Currently, there are only two 'amazon' subraces, the "amazoness," which you need to be human for, and the "amazonian centaur," which you need to be a centaur for. I'd like there to be an "amazonian" variant of all the races.
It'd be slightly less annoying to code than it appears, because you could simply add a new 'if' check after the "alien hybrid" 'if' check, and use it to call a function 'amazonRace' if the amazon score was above 4. Amazonrace would simply affix 'amazonian' to the race name if it wasn't already there.
The decompiler I'm using refuses to recompile even if I don't change anything, so I can't test the script, and to make matters worse, I've never used Actionscript or anything related to flash programming before, so I'm 90% sure I'm missing something vital.
It'd be slightly less annoying to code than it appears, because you could simply add a new 'if' check after the "alien hybrid" 'if' check, and use it to call a function 'amazonRace' if the amazon score was above 4. Amazonrace would simply affix 'amazonian' to the race name if it wasn't already there.
~~~~ previous lines in script ~~~~
~~~~ interim lines in script~~~~
public function amazonRace(sRace:String = "") : String
if(race == "human" && this.humanScore() < 4)
if(this.amazonscore() >= 4)
return race;
race = "alien hybrid";
}if(this.amazonscore() >= 4)
}return race;
~~~~ interim lines in script~~~~
public function amazonRace(sRace:String = "") : String
if(sRace.indexOf("amazon") != -1)
if(sRace.indexOf("alien hybrid") != -1)
return "Amazonian " + sRace;
return sRace;
}if(sRace.indexOf("alien hybrid") != -1)
sRace = sRace.replace("alien","");
}return "Amazonian " + sRace;
The decompiler I'm using refuses to recompile even if I don't change anything, so I can't test the script, and to make matters worse, I've never used Actionscript or anything related to flash programming before, so I'm 90% sure I'm missing something vital.
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