Adventure High


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2015
Hello, I am Changer, and I have been working on an Adult game for a little over a year. Someone recommended to me that I mention the game here for advice and feedback so here I am.

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Adventure High is an RPG/Visual Novel set in a school that teaches adult students how to harness their unique magical gifts so that they can survive in the wilderness as explorers. Every person has a magical gift which helps determine the kinds of magic they are good at, and what spells they will learn in any of the four major schools of magic. The main character's gift is Control; whether you use this gift to become the hero of the school, or put the school and everyone in it under your power is up to you.

The main fetish themes in the game are Mind Control and Transformation, though in both cases, they are still optional. There is even a plot-line that involves not using your magic to manipulate anyone. Here are some images that appear in the game without the UI elements in the way (the UI can be hidden), and a couple screen caps from the game.







There are now 22 characters in the game, of which 20 are enslaveable, and most so far can be dated. There are also now well over 100 CGs in the game..

This is the first time I've worked on a game of this scale, and also the first adult game I have worked on. So, any advice and feedback would be appreciated.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
While I haven't played much yet, the one thing I do recommend is having a health bar for enemies. It does get annoying wondering how many more attacks are needed.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Wow, straight to the Showcase on your first post.  Some mod must really like your game.  Actually, I'm loving it myself too.  Not many games give mind control this much power, and I can't wait for more content to be added.

While I haven't played much yet, the one thing I do recommend is having a health bar for enemies. It does get annoying wondering how many more attacks are needed.

The first few enemies are the only ones you really need to guess on.  By the time your party is at level 4 and up it shouldn't take more that 2 hits.  It would help on that bomb monster though.  I spent a while using "Freeze" on it without noticing that it wasn't doing any damage.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Wow, straight to the Showcase on your first post.  Some mod must really like your game.  Actually, I'm loving it myself too.  Not many games give mind control this much power, and I can't wait for more content to be added.

The first few enemies are the only ones you really need to guess on.  By the time your party is at level 4 and up it shouldn't take more that 2 hits.  It would help on that bomb monster though.  I spent a while using "Freeze" on it without noticing that it wasn't doing any damage.
There's no need for a mod to give permission to post in here, it just has to have something playable or be complete.  Only full games or demos are allowed in here and only a single thread per game, no other threads.


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2015
I actually have no idea why I had not thought of adding health bars before. I will try to work on adding some. 

Whew; I was worried I had critically misread the FAQ when first reading Tinman's post. ^__^; 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I actually appreciate the lack of health bars. It makes things less predictable. You will need to show status in some way, but I much prefer vague messages to hard numbers. 

For example, if your opponent has 8 HP left, and youkknow you'll do three points of damage per turn and always act first, you know you'll win in three turns. Even if, through a similar deduction, you know that you would lose in four. If the game just says something along the lines of "your opponent won't last much longer", the player would have to take a chance: play it safe and drink a potion, or take a risk,  save the potion and heal for free after the battle.

Personally, I feel the latter scenario is far more interesting. Others think the lack of information is annoying. You'll have to make that choice, you can't please everyone. Unless you make both with an option to toggle between them. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2015
Well, I wasn't going to put numbers on the health bar; as that would make Julia's HP Intel spell pretty much useless. I'm thinking of just having a bar that can be used to gauge the relative progress towards killing the monster, rather than it's exact strength. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Whew; I was worried I had critically misread the FAQ when first reading Tinman's post. ^__^; 

Nope, it's just been a while and I forgot that this was a place for game creators to post their work and not just a place for the good stuff to be gathered.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
I actually have no idea why I had not thought of adding health bars before. I will try to work on adding some. 

Whew; I was worried I had critically misread the FAQ when first reading Tinman's post. ^__^; 

Odd, I thought it was intentional, to give Julia a use. Which reminds me, I read that Julia has 4 spells in total, but I've only gotten 2: the initial Intel, and the HP one. -- Wanted to ask "Do I have to use one, or both of, them more, or is it something else?"

