Adorable Aurora


Nov 21, 2015
Am I the only one who wants to adopt the hell out of Aurora? She's just far too precious and deserves lots of hugs. She's setting off my Steele's mothering instincts hard.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
I want her on my ship- not to have sex, but to just start jamming her devices onto it as my ships engineer, and be damned with the backblast!


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
 OP, you are most certainly not alone, Embry's and Shekka's example should make it quite obvious that a lot of people here love cute stuff.

I want her on my ship- not to have sex, but to just start jamming her devices onto it as my ships engineer, and be damned with the backblast!

Steele's ship is most likely considered to be no better than a brothel at this point, clearly not a good environment for a minor, and officials won't approve.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Because Tarkus is so much better for a Innocent minor?

She's at the safest location on that planet; a densely populated ship, and from her conversations the Raskvel treat her well enough. Bringing her to a more central planet certainly wouldn't be any safer, as she's likely to draw unwanted attention from say... Xenogen... or slavers, or any number of interested parties. She's considered the only member of her race as far as anyone knows- makes her a rather rather big catch.

And yes, she's adorable. Question: despite her picture pegging her as 16ish, the writing has me thinking 12 tops. Does she have a canon age? What age did she strike you guys as?


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
Then again her race is unknown, so who knows when Physical and mental maturity hit? For her race Mental might be lagging behind physical slightly. As for her cannon age, it's Underaged. She doesn't even know how old she is if memory serves me well.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Can we get a silly scene with Chris Hansen?


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
Can we get a silly scene with Chris Hansen?

Inb4 Write it yourself.

But serriously, that could be a funny moment. Wouldn't be hard to write a one page encounter where a Human inspector name Hand Chrisen pops in just as you walk in and see a broken sex bot laying in the cornor and assumes you gave it to her.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
And yes, she's adorable. Question: despite her picture pegging her as 16ish, the writing has me thinking 12 tops. Does she have a canon age? What age did she strike you guys as?

She is definitely closer to twelve than sixteen.

Unless that ship has to go to orbit. Then she literally gets SUCKED INTO SPACE AND DIES.

Or used to. I think Ted wrote a thing where she survives that now.

I probably should go back just to make blowing up Tarkus a cost. Then absolutely no one would do it.  :allears:


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I probably should go back just to make blowing up Tarkus a cost. Then absolutely no one would do it.  :allears:

But if you make it a cost then we'll never see any member of her race ever. *sad face* Or do you planning add somewhere another one Aurora-like npc?


Aug 26, 2015
Unless that ship has to go to orbit. Then she literally gets SUCKED INTO SPACE AND DIES.

Or used to. I think Ted wrote a thing where she survives that now.

I probably should go back just to make blowing up Tarkus a cost. Then absolutely no one would do it.  :allears:

I implemented a fix some time back where she goes missing when she is never met or the shields are never turned on (during Anno's quest) before Tarkus explodes, so players can have either way with her fate. Initially, activating the shields had no consequences whatsoever, so after someone mentioned that, I thought it was necessary to link Aurora to it.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
What were those shields even supposed to do anyway? Also, isn't it that you can't access Anno's quest until /after/ the save/blowup Tarkus quest? 


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
What were those shields even supposed to do anyway? Also, isn't it that you can't access Anno's quest until /after/ the save/blowup Tarkus quest? 

No, you don't need to do the dungeon before you can do Anno's quest. And I think the shield is for ensuring Aurora lives if the planet does blow up.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
No, you don't need to do the dungeon before you can do Anno's quest. And I think the shield is for ensuring Aurora lives if the planet does blow up.

Well yes now the shield is for saving Aurora, but according to Jacques00, before he made that change the shields did nothing. Which makes me wonder what the original idea for them was.


Aug 26, 2015
Well yes now the shield is for saving Aurora, but according to Jacques00, before he made that change the shields did nothing. Which makes me wonder what the original idea for them was.

I think the shields were supposed to decide whether or not Novahome survived at all in the planet-splosion, but since there may have been a logistic hole with that and no backup content supporting it, the fate of Novahome was adjusted to be able to be revisited, with minor character blurbs, and the shields button's actual function was left unaccounted for.

As for Anno's quest, it could be done before or after doing the Stellar Tether quest, but it cannot be done if the planet has already exploded (at least that's how it should be set up so far)--so you can actually do it as the bomb timer is still ticking. The explosion should have wiped out the deeper levels of Novahome--although, I guess it may make sense to preserve that level if the shields were turned on and the planet exploded, just so Steele can get to the goo armor followup if the proper option was chosen.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
She is amazingly adorable, I'd love to have her as my Science Officer on my ship. 


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Ah I see, that makes sense.

Though if I recall correctly, the section Anno sent us to (Level 13) is a higher up level from the level that is currently in, what with the fact you need to grapple up to it and all. So it should be intact post explosion, the real problem is that you need to enter it from the outside. Which is damn near impossible now, unless you want to do a spacewalk. 


Aug 26, 2015
But standing in the elevator from Deck 13, it reads:

You’re in the central elevator shaft, looking out into the empty security checkpoint. This can take you back up to the main floor of the Nova, or up to the docks.
Which I guess means Deck 13 is below Novahome's main deck and was supposed to additionally take Steele to the dock as well, but it was never wired up for it. I think entering from the outside was purely for the mission, as post-mission, the elevator works as it should (sans going to the dock level).

Edit: Okay, I added another consequence for not having the shields up when Tarkus explodes in the pull request (#508). If the shields were not up when the planet exploded, access to the elevator will be disabled. Anno's Nova Update blurb is tweaked a little bit to account for that, and there will be an extra blurb for escaping the explosion while still in Deck 13 when the explosion happens (with and without the shields activated).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Which I guess means Deck 13 is below Novahome's main deck and was supposed to additionally take Steele to the dock as well, but it was never wired up for it. I think entering from the outside was purely for the mission, as post-mission, the elevator works as it should (sans going to the dock level).

I think in few of old builds it was linking ship hangar, main nova deck and deck 13. But later I think around time taxi system was added hangar floor was changed slight and elevator that was connected to it was removed. leaving us now with only main and deck 13 floors connected by it.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
The shields were just something in the Tarkus brainstorm document, nothing ultimately really came of it.

Aurora survives because she's fly as hell, at least as far as I submitted her. She spins a yarn on the how.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The shields were just something in the Tarkus brainstorm document, nothing ultimately really came of it.

Aurora survives because she's fly as hell, at least as far as I submitted her. She spins a yarn on the how.

There's no future content for her is there, like she will remain on the Nova Home for the rest of the game right?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015