Adding additional 'amazon' subraces.

Currently, there are only two 'amazon' subraces, the "amazoness," which you need to be human for, and the "amazonian centaur," which you need to be a centaur for. I'd like there to be an "amazonian" variant of all the races.

It'd be slightly less annoying to code than it appears, because you could simply add a new 'if' check after the "alien hybrid" 'if' check, and use it to call a function 'amazonRace' if the amazon score was above 4. Amazonrace would simply affix 'amazonian' to the race name if it wasn't already there.

~~~~ previous lines in script ~~~~
if(race == "human" && this.humanScore() < 4)
race = "alien hybrid";​
if(this.amazonscore() >= 4)
return race;​
~~~~ interim lines in script~~~~
public function amazonRace(sRace:String = "") : String
if(sRace.indexOf("amazon") != -1)
return sRace;​
if(sRace.indexOf("alien hybrid") != -1)
sRace = sRace.replace("alien","");​
return "Amazonian " + sRace;​

The decompiler I'm using refuses to recompile even if I don't change anything, so I can't test the script, and to make matters worse, I've never used Actionscript or anything related to flash programming before, so I'm 90% sure I'm missing something vital.
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