Edit: Should have read further down, though the point still stands, even without numerical, it'll tell you know much HP is left, to a degree. I would rather have the sprite changed to a more beaten/worn down version then have the HP bar xD
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Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2015
For the most part, spells are learned by casting spells within the school that you want to get a new spell in. So, characters with no spells in a certain school of magic can only learn new spells within that school by attending the matching secret classes. 

I see your point about battle damage; that might be more immersive than a health bar would be and would still help give an indicator of progress.


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2015
Adventure High 0.17 is now finished. Here's a list of the new features in this version:

- Cassandra added to game
- Cassandra Intel available from Julia
- Intel available from Enslaved Julia, if she is in her normal personality.
- 1 new Julia (enslaved, normal personality) scene added.
- 1 scene added for Sarah and Cassandra
- ~5 scenes added for Cassandra
- Cassandra is now recruitable
- Cassandra is now enslavable
- Cassandra Library scenes added
- Cassandra personality change sequences added
- Duel with Cassandra added
- 1 new monster
- 2 old monsters' artwork replaced
- 1 new floor added
- 1 new note added
- 1 new secret class
- New interactions added for Julia's intel
- Old dungeon battle background replaced
- Val's greetings in bedroom when enslaved expanded to match each personality
- Alternate confrontation by Sarah if Val has left your party at the time.
- 5 new "Slave Chatter" scenes added (Random chance of a chatter scene playing out when entering your bedroom if you have the right slaves in the right personalities.)


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
Hmm, just tried the new version, and I'm lost on how to enslave Cassandra.

Julia explained I need her to let me cast on her, but when I accepted her deal, there were no new events; after I fight her there are only 2 spells that can be casted, boost, which she reacts to, and suppression, which just skips the dialog to around the last 3. -- Possibly a bug (dialog skip).
I'm probably missing something again, like level needs to be 10, or just being impatient, so I'll try a few more ways then ask for a hint if I can't figure it out.

Also, Julia is suppose to start with only one spell, and learn 3 others, of the same branch, right?

Lastly, why do only party members attend the secret classes, and not the whole 'team'?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
how do you find cassandra

There are 2 ways.

If you have enslaved Val in the tutorial then you have to enslave Julia and make her obsessed with pleasing you.  She'll fight a Cassandra fangirl in the hall and you'll get your shot at enslaving Cassandra.  If you don't enslave Vale in the tutorial then there's an encounter in Drape's classroom that can lead to a fight with Cassandra.


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2015
Actually it's Sarah, not Val who Cassandra has a fight with. 

Enslaving Cassandra is a lot more difficult than the others. I'll put the answer to that in a spoiler tag.

During the duel, you need to cast Boost on her a few times to transform her. The battle will end, with Cassandra demanding to be changed back. If you agree, she will lower her guard and you can cast Suppression on her instead to enslave her.This is sort of hinted at by Julia saying that physical magic can't be resisted, and a few places in the game making mention of Boost not technically being a healing spell. It is still harder to figure out than anything else in the game though so far.


Active Member
Nov 18, 2015
Good game! and very interesting! I wish I could explore the dungeon without being annoyed by random battle all the time. Also it's kinda weird that I can't do anything lewd to a girl under my complete control in my bedroom.


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2015
Well, your mom lives there too, so too much noise might make her notice you building a harem in your room. I am planning on her going on vacation or something once you are "settled in" at the school once I have the art for more lewd scenes done. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Actually it's Sarah, not Val who Cassandra has a fight with.

Sorry, haven't actually done that path yet.  I just went looking for a walkthrough in the blog comments during the Live Update before I realized that only applied to patrons.

Good game! and very interesting! I wish I could explore the dungeon without being annoyed by random battle all the time. Also it's kinda weird that I can't do anything lewd to a girl under my complete control in my bedroom.

