Additional Goo Options


Jul 20, 2022
On varying dosages of Galomax, you can shape your body however you so choose, though some options feel rather limited, or are lacking some choices.

To start-
Vaginal transformations. I think having mouth shape (ie Muffstick) should be one of the available options. That way repeated purchases of muffstick are no longer necessary.

Arm, legs, tails, and wing transformations. Very lacking beyond the option to revert them- though legs have a few more options. Legs already have the option to set foot type if on plantigrade or digitigrade, though it’s very limited to paws, hooves, and heels. The ability to set certain tags however like ‘avian’ is not present.

For tails, if you have tail genitals, the option to at least set what kind they are would be nice to have. IE choosing what dick type for your tail.