEAN COPY\classes\UIComponents\ col: 23 Error: Definition fl.transitions:Tween could not be found.
    import fl.transitions.Tween;
C:\Users\joe19_000\Documents\Miscellaneous\Pictures\TiTS-Public-master CLEAN COPY\classes\UIComponents\ col: 23 Error: Definition fl.transitions:TweenEvent could not be found.
    import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
C:\Users\joe19_000\Documents\Miscellaneous\Pictures\TiTS-Public-master CLEAN COPY\classes\UIComponents\ col: 30 Error: Definition fl.transitions.easing:Regular could not be found.
    import fl.transitions.easing.Regular;
C:\Users\joe19_000\Documents\Miscellaneous\Pictures\TiTS-Public-master CLEAN COPY\classes\ col: 11 Error: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Tween.
            var tw:Tween = new Tween(whatTheFuck, "x", None.easeNone, start, end, 12, false);
C:\Users\joe19_000\Documents\Miscellaneous\Pictures\TiTS-Public-master CLEAN COPY\classes\ col: 23 Error: Call to a possibly undefined method Tween.
            var tw:Tween = new Tween(whatTheFuck, "x", None.easeNone, start, end, 12, false);
C:\Users\joe19_000\Documents\Miscellaneous\Pictures\TiTS-Public-master CLEAN COPY\classes\ col: 47 Error: Access of undefined property None.
            var tw:Tween = new Tween(whatTheFuck, "x", None.easeNone, start, end, 12, false);
C:\Users\joe19_000\Documents\Miscellaneous\Pictures\TiTS-Public-master CLEAN COPY\classes\ col: 23 Error: Definition fl.transitions:Tween could not be found.
    import fl.transitions.Tween;
C:\Users\joe19_000\Documents\Miscellaneous\Pictures\TiTS-Public-master CLEAN COPY\classes\ col: 30 Error: Definition fl.transitions.easing:None could not be found.
    import fl.transitions.easing.None;
Build halted with errors (fcsh)
Jun 8, 2017
Alright! Well, after a lot of trial and even more error, it works! And, naturally, as soon as I compiled the .swf and opened it up, I discovered that exactly none of my modifications to the code did a goddamn thing.

Upcast Drake

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
Southeast USA
Gratz! If you make any files in the /includes folder you have to manually import them in Other than that, I'm not sure. I'm signing off for tonight though.


Apr 23, 2017
Following your backandforth I have also been able to solve things on my end.
I can now compile the basic code, yeah^^

Now to fuck it all up when I try to make changes


New Member
Nov 8, 2016
ok i been getting this when i debug or make my own release how can i fix please

C:\Users\Robinson\Desktop\TITS\TiTS-Public-master\classes\UIComponents\SideBarComponents\ col: 27 Error: Access of undefined property Color.
C:\Users\Robinson\Desktop\TITS\TiTS-Public-master\classes\UIComponents\SideBarComponents\ col: 18 Error: Definition fl.motion:Color could not be found.
C:\Users\Robinson\Desktop\TITS\TiTS-Public-master\classes\UIComponents\SideBarComponents\ col: 23 Error: Definition fl.transitions:Tween could not be found.
C:\Users\Robinson\Desktop\TITS\TiTS-Public-master\classes\UIComponents\ col: 18 Error: Definition fl.motion:Color could not be found.
C:\Users\Robinson\Desktop\TITS\TiTS-Public-master\classes\ col: 11 Error: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Tween.
C:\Users\Robinson\Desktop\TITS\TiTS-Public-master\classes\ col: 23 Error: Call to a possibly undefined method Tween.
C:\Users\Robinson\Desktop\TITS\TiTS-Public-master\classes\ col: 47 Error: Access of undefined property None.
C:\Users\Robinson\Desktop\TITS\TiTS-Public-master\classes\ col: 23 Error: Definition fl.transitions:Tween could not be found.
C:\Users\Robinson\Desktop\TITS\TiTS-Public-master\classes\ col: 30 Error: Definition fl.transitions.easing:None could not be found.