Those encounters are the only way to gain new spells once you've unlocked that spell class.  They're a lot more useful than annoying if you're looking to acquire more spells to enslave new girls.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
So there's currently no way to get both Ms. Rack and Cassandra? Well, I don't regret my choice.

Anyway, have you considered adding in some sort of sign in the spell list that tells you if you can unlock another power in combat? Maybe something like an empty square just below your last power.


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2015
@Tinman: It's okay. I do have a walkthrough released now for 0.17. It took me a couple days after the release to finish writing it, which is why it wasn't available right away. 

@Klaptrap: You can get Ms. Rack and Cassandra in the same file. Cassandra can be met through Fanatic Julia, or through un-enslaved Sarah. In 0.16 you couldn't get Ms. Rack and Julia in the same file, but in this version you can get intel from Julia after she has been enslaved if you change her personality back to her normal personality. 

I can probably change the spell menu to have blank tiles for spells you can learn. I'll try to work on that for the next update. 


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
I have made a good guy run so far and I haven't encountered a single lewd scene so far, is that intended and/or will there be scenes added for that kind of playstyle?


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
I have made a good guy run so far and I haven't encountered a single lewd scene so far, is that intended and/or will there be scenes added for that kind of playstyle?

Other than making girls flash their tits, there isn't any lewd content in the bad guy path yet either.  This game is still very early in development.  There is an intended love system you can get a glimpse of by using the love spell on Val after entering her mind.


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2015
There will be lewd content in the good guy path eventually. For the good guy path though, it'll depend on forming a relationship with a girl as opposed to simply brainwashing her. (Although, the good guy can use the love spell to push things along without automatically counting as going down the enslavement path. There will probably be a different ending for using the love spell excessively though.)


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2015
I just finished version 0.18, so here's a list of what's new in the game: 

- Julia's Intel changed. You can now choose who to get intel on freely..
- New intel for Val
- New Intel for Sarah
- Intel on Cassandra now requires the third note to be turned in.
- 1 monster's art updated
- 1 new combat background
- Combat UI re-arranged
- Fixed bug that caused game over not to occur with only two party members.
- 1 new scene for Cowed Cassandra. (If you change Cassandra into a cow, and refuse to change her back)
- 1 new scene for Sarah
- 1 new spell for Dan/Rosa
- 1 new spell for Julia (It's a Physical spell though, so it can't be learned yet.)
- 1 new spell for Val
- 1 new spell for Cassandra
- Charm can now be cast on Sarah during scene where she asks for healing.
- 1 new scene involving charmed Sarah added.
- Defense formula modified, and monster stats altered to be more balanced.
- Status ailments modified to be easier to recover from over time. (Re-Applying the status ailment resets the decay)
- EXP from monsters reduced slightly.
- 1 new Charmed Val scene
- 1 new drawing added to Ms. Rack's enslavement scene
- 1 new Ms. Rack Scene on heroic path
- Unknown, but learn-able spells now appear as blank icons


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2015
Thanks, I am trying to squeeze in some interface improvements as I can. Haven't been able to get to everything that needs to be fixed/improved yet though. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Bug report: Julie's "Test hit" attack causes you to end up being stuck after you try to use it since the attack can't actually target anything.  I will also note that it was rather annoying to actually give her this power, as far as I can tell you have to get one of the later note lessons first, then enslave her and go to the secret strength class with her in your party.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2015
Ah, I had forgotten to capitalize a letter in one of the calls for the spell being cast. The next update will be out soon, so I have it fixed for that version.

You shouldn't have to wait to enslave Julia; once she has been enslaved as long as you have her in your party when attending the physical magic class she'll learn her first physical spell. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Ah, I had forgotten to capitalize a letter in one of the calls for the spell being cast. The next update will be out soon, so I have it fixed for that version.

You shouldn't have to wait to enslave Julia; once she has been enslaved as long as you have her in your party when attending the physical magic class she'll learn her first physical spell. 

You need to attend at least one secret class before Julia actually appears in the library.  That's why you have to skip the strength class and attend a different one first.