Upcast Drake

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
Southeast USA
ok i been getting this when i debug or make my own release how can i fix please

C:\Users\Robinson\Desktop\TITS\TiTS-Public-master\classes\UIComponents\SideBarComponents\ col: 27 Error: Access of undefined property Color.
C:\Users\Robinson\Desktop\TITS\TiTS-Public-master\classes\UIComponents\SideBarComponents\ col: 18 Error: Definition fl.motion:Color could not be found.
C:\Users\Robinson\Desktop\TITS\TiTS-Public-master\classes\UIComponents\SideBarComponents\ col: 23 Error: Definition fl.transitions:Tween could not be found.
C:\Users\Robinson\Desktop\TITS\TiTS-Public-master\classes\UIComponents\ col: 18 Error: Definition fl.motion:Color could not be found.
C:\Users\Robinson\Desktop\TITS\TiTS-Public-master\classes\ col: 11 Error: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Tween.
C:\Users\Robinson\Desktop\TITS\TiTS-Public-master\classes\ col: 23 Error: Call to a possibly undefined method Tween.
C:\Users\Robinson\Desktop\TITS\TiTS-Public-master\classes\ col: 47 Error: Access of undefined property None.
C:\Users\Robinson\Desktop\TITS\TiTS-Public-master\classes\ col: 23 Error: Definition fl.transitions:Tween could not be found.
C:\Users\Robinson\Desktop\TITS\TiTS-Public-master\classes\ col: 30 Error: Definition fl.transitions.easing:None could not be found.
That's your flash.swc not being configured correctly. You should post in the main thread tho, this one just had a few possible fixes from before.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2018
Minnesota, USA
If anyone else is having the issue with the file size being 0, set FlashDevelop to run as administrator, that fixed it for me.

Also had to use 1024 for the jvm config instead of 2048 even though my laptop has 16gb of ram. A limitation of the x86 Java version maybe.
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Upcast Drake

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
Southeast USA
If anyone else is having the issue with the file size being 0, set FlashDevelop to run as administrator, that fixed it for me.

Also had to use 1024 for the jvm config instead of 2048 even though my laptop has 16gb of ram. A limitation of the x86 Java version maybe.
Oh neat, Google says the 32 bit is limited to 1.6gb, the more you know.


New Member
May 30, 2018
Hi, so I've recently tried going through your "Guide to Using TiTS Source Code" as well as this article and keep getting errors when I try to "build" the game and I am unsure these errors are happening. They look like this...

C:\Users\Ryan\Desktop\Project\TiTS-Public-master\classes\Resources\ Warning: The use of SVG has been deprecated since Flex 4. Please use FXG.
C:\Users\Ryan\Desktop\Project\TiTS-Public-master\classes\UIComponents\ContentModules\ col: 26 Error: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: UIScrollBar.
private var _scrollBar:UIScrollBar;
C:\Users\Ryan\Desktop\Project\TiTS-Public-master\classes\UIComponents\ContentModules\ col: 21 Error: Call to a possibly undefined method UIScrollBar.
_scrollBar = new UIScrollBar();
C:\Users\Ryan\Desktop\Project\TiTS-Public-master\classes\UIComponents\ContentModules\ col: 20 Error: Definition fl.controls:UIScrollBar could not be found.
import fl.controls.UIScrollBar;
C:\Users\Ryan\Desktop\Project\TiTS-Public-master\classes\UIComponents\ContentModuleComponents\ col: 37 Error: The definition of base class ScrollPane was not found.
public class PerkClassTree extends ScrollPane
C:\Users\Ryan\Desktop\Project\TiTS-Public-master\classes\UIComponents\ col: 42 Error: The definition of base class CellRenderer was not found.
public class CustomCellRenderer extends CellRenderer
C:\Users\Ryan\Desktop\Project\TiTS-Public-master\classes\UIComponents\ContentModuleComponents\ col: 48 Error: The definition of base class ScrollPane was not found.
public class MailTreeElementContainer extends ScrollPane
C:\Users\Ryan\Desktop\Project\TiTS-Public-master\classes\UIComponents\ContentModuleComponents\ col: 49 Error: The definition of base class ScrollPane was not found.
public class CodexTreeElementContainer extends ScrollPane
Build halted with errors (fcsh).

Any help would be appreciated. :)


New Member
May 30, 2018
Did you download and add flash.swc or w/e the extension is to your FlashDevelop?

Yeah, I have the flash.swc file (Right from the forum post) and believe I have it set up correctly in the Project properties under Compiler options and then "SWC Libraries". I grabbed the file path straight from the search bar of my file explorer and then double checked again to make sure it was correct.

EDIT: I eventually found out what my problem was... when I was changing the SWC Libraries I thought I should replace the file paths that were already there. Upon realizing "Hey wait, that was a dumb mistake, why would you do that? It was probably there for a reason." then after adding back what I deleted everything worked fine for me.

Thanks for helping me out anyways though :)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2016
Tried following the guide but got stuck.

"Install it, then when you first open it there should be a window called "AppMan" with a bunch of optional stuff to install too. Check "Flex SDK + AIR SDK" and allow it to download."

However, there are no options anywhere on the AppMan program. It's blank.
It says "Item list could not be loaded" and I can't figure out what's causing